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Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Pesisir dalam Memahami Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Dati Nawastuti
Jurnal Maksipreneur Vol 8, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1523.16 KB) | DOI: 10.30588/jmp.v8i1.374


Characteristics of people in coastal area are taught and open mind like sea which is analog to open access and high risk. They inherit knowledge from their ancestors who refered to stars constelation as guide, besides other traditional technologies. There are four research questions: (1) How are technologies inherited to young generations? (2) Are the developing fish technologies accepted? (3) What are governments’, scholars’, and NGO’s roles? and (4) How is people’s responds towards modern technologies? Meanwhile, this research wants: (1) To know inheritance technologies, (2) To understand acceptability level, (3) To explore the roles’ of governments, NGOs, and scholars, and (4) To recognize people’s respond toward technologies. Fisheries commodities have comparative advance, although they are perishable food that need quick, accurate, and right treatment. The research was conducted in Larantuka Sub-district of East Flores. Observation and interview were data collection methods applied in this research. Data were analysed using SWOT analysis. It is concluded that traditional technologies are useful to preserve local culture and wisdom. The role of government through local development agents, NGOs, and scholars via trainning has not applicable yet for the community in the wide area and has limitations of man power.
Strategi Pengembangan Ekowisata dengan Konsep Community Based Tourism (CBT) di Pantai Kawaliwu Desa Sinar Hading, Flores Timur Dati Nawastuti; Zefirinus Kada Lewoema
Journal of Marine Research Vol 9, No 4 (2020): Journal of Marine Research
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas PerikanJurusan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (157.311 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jmr.v9i4.28287


Ekowisata adalah perjalanan ke kawasan alam yang relatif masih asli dan tidak tercemar dengan minat khusus untuk mempelajari, mengagumi, dan menikmati pemandangan, tumbuhan, satwa liar dan budaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi-potensi ekowisata yang ada di Desa Sinar Hading, menganalisis ekowisata dengan menerapkan CBT (Community Based Tourism), dan mengidentifikasi usaha dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan pariwisata dengan menerapkan CBT. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sinar Hading Kecamatan Lewolema Kabupaten Flores Timur pada bulan Maret 2019. Data-data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara terstruktur. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan diajukan berdasarkan dimensi-dimensi pada CBT yakni dimensi ekonomi, dimensi sosial, dimensi budaya dan dimensi lingkungan. Subyek penelitian ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik penentuan secara sengaja. Dalam teknik pengambilan data tersebut, beberapa stakeholder dipilih berdasarkan pengaruh dan kepentingan dalam pariwisata di Pantai Kawaliwu yang terletak di Desa Sinar Hading. Pengolahan data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Data yang terangkum dihitung di dalam persentase dan dibahas. Disimpulkan bahwa potensi-potensi ekowisata di Desa Sinar Hading terdiri atas potensi alam, manusia, sosial, dan budaya yang semuanya memberikan dampak nyata bagi pariwisata; dimensi-dimensi ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan lingkungan saling berkaitan dan memengaruhi secara individual maupun secara kolektif; dan usaha-usaha masyarakat masih berskala kecil dan bersifat sambilan dan belum merupakan usaha pokok meskipun berpotensi memajukan pariwisata apabila dikelola secara profesional. Eco-tourism is a trip to natural areas that are relatively pristine and not polluted with special interest to learn, admire, and enjoy the scenery, plants, wildlife and culture. This research aims to identify eco-tourism potencies in Sinar Hading Village, to analyze eco-tourism by applying Community Based Tourism (CBT), and to identify efforts and community participation in eco-tourism development by applying CBT. The research was conducted in Sinar Hading Village, Sub Regency of Lewolema, East Flores Regency, in March 2019. Data were collected by using structured interview. Questions are posted based on dymensions of CBT such as economy dymension, social dymension, culture dymension and environment dymension. The research units were determined by using purpossive sampling. In this data collecting, several stakeholders were chosen based on their influence and their interest on tourism in Kawaliwu Beach which is located in Sinar Hading Village. Data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis, composed in percentage and then discussed. It is concluded that eco-tourism potencies in Sinar Hading Village are nature, men, social, and culture which give significant impact on tourism; social, economy, culture and environment dymensions are interconnected and influence both individually and collectively; and community business characters are small scale and part time and have not become main job although they are potencial to enhance tourism if it is managed professionally.