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PERPEKTIF RUANG SEBAGAI ENTITAS BUDAYA LOKAL Orientasi Simbolik Ruang Masyarakat Tradisional Desa Adat Penglipuran, Bangli-Bali Arimbawa, Wahyudi; Santhyasa, I Komang Gede
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal Vol 2, No 4 (2010): December 2010
Publisher : Merdeka Malang University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/lw.v2i4.1385


Ruang (space) bisa diartikan sebagai tempat (place) yang dimaknai oleh sekelompok orang yang secara bersama-sama mendiami suatu wilayah/teritori. Ruang dalam artikulasi tempat bermakna, merupakan simbolisasi dari kesepakatan bersama terhadap perspektif ruang sebagai wadah untuk beraktivitas yaitu kerja, rekreasi, bertempat tinggal serta aspirasi/cara pandang hidup masyarakatnya dalam mengelola ruang secara bersama-sama. Pada masyarakat tradisional, aktivitas masyarakat selalu berkaitan dengan dua kegiatan utama yaitu yang bersifat sakral (berkaitan dengan kegiatan agama) dan kegiatan yang bersifat profan (berkaitan dengan kegiatan sosial masyarakat). Penempatan kegiatan tersebut diklasifikan berdasarkan orientasi kesakralannya yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan tatanan ruang secara harmoni baik dengan lingkungan,sesama manusia maupun dengan Tuhannya. Secara ringkas, tulisan ini berusaha untuk memaparkan pola dan struktur ruang yang terbentuk akibat dari perspektif masyarakat Desa Adat Penglipuran terhadap orientasi ruang permukimannya. Orientasi ruang desa yang ditemukan pada komunitas Penglipuran tercermin pada komposisi dan formasi ruang permukiman desa yang didasarkan pada eksplorasi pragmatis dwilogi kehidupan yaitu hidup-mati. Konsep simbolis ini berakar dari konsep Rwa Bhineda yang kemudian secara menurun diterjemahkan menjadi konsep dualistik sumbu bumi (kaja-kelod) dan sumbu religi (kangin-kauh). Persilangan antara sumbu bumi dan sumbu religi secara praktikal kemudian melahirkan pembagian mintakaf tata nilai keruangan lingkungan desa yang disebut dengan konsep Panca mandala (orientasi sacred-profan). Konsep ini membagi ruang desa menjadi lima segmen ruang berdasarkan tingkat kesucian yaitu ruang utama yang diperuntukkan bagi kegiatan yang bersifat sakral, ruang tengah (madyaning utama, madyaning madya, madyaning nista) yang diperuntukkan bagi kegiatan yang bersifat keduniawian/interaksi sosial serta ruang nista yang diperuntukkan bagi kegiatan yang bersifat kotor/rendah.
RUANG: Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan (SPACE: Journal of the Built Environment) Vol 3 No 3 (2016): Oktober 2016
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (449.386 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JRS.2016.v03.i03.p02


Jatiluwih has been included in Unesco's (United Nations) World Heritage List for sometime now. It has since has gone through dramatic changes in land use, from a sleepy village dominated by its paddy fields into a crowded tourist destination. The development of extensive tourist amenities has since become apparent. While this development has contributed to the local economy, investors, and government, it has raised concerns of the balance between economic development and social development as a whole. In this context the study of the potential played by the desa adat institution in controlling land utilization in Jatiluwih Village is examined. It uses a conceptual approach proposed by Chapin, Godschalk and Kaiser in 1957, in which land use control is systematically examined within a three tiered process. The first mechanism involves the identification of interests and their determining roles. The second mechanism is to recognize the rules that direct the game played by each interest; and the third is the management governing land use changes of Jatiluwih. The final objective of this study is to develop a system of land use management for this village. In order to embrace local interests, this system must incorporate the preservation of agricultural land and the tradition-based practices embedded within it, including the subak (the traditional irrigation system) and the implications it holds for change. Keywords: desa adat; land use control; Desa Jatiluwih Abstrak Sejak Jatiluwih telah ditetapkan sebagai Warisan Budaya Dunia dari Unesco, terjadi perubahan pemanfataan lahan secara dramatik, dari lahan tidur yang didominasi oleh persawahan menjadi suatu daerah tujuan wisata yang padat. Pembangunan fasilitas pariwisata tampak jelas dan semakin bertambah. Ketika pembangunan ini telah berkontribusi kepada ekonomi lokal, investor, dan pemerintah, kondisi ini telah mengembangkan keseimbangan antara pembangunan  ekonomi dan sosial. Dalam konteks ini, kajian instusi dengan desa adat dalam mengontrol pemanfaatan lahan di Desa Jatiluwih perlu diuji. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan konsepsual Chapin, Godschalk dan Kaiser (1957), aspek pengendalian pemanfaatan lahan dikaji secara sistematis berdasarkan tiga tindakan substansial. Pertama, mengidentifikasikan berbagai kepentingan dan karakternya; Kedua, menentukan mekanisme permainan; Ketiga, manajemen yang mengatur perubahan tata guna lahan. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh adalah kesuksesan dalam manajemen pengendalian pemanfaatan lahan di Desa Jatiluwih. Studi ini secara kontekstual didasarkan pada tantangan untuk mempertahankan eksistensi lahan pertanian serta sistem religi didalamnya yaitu subak. Pada kondisi yang sama, kebutuhan untuk mengakomodasi perkembangan industri kepariwisataan juga merupakan sisi yang penting bagi peningkatan taraf kehidupan masyarakat.
Sustainable, Planning and Culture (SPACE) : Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Implikasi Ruang Budaya dan Ruang Budidaya
Publisher : UNHI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/space.v1i2.586


Traditional Balinese settlements are a place of whole and round life which consists of three elements, namely: elements of heaven three elements of krama village (citizens), and Coral village (region). From the research that has been done, there are 4 types of typology that occur in the traditional settlement of Pejaten Village community that is: (a). Tile business that still survive in the yard / house stay, (b). The business of tile development to the area tebe / nista mandala, (c). Tile business development to the tebe area on the right or left side of the yard / residence and (d) Tile business away from the yard / house and still in Pejaten Village.
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.927 KB) | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v1i1.702


Lebih Village is located in the southernmost part of Gianyar Regency, directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean so that the potential for abrasion or tsunami is high. One of the strategies that will be used to realize is by increasing the capacity of community adaptation in disaster risk reduction through the development of villages that are resilient to disasters triggered by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). The purpose of this study is to determine the level of resilience to the tsunami and abrasion and the success rate of community adaptation capacity to disaster risk reduction in Desa Lebih in the Disaster Resilient Village program. This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach and support for quantitative data obtained through parameters from each aspect of the Disaster Resilient Village, interviews, and complete observation. Data will be analyzed by scoring the analysis method. Based on the data analysis conducted, it was concluded that from the results of the accumulation of scoring the level of resilience to the tsunami and abrasion disaster in Desa Lebih more to 2.6 which means it is in the category of "Medium Disaster Resilient Village", and the success rate of community adaptation capacity to disaster risk reduction in Desa Lebih reached 2.9 which means it is in the category of "Successful".
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.216 KB) | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v2i1.1725


Studies on conflicts over the use of tourism space based on potentials and problems in the coastal area of Tanah Lot. The development of several sectors which are the main potential to be developed, namely the tourism sector, the agricultural sector, the economic sector which is a form of spatial use. From this development, of course, it involves various interest groups in the utilization of tourism space in the coastal area of Tanah Lot. From the various interest groups that exist, there will be competition between the interest groups and stakeholders, which is accompanied by negotiations. The purpose of this research is to understand in depth the conflicts related to the use of tourism space in the coastal area of Tanah Lot. In this study, using a qualitative method with a naturalistic approach to produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words of the person or object being observed. For the discussion and analysis of the data carried out inductively. In this study, observations were made to see directly the land use process that occurred in the coastal area of Tanah Lot. The theoretical basis which is used as an assumption in this observation is the zoning theory of spatial use, interest group theory, conflict theory, land use conversion theory, coastal area theory and tourism theory. From the results of this study it can be concluded as follows; The form of existing spatial use is dominated by rice fields, both still productive and unproductive rice fields. Unproductive rice fields are in the form of plantations. Spatial use conflicts that are very prominent are not in accordance with the Regional Regulation Number 16 of 2009 on the Province of Bali, concerning the RTRW of the Province of Bali.
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (504.135 KB) | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v2i2.2230


The availability of public space is a must for a city. Public space serves as a place for people to meet, gather and interact, whether for religious purposes, trade or building government. This study aims to assess the quality of public space in the area of ​​the Gedung Kesenian Dr. Ir. Soekarno, Jembrana Regency. This research uses the approach of Carr's (1992) public space theory about aspects of forming the quality of public space which consists of 3 aspects, namely aspects of needs, aspects of rights, and aspects of meaning. The quality value is set in four types, namely good, sufficient, less good, and not good. The range of values ​​as a benchmark for the quality of public space is calculated by multiplying the maximum number of values ​​for each item on the question item by the weight of each sub-factor. The results showed that based on the measurement of the quality of the public space, it was found that the quality of the public space in the Dr. Art Building area. Ir. Soekarno is in the good category. Aspect value of needs (needs) obtained is 71.07 meaning good category. For the rights aspect, it got a score of 40.87 in the good category. Meanwhile, for the meaning aspect, the public space of the Dr. Art Building area. Ir. Soekarno got a score of 15.88 with a fairly good category. Overall, based on the results of data interpretation and analysis, it was concluded that the Dr. Ir Soekarno Art Building Area can be said to be a good quality public space.
PERUBAHAN PENGGUNAAN LAHAN DI SEKITAR PASAR MENANGA, KARANGASEM, BALI I Gede Panca Septiantara; Wahyudi Arimbawa; Wayan Damar Windu Kurniawan
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v3i1.2904


The purpose of this study is to understand and describe the phenomenon of land use change that occurs in the area around the Menanga Market. The research method uses qualitative methods, with data analysis techniques carried out by map overlap techniques (overlay). Data was collected by means of field observations and interviews to see and confirm the phenomenon of land use change that occurred at the research location. The results of this study found; First, the change in land use from undeveloped to built with a trend that tends to be in the west and southwest of the Menanga Market; Second, changes in the use of built-up land have turned into trade and service facilities, and changes in non-built land into trade and services have spread on the main road around the Menanga Market. Changes in land use around the Menanga Market are the area of residential land which is increased by 14.92 ha, the use of dry land is reduced by 3.38 ha, and the use of plantation land is decreased by 11.53 ha. Changes in land use in the form of settlements that occur around the Menanga Market are greatest in the west of the Menanga Market. The factors that influence changes in land use and building utilization around the Menanga Market are the increasing community economy, the increasing need for land for settlements, the main road, the existence of the Menanga Market as a village economic center, roads that connect to tourism sites and agglomeration of socio-economic activities around the menanga market.
Dari Antroposentrisme Menuju Ekosentrisme: Diskursus Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Tata Ruang Bali Wahyudi Arimbawa; I Kadek Ardi Putra
Jurnal Ecocentrism Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ecocentrism
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Unmas Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (871.77 KB)


This article presents a critical discourse on environmental management and spatial planning in Bali. Using Foucault's (1973) theory, this article presents an empirical discourse on environmental degradation in Bali as a breakthrough in thinking awareness. Through an in-depth literature review, this article begins with (1) describing the construction of ideas on environmental management and spatial planning, and (2) presenting Balinese philosophical values and views in building awareness of ecocentrism. This study is expected to provide a systemic perspective on how the value system that is believed to be the socio-cultural view of the Balinese people is translated into spatial planning and its environment. This discourse then leads to the context that in the sociocultural view of the Balinese people, everything that exists in nature is interdependent as a unified ecosystem that must be maintained and preserved. At the ecocentrism level, the Balinese people's philosophy of life believes in the values of deep respect for all aspects of life, starting from the biotic-abiotic components, animals, plants and everything on earth as a manifestation of the concept of tat twam asi.
KAJIAN PEMANFAATAN RUANG DI KAWASAN TEPIAN DANAU BERATAN, BALI Gusti Ayu Putu Arista Ardianti; Wahyudi Arimbawa; I Gusti Putu Anindya Putra
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v3i2.3556


The purpose of this study is to determine the spatial use of the Lake Beratan area and to analyze the suitability of its designation with the spatial plan of Tabanan Regency. This was studied based on the existence of various activities on the shores of the lake, namely the existence of a sacred area and also a tourist area, as well as local community agricultural land. The method used in this study is a qualitative method to produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from the observed person or object. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and overlay analysis. Observations were made to see directly the use of space on the shores of Lake Beratan. From the results of this space utilization it can be concluded that the existing space utilization is dominated by paddy fields. From the results of the overlay, it shows that the use of space in the research location is in accordance with the regional spatial planning and the conversion of functions in the research area has obtained the KKPR permit.
Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Pranatacara Bhumandala: Jurnal Riset Planologi
Publisher : UNHI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/pranatacara_bhumandala.v3i2.3560


Tourism is a social phenomenon that is very complex and integrates all aspects of human life. This very high potential has not been fully developed and utilized to its full potential. Given the many potential and strategic roles of Sangeh Village, it can be developed as a Tourism Village area. The potential of existing tourism objects is a natural beauty and culture that can be preserved and developed as one of the attractions of tourism, so that Sangeh Village has good enough potential to be developed as tourism, in addition to improving the economy for the local community. The purpose of this study is to find out the shape and level of community participation in development in Sangeh Tourism Village, and to find out the factors that influence the level of community participation in Sangeh Tourism Village. This study uses qualitative research with a deductive approach and quantitative data support obtained through observation, interviews and questionnaires to village officials and community leaders in Sangeh Village. Data will be analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis method.Based on the data analysis carried out and concluded that the forms of community participation in the development of Sangeh Tourism Village are in the quite active category; the form of community participation in the development of Sangeh Tourism Village is at a false participation level; and the factors of age, sex, level of education and livelihood each have a relationship with the activeness of the community participating in the development of Sangeh Tourism Village