Ach. Maimun
Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah

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Gagasan Pemikir Islam Progresif; Beragama Secara Otentik Dalam Kehidupan Kontemporer Ach. Maimun
KABILAH : Journal of Social Community Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): (Desember)
Publisher : LP2M IAI Nazhatut Thullab Sampang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.382 KB) | DOI: 10.35127/kbl.v2i2.3135


Abstrak: Beragama secara otentik adalah idealisme penganut agama yang sungguh-sungguh. Di satu sisi beragama tidak bisa sekadar meniru dalam tradisi, tapi di sisi lain ia berhadapan dengan modernitas yang mengubah tradisi. Di satu sisi Islam terjaga dalam tradisi tapi di sisi lain kemajuan mengharuskan mengikuti modernitas. Karena itu, pertanyaan bagaimana menjadi muslim sekaligus menjadi modern adalah pertanyaan dasar dalam pencarian otentisitas beragama. Pertanyaan itu terutama dilatari oleh kesadaran atas ketertinggalan dari Barat dan upaya yang dilakukan dengan menirut Barat tidak memberikan hasil yang menggembirakan, untuk tidak menyebut gagal. Umat Islam mengalami “alienasi” dalam keagamaan dan kehidupan kontemporer. Para pemikir Islam progresif menawarkan gagasan yang beragam dalam rangka menemukan otentisitas beragama tersebut. Iqbal memberikan gagasan yang bercorak filosofis dengan mendasarkan konsepnya pada diri/jiwa yang otonom, Sayyid Quthub yang radikal mendasarkan pada konsep dasar Islam yang berseberangan dengn kejahiliahan, Ali Syari’ati yang revolusioner mendasarkan pada spirit ajaran Islam yang diterjemahkan gerakan nyata melawan berbagai bentuk tirani, dan Arkoun yang kritis dalam menggali turats dengan menggunakan perangkat-perangkat modern. Berbagai gagasan yang beragam ini dapat memberi inspirasi bagi upaya terus menerus mencari otentisitas beragama. Kata Kunci: ashalah, turats, modernitas, alienasi. Abstract: Authentic religion is a religious idealism. On the one hand religion can not simply imitate in tradition, but on the other hand it deals with modernity that changes tradition. On the one hand Islam is awake in tradition but on the other hand progress requires following modernity. Therefore, the question of how to become Muslim and to be modern is a basic question in the quest for religious authenticity. The question is mainly due to the awareness of the backwardness of the West and the efforts made by emulating the West have not yielded encouraging results, not to mention failure. Muslims experience "alienation" in religious and contemporary life. Progressive Islamist thinkers offer diverse ideas in order to discover the religious authenticity. Iqbal gave a philosophical idea of ​​basing his concept on autonomous self, the radical Sayyid Quthub based on the basic concept of Islam that is opposed to ignorance, the revolutionary Ali Shari'ati based on the spirit of Islamic teachings translated by real movements against various forms of tyranny, and Arkoun are critical in digging turats using modern devices. These diverse ideas can inspire the continued quest for religious authenticity. Keywords: ashalah, turats, modernity, alienation.
Filsafat Dinamis Integralistik Epistemologi Dalam Pemikiran Muhammad Iqbal Ach. Maimun
KABILAH : Journal of Social Community Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): Desember
Publisher : LP2M IAI Nazhatut Thullab Sampang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.508 KB) | DOI: 10.35127/kbl.v3i2.3402


Abstract: This study focuses on the dynamic and integral aspects of Iqbal. The spirit of dynamism and integrality is a discussion of Iqbal which has received less attention in various studies. With this spirit, Iqbal concocted successfully to build an Islamic civilization that was built in chaos. For that purpose, Iqbal integrates the fundamental aspects, namely the source of knowledge consists of afak, anfus and history. There are three potentials, namely the senses, reason and intuition. All these devices are a unity towards continuous improvement until they reach their peak. To continue to move dynamically, the power of y ‘isyq in the gathering mind is important so that all sources are maximized simultaneously to explore the object of knowledge which is the connection between the One Absolute Being. With this Iqbal succeeded in encouraging object integration (physical and metaphysical) which began with the integration of Sufism, philosophy and science. Iqbal also integrates classical and modern and challenges Islam and the West while remaining critical thinking. Knowledge gained from actions in the form of ‘charity as a form of knowledge and action. Keywords: source of knowledge, ‘isyq, intuition, integration.