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IMPLEMENTATION OF LEGAL PROTECTION ON WOMEN VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Abdul Kadir; Tiara Putri; Almirah Shalwa; Sephia Wahyuni; Regita Nurcahyani; Salwa Salsabila
Jurnal Hukum Replik Vol 9, No 2 (2021): JURNAL HUKUM REPLIK
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jhr.v9i2.5138


The laws and regulations have the provisions for illegal acts or crimes which include domestic violence. Domestic violence is a form of special crime. This study examines the form than implementing legal protection for women victims of domestic violence based on the criminal justice system in Indonesia as well as how the obstacles that arise in this regard. The existence of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the elimination of domestic violence is expected to be able to provide legal protection for victims of domestic violence significantly, in this case are women. The results showed that the decision Number: 519 K/Pid.Sus/2020 as an example of the implementation of legal protection for wives as victims is appropriate. In relation to the obstacles that arise, among others, law enforcement officers who have various understandings regarding domestic violence, difficulties for legal officers in implementing Law No. 23 of 2004, lack of courage to report incidents of domestic violence from victims, and difficulties in proving the problem of domestic violence.Keywords: Domestic violence, protection, implementation, women
Filsafat Ilmu dan Pengembangan Metode Ilmiah Azzahra Natasya; Tiara Putri; Rizki Putri Jasmin Siahaan; Ardina Khoirunnisa
Mahaguru: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah DasarĀ  Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Mahaguru: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33487/mgr.v3i1.3932


Terdapat hubungan yang erat antara filsafat ilmu dan penembangan metode ilmiah. Filsafat ilmu tidak terlepas dari aturan keilmuan yang berkaitan dengan metode ilmiah yang digunakan, dan metode ilmiah inilah menjadi kata kunci dalam ilmu. Agar sebuah ilmu pengetahuan memiliki objek dan metode ilmiah haruslah memenuhi beberapa syarat yang yang meliputi dimensi/aspek sebagai berikut, yaitu: (1) Aspek ontologis (2) aspek epistimologis (3) Aspek aksiologis. Pola pikir dalam pendekatan ilmiah terdiri dari Pola pikir induktif dan pola pikir deduktif. Langkah-langkah dalam metode ilmiah di antaranya adalah: Merumuskan masalah, mengadakan studi kepustakaan, merumuskan hipotesis, menguji hipotesis, mengumpulkan data, menganalisis dan menafsirkan data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dalam dunia filsufis tedapat beberapa aliran dan paradigma yang berhubungan dengan penelitian yaitu pandangan positivisme, post positivisme, konstruktivisme dan pragmatisme ke empat pandangan atau aliran ini membawa pengaruh dalam filsafat penelitian, dengan mengarah kepada metode penelitian kualitatif, kuantitatif dan campuran filsafat ilmu memegang peranan penting dalam pengembangan metode ilmiah yang dapat dilihat dari implikasi serta kontribusi dalam pengembangan metode ilmiah yaitu pertama, filsafat ilmu memberikan pedoman bagi seseorang untuk membedakan antara segala persoalan yang ilmiah maupun tidak, sehingga di temukan jalan keluarnya terhada permasalahan tersebut. Kedua, fungsi filsafat ilmu dalam pengembangan metode ilmiah dapat memberikan kajian yang logis dari setiap ilmu yang di tekuni serta dapat memberikan orientasi dan nilai yang jelas bagi setiap disiplin ilmu. Ketiga, melalui filsafat ilmu di dapati petunjuk dengan metode yang reflektif serta penelitian dan penalaran agar seseorang dapat menyeimbangkan antara logika, pengalaman, rasio dan agama dalam mencapai kehidupan yang sejahtera. Keempat, filsafat ilmu memberikan asas terhadap metode keilmuawan, karena metode ilmiah yang di kembangkan harus dapat di pertanggungjawabkan secara logis dan rasional, supaya dapat dipergunakan secara umum.
Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Jenis-Jenis Media Nursifa Faujiah; Sekar Nanda Septiani; Tiara Putri
Jutkel: Jurnal Telekomunikasi, Kendali dan Listrik Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jutkel: Jurnal Telekomunikasi, Kendali dan Listrik
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare kerjasama P3M STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In today's digital era, the development of technology and information continues to increase rapidly, thus encouraging the education system to keep up with technological developments so as not to be left behind. Education if conveyed properly and interestingly by utilizing technology as a communication support medium so that quality learning occurs. In an effort to improve the quality of learning and support learning objectives, it is necessary to use various technologies. In order to create success from teaching and learning activities. One of the efforts to improve the quality of learning is by utilizing the use of media or tools to convey the material. There are several types of learning media, namely, audio media, visual media, and audio visual media. However, the use of this media must also be accompanied by an appropriate selection. Because of each type of learning media, of course there are advantages and disadvantages of each. Therefore, in learning, you must be able to choose the right media to convey the material. Given the importance in choosing the right learning media. So in this article, we will describe some of the advantages and disadvantages of each media so that you can find out which ones are appropriate and which are not. Besides that, in order to be able to choose the right media to convey the material, so that the material is conveyed properly and optimally.