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Literasi Media Baru di Kalangan Dosen Menanggapi Isu Politik dalam Pusaran Hoax dan Hate speech Ike Desi Florina
ETTISAL : Journal of Communication Vol 4, No 1 (2019): ETTISAL Journal of Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor collaboration with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ettisal.v4i1.2821


Abstrak Informasi Hoax dan Hate speech telah merajai dunia maya, beragam isu digunakan sebagai objek untuk menciptakan keresahan, konflik dan perpecahan melalui informasi tidak benar dan provokatif. Tak terkecuali isu politik yang juga masuk dalam pusaran informasi hoax dan hate speech. Sayangnya pelaku hoax dan hate speech masih muncul dikalangan dosen, yang notabenenya seorang berpendidikan tinggi dan dijadikan role model sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat sikap dosen dalam menanggapi informasi hoax dan hate speech khususnya terkait isu politik. Melalui pendekatan fenomenologi, diperoleh hasil penelitian : (a) penyebaran isu politik yang bersifat hoax dan hate speech banyak terjadi di media sosial facebook, whatsapp dan twitter, bahkan terjadi polarisasi dua kubu menjadi pendukung atau oposisi bagi masing-masing paslon (b) Aktivitas  di media sosial informan  memperlihatkan adanya kegiatan :  mengomentari sesuai kompetensi dan kredibilitasnya atau sekedar mengklarifikasi kebenaran berita. Aktivitas penyebaran informasi hoax maupun hate speech terkait isu politik, dilakukan karena informan memiliki ketertarikan dan kepentingan  politik yang sama atau sebaliknya. (c) Informasi hoax dan hate speech yang disebar, bukan berasal langsung dari yang bersangkutan, melainkan berasal dari tautan pertemanan di media sosial. Tak jarang pula dosen terlibat emosi dan terprovokasi oleh informasi hoax dan hate speech saat berkomentar dan menyebarkannya kembali (d) Sikap yang harus dimiliki seorang dosen : bersikap kritis, jangan mudah terprovokasi dan berpikiran objektif. AbstractInformation Hoax and Hate speech have dominated the virtual world, various issues are used as objects to create anxiety, conflict, and division through incorrect and provocative information. There is no exception to the political issue which is also included in the information hoax and hate speeches. Unfortunately, hoaxes and hate speeches still appear among lecturers, who in fact are highly educated and role models, so research needs to be done to see the attitudes of lecturers in responding to information on hoaxes and hate speech, especially related to political issues. Through the phenomenology approach, the results of the study were obtained: (a) the spread of hoax and hate speech political issues occurred on social media Facebook, Whatsapp and Twitter, even the polarization of two camps became supporters or opposition for each candidate pair (b) Activities in informant social media shows that there are activities: commenting on their competence and credibility or just clarifying the truth of the news. The activity of disseminating information on hoaxes and hate speech related to political issues is carried out because the informants have the same interests and political interests or vice versa. (c) Information on hoaxes and hate speeches that are distributed, not originating directly from those concerned, but derived from friendship links on social media. Not infrequently also lecturers engage in emotions and are provoked by information hoaxes and hate speeches when commenting and spreading it back (d) The attitude that must be possessed by a lecturer: being critical, not easily provoked and objective minded.
Pengembangan Usaha Olahan Ikan Di Desa Surodadi, Kabupaten Tegal Sri Mulyani; Ike Desi Florina; Hendrayana Hendrayana
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat 2019: 3. Pengembangan Usaha Mikro, kecildan Menengah (UMKM), Serta Ekonomi Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.883 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/ppm.23.427


Kegiatan usaha olahan di Desa Suradadi memiliki potensi sebagai pusat industri olahan ikan di Kab.Tegal. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk usaha peningkatan daya saing produk perikanan Desa Suradadimelalui Good Manufacturing Product. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah transferknowledge. Materi yang disampaikan wirausaha dan perizinan usaha, olahan ikan, serta perizinanPangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PIRT). Terdapat pula pelatihan secara langsung mengenai olahan ikanyang sehat dan non MSG, sebagai upaya pengembangan dan peningkatan daya saing produk perikananDesa Suradadi. Dalam kegiatan tersebut peserta diberikan pemahaman dan praktik langsung bagaimanamenerapkan salah satu syarat GMP dan upaya mendapatkan PIRT yang dimaksud. Hasil kegiatanmenunjukkan bahwa pada awalnya masyarakat pengolah kurang memahami tentang perizinan usaha,teknologi pengan dan olahan ikan yang sehat. Namun dengan adanya kegitan ini, peserta menjadi lebihpaham penerapan dan upaya-upaya dan dalam mendapatkan perizinan Industri Rumah Tangga, namunmasih diperlukanya fasilitasi dan pendampingan perizinan usaha dan peningkatan teknologi pengolahanpangan dari desa dan dinas terkait lebih lanjut lagi.
Pemberdayaan Perempuan Pesisir Menggerakkan Perajin Ikan Asap Menggunakan Tik Sebagai Media Promosi Ike Desi Florina; Itsna Hidayatul Khusna
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat 2019: 5. Pemberdayaan Kaum Perempuan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.953 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/ppm.25.451


Di Indonesia, perempuan sedang didorong untuk ikut dalam menggerakkan ekonomi keluarga.Salah satu strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah dengan menggunakan TIK (teknologi informasidan komunikasi). Desa Suradadi, Kabupaten Tegal ekonomi bergerak di bidang perikanan dan kelautan.Salah satu produk olahan hasil laut di desa tersebut adalah ikan asap, dan perempuan sebagai penggerakproduksi olahan hasil laut. Permasalahan muncul saat hasil ikan melimpah dan pengrajin ikan asaptidak sanggup memasarkan produk. Selama ini metode penjualan dilakukan masih tradisional dankurangnya promosi. Media sosial telah mengubah interaksi sosial yang ada di masyarakat, termasukkebiasan mereka membeli sebuah barang. Kegiatan ini bertujuan memberdayakan pengrajin ikan asapagar bisa menguasai TIK dan menggunakan strategi promosi yang baru. Metodenya dengan memberikanliterasi mengenai TIK dan melakukan pelatihan. Kegiatan literasi TIK, yakni memberikan pemahamanpentingnya penggunaan TIK, khususnya untuk melakukan promosi penjualan melalui pemasaran online.Kemudian mitra dilatih menggunakan smartphone dan media sosial sebagai sarana promosi produk, jugapelatihan pengambilan gambar guna maksimalisasi promosi online. Hasilnya adalah meningkatnyapengetahuan mitra tentang pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk promosi prduk.Terlihat dari pemahaman dan penguasaan mitra akan penggunaan smartphone dan keberhasilan mitramenggunakan media sosial, terbukti dengan pengelolaan akun yang kini sudah dilakukan mandiri olehmitra.
Pembuatan Kemasan Produk Ikan Asap sebagai Strategi Promosi Produk di Desa Suradadi, Tegal Ike Desi Florina; Sri Mulyani; Itsna Hidayatul Khusna
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1094.639 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.201944.233


MAKING SMOKED FISH PRODUCT PACKAGING IN SURADADI VILLAGE AS A PRODUCT PROMOTION STRATEGY. Promotion is the common problem for micro enterpreneur/start up to increase product selling. This problem has been problem for smoked fish producer in Suradadi Village, Tegal Regency. To resolve these problems, we as service society team made an action along with smoked fish producer as partner. In this activities we used several methodes that is socialization, building renovation, packaging, and promoting. The socialization was consist of promotion strategy socialization, and training in the use of social media. Renovation is done by replacing defective building, organizing and cleaning the place which located for place of business. Next is to make product packaging, so that the product looks more attractive to buy. Promotion activities was utilize social media for product promotion, and install signpost near roadway to point business place. The results achieved from this partnership activity are an increase in buyer knowledge of smoked fish products, and an increase in the number of buyers with the promotion of social media and the installation of signposts.
Publisher : Universitas Swadaya Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (742.996 KB) | DOI: 10.33603/signal.v9i2.6290


Kondisi pandemic yang baru dirasakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia diawal tahun 2020 yang lalu membuat perubahan tatanan kehidupan yang cukup signifikan. Masyarakat yang masih kurang dalam literasi Covid-19 sangat rentang sekali terhadap beritata borong (hoax) yang masih tersebar di media social terutama facebook. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana pola penyebaran hoaks di Facebook perihal informasi covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) dan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasilnya mengungkapkan informasi hoaks covid-19 pertama muncul di Facebook pada tanggal 26 Januari 2020, kemudian Facebook menjadi platform tertinggi dalam penyebaran hoaks (3.463 isu) yang dipercayai masyarakat sehingga salah satu sebab terhambatnya penanganan pandemic di Indonesia. Sedangkan dari analisis model Interactivity CMC dengan empat point utama (user, medium, message, dan communication setting), ditemukan bahwa user memiliki motif yang beragam dalam melakukan penyebaran hoaks, yakni melalui jenis hoaks yang disebarkannya. Pada medium, karakter Facebook yang tidak memerlukan banyak kuota memudahkan dalam mengaksesnya, serta fitur share yang memudahkan berbagi informasi, termasuk hoaks mengenai covid-19. Dari sisi message, pesan yang disebarluaskan oleh Facebook memiliki dampak atau pengaruh yang cukup signifikan terhadap pembentukan persepsi hingga opini public. Terakhir dari sisi comunication setting adalah Facebook dengan penawaran fiturnya menarik perhatian pengguna, link Facebook dengan media sosial lainnya seperti Instagram membuat semakin massifnya penyebaran informasi hoaks termasuk mengenai pandemic Covid-19.
Public Speaking Training at SMKN 1 Slawi Didi Permadi; Ike Desi Florina; Oemi Hartati; Sarwo Edy
ASEAN Journal of Empowering Community Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): ASEAN Journal of Empowering Community
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24905/ajecom/vol2issue2.42


One element most important from life socializing is interacting with other people. A person's verbal ability becomes very important because talking to other people will knowing ability someone and can rate it or know with term Public speaking. The phenomenon that happened  Moment this many held open Public speaking training for general or organized by the agency or school. Public speaking training shows existence needs will reference base for understanding basics speaking in front of general like at the start of the heyday rhetoric. The UPS Tegal Service Team scheduled the implementation of public speaking training at SMKN 1 Slawi as a form of Devotion To the Community. Destination holding is to improve the skills and abilities of students/participants in public speaking so that they can be applied in life daily or later in the world of work. Implementation use method lecture ( gift ) materials and training directly (workshop), with target participants SMKN 1 Slawi students as many as 50 participants. mplementation condwas ucted two-dayday implementations. Output from devotion to Public this is mass media publication or rise journal devotion UPS Tegal community.
Majalah Ilmiah Inspiratif Vol 9, No 17 (2023): Majalah Ilmiah Inspiratif Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pandanaran

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Komunikasi strategis merupakan salah satu konsentrasi yang berada di Ilmu Komunikasi UPS. Pengabdian kali ini adalah bentuk kolaborasi antara dosen dan mahasiswa komunikasi strategis semester 5. Adanya kegiatan ini merupakan pegaplikasian dari pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari dari mata kuliah Digital Marketing dan Integreated Marketing Communication. Implementasi pembelajaran yang menjadi upaya pengabdian masyarakat Kelurahan Mintaragen bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Masyarakat Kelurahan Mintaragen yang lokasinya berdekatan dengan kampus UPS ini banyak memiliki mata pencaharian sebagai wirausaha. Usaha yang tergolong UMKM ini cukup beragam, mulai dari kuliner, nelayan, usaha sembako, laundry dan lainnya. Namun usaha yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Mintaragen masih menggunakan cara konvensional. Untuk itu dalam pengabdian ini kami membuat kegiatan seminar yang dapat membantu masyarakat dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Target yang dicapai dalam pengabdian ini (1) mahasiswa mengimplementasikan pembelajarannya melalui presentasi (2) mahasiswa mengimplementasikan pembelajarannya melalui bazar dan pameran produk (3) melatih masyarakat dalam komunikasi pemasaran online. Tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan (1) persiapan (2) pendampingan mahasiswa (3)  seminar (4) presentasi mahasiswa ke masyarakat (5) bazar dan pameran produk. Kata Kunci : Digital Marketing, Integreated Marketing Communication, UMKM  Strategic communication is one of the concentrations in UPS Communication Studies. The service this time is a form of collaboration between lecturers and strategic communication students in semester 5. The existence of this activity is the application of the lessons that have been learned from Digital Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communication courses. Implementation of learning which is an effort of community service in Mintaragen Village aims to help the community in developing their business. The people of Mintaragen Village, which is located close to the UPS campus, have many livelihoods as entrepreneurs. Businesses that are classified as UMKM are quite diverse, ranging from culinary, fishing, basic food businesses, laundry and others. However, the efforts made by the Mintaragen community still use conventional methods. For this reason, in this service we make seminar activities that can help the community in developing their business. The targets achieved in this service are (1) students implement their learning through presentations (2) students implement their learning through bazaars and product exhibitions (3) train the public in online marketing communications. The stages of the activities carried out are (1) preparation (2) student assistance (3) seminars (4) student presentations to the community (5) bazaars and product exhibitions.Keywords: Digital Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, UMKM
Faktor Self-Acceptance Dan Interpersonal Skill Pada Individu Difabel Netra Sesya Dias Mumpuni; Ike Desi Florina; Sri Adi Nurhayati; Yulia Nur Ekawati; Eka Febry Setia Rini; Choirunnisa Adinda
Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Pandohop Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Pandohop
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

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This study aims to investigate the relationship between self-acceptance factors and interpersonal skills in individuals with visual impairments in the context of daily life. The following is a summary of the findings and key findings. Self-Acceptance as a Key Foundation: Self-acceptance has been shown to be an important foundation in the development of interpersonal skills of individuals with visual impairments. Individuals who have high self-acceptance tend to have healthier and stronger interpersonal relationships. Influence of Internal and External Factors: Internal factors such as self-image, self-perception, and level of self-confidence play an important role in the self-acceptance of people with visual impairments. In addition, social support, inclusion in society, and accessibility also influence the level of self-acceptance. Better Interpersonal Skills: Individuals with visual impairments who have strong self-acceptance tend to have better interpersonal skills. They are better able to communicate clearly, understand others' feelings, and build healthy relationships. Implications for Quality of Life Improvement: The results of this study have important implications for improving the quality of life of individuals with visual impairments. Enhancing their self-acceptance through social support, empowerment, and accessibility can help in improving their interpersonal skills and creating a more fulfilling life.
The Role of Self-Support for Disability Persons as Essence for Peer Counseling Sesya Dias Mumpuni; Ike Desi Florina; Sri Adi Nurhayat; Laelia Nurpratiwiningsih; Hijrah Eko Putro
Proceedings Series of Educational Studies 2023: Proceeding of International Seminar Indonesia-Malaysia 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um083.9137


It is important to address discrimination and stigma against disability in Tegal Regency society, which is the basis of this research. Members of the Inclusive Village Forum are residents who actively interact with people with disabilities. Families and communities do not always accept these conditions well. The Inclusive Village Forum was created to help people with disabilities regain confidence, want to develop and progress in their lives. These volunteers serve as the village's social capital to support people with disabilities. The purpose of this study is to find out what disabilities have in strengthening social capital through peer counseling of disabled volunteers in the Inclusive Village Forum. A total of 40 disability volunteers from the Inclusive Village Forum aged 15 to 55 years old were the respondents of this study. The data we obtained using a questionnaire was the respondents' perception of self-support. These results are social capital that will help respondents as a basis for self-understanding as peer counselors.
Strategi Humor Gibran Rakabuming dalam Komunikasi Politik di Media Sosial X (Twitter) Rizqi Nandadita Pamungkas; Didi Permadi; Ike Desi Florina
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jpg.v9i3.4057


This research aims to analyze how the Vice President of Indonesia, Gibran Rakabuming, uses humor in political communication via the social media platform "X" (formerly known as Twitter). In a context where social media has become a primary channel for political communication, the use of humor has proven to be an effective tool for attracting public attention and shaping perceptions of political leaders. Qualitative content analysis methods were used to identify the types of humor used by Gibran, as well as its purpose and impact in a political context. Data was collected through direct observation of Gibran's uploads which were related to political communication and contained elements of humor. The research results show that Gibran uses humor for various purposes. Apart from building a positive image as a leader who is close to the people, Gibran also uses humor to convey political messages in a way that is more relaxed and easier for the public to understand. The positive response from the public to Gibran's use of humor in political communication shows its effectiveness in strengthening relations between leaders and society, as well as increasing public involvement in the political issues discussed. This research provides an in-depth understanding of how the use of humor influences public perceptions of political leaders in the digital era. Practical implications include the importance of understanding the strategic role of social media in building a positive public image and strengthening connections between leaders and their constituents through the use of humor in political communication.