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Journal : ETTISAL Journal of Communication

Literasi Media Baru di Kalangan Dosen Menanggapi Isu Politik dalam Pusaran Hoax dan Hate speech Ike Desi Florina
ETTISAL : Journal of Communication Vol 4, No 1 (2019): ETTISAL Journal of Communication
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor collaboration with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi Indo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/ettisal.v4i1.2821


Abstrak Informasi Hoax dan Hate speech telah merajai dunia maya, beragam isu digunakan sebagai objek untuk menciptakan keresahan, konflik dan perpecahan melalui informasi tidak benar dan provokatif. Tak terkecuali isu politik yang juga masuk dalam pusaran informasi hoax dan hate speech. Sayangnya pelaku hoax dan hate speech masih muncul dikalangan dosen, yang notabenenya seorang berpendidikan tinggi dan dijadikan role model sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat sikap dosen dalam menanggapi informasi hoax dan hate speech khususnya terkait isu politik. Melalui pendekatan fenomenologi, diperoleh hasil penelitian : (a) penyebaran isu politik yang bersifat hoax dan hate speech banyak terjadi di media sosial facebook, whatsapp dan twitter, bahkan terjadi polarisasi dua kubu menjadi pendukung atau oposisi bagi masing-masing paslon (b) Aktivitas  di media sosial informan  memperlihatkan adanya kegiatan :  mengomentari sesuai kompetensi dan kredibilitasnya atau sekedar mengklarifikasi kebenaran berita. Aktivitas penyebaran informasi hoax maupun hate speech terkait isu politik, dilakukan karena informan memiliki ketertarikan dan kepentingan  politik yang sama atau sebaliknya. (c) Informasi hoax dan hate speech yang disebar, bukan berasal langsung dari yang bersangkutan, melainkan berasal dari tautan pertemanan di media sosial. Tak jarang pula dosen terlibat emosi dan terprovokasi oleh informasi hoax dan hate speech saat berkomentar dan menyebarkannya kembali (d) Sikap yang harus dimiliki seorang dosen : bersikap kritis, jangan mudah terprovokasi dan berpikiran objektif. AbstractInformation Hoax and Hate speech have dominated the virtual world, various issues are used as objects to create anxiety, conflict, and division through incorrect and provocative information. There is no exception to the political issue which is also included in the information hoax and hate speeches. Unfortunately, hoaxes and hate speeches still appear among lecturers, who in fact are highly educated and role models, so research needs to be done to see the attitudes of lecturers in responding to information on hoaxes and hate speech, especially related to political issues. Through the phenomenology approach, the results of the study were obtained: (a) the spread of hoax and hate speech political issues occurred on social media Facebook, Whatsapp and Twitter, even the polarization of two camps became supporters or opposition for each candidate pair (b) Activities in informant social media shows that there are activities: commenting on their competence and credibility or just clarifying the truth of the news. The activity of disseminating information on hoaxes and hate speech related to political issues is carried out because the informants have the same interests and political interests or vice versa. (c) Information on hoaxes and hate speeches that are distributed, not originating directly from those concerned, but derived from friendship links on social media. Not infrequently also lecturers engage in emotions and are provoked by information hoaxes and hate speeches when commenting and spreading it back (d) The attitude that must be possessed by a lecturer: being critical, not easily provoked and objective minded.