Agus Efendi
Informatics Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret

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The Implementation of Online Project-Based Learning Model With A Combination of Collaborative Learning to Improve The Learning Result of Digital Photo Composition Anita Dian Susanti; Basori Basori; Agus Efendi
Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/joive.v1i1.35743


The purpose of this research was to improve the learning results of Digital Photo Composition through the implementation of Online Project Based Learning model with a combination of Collaborative Learning on Multimedia students of SMK Negeri Takeran. This research was Classroom Action Research (CAR) with the cycle model of collaboration between researcher dan teacher. This survey was conducted in two cycles with each cycle consisting of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. These subjects were students of Multimedia eleventh grade of SMK Negeri Takeran, which consisted of 22 students. The data collection technique was a test, observation, interview, and documentation. The data validity tests of the research were a triangulation of source and triangulation of method. The data analyzed technique was quantitative-descriptive analysis technique. Based on the result of this survey, it could conclude that implementation of Online Project Based Learning model with a combination of Collaborative Learning can improve learning result at Multimedia eleventh grade of SMK Negeri Takeran. It proved by the increase of average scores in the cognitive test for each cycle. The average value of pra-cycle was 69,82 with the completeness of 22,73% or 5 of 22 students. While on the cycle I was 77,5 with the completeness of 63,64% or 14 of 22 students. The average score of cycle II was 83,95 with the integrity of  81,82% or 18 of 22 students.
Comparison of Application of Jigsaw IV and Reverse Jigsaw Methods based on Students’ Participation and Achievement Komang Talita Putri Sri Dewati; Basori Basori; Agus Efendi
Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/joive.v2i2.35750


The purpose of this research is to study the effects of Jigsaw IV and Reverse Jigsaw cooperative learning model from participation and achievement (cognitive abilities). The method used in this research was the experiment 2x2 factorial design. The population was students (X Class) of SMK N 3 Surakarta. This research used a cluster random sampling technique. The techniques of collecting data of this research were the interview, observation, questionnaire, and testing. The techniques of data analysis were used as a two-way analysis of variance. Based on this research, it could be concluded as follows: (1) there is a different influence between application of Jigsaw IV and Reverse Jigsaw cooperative learning model based on students' cognitive ability (Sig. = 0,045 < 0,05), (2) there is a different influence between the high and low category of students' participation toward cognitive ability (Sig. = 0,000 < 0,05), (3) there is an interaction between the influence of cooperative learning type Jigsaw IV and Reverse Jigsaw application and students' participation toward students' cognitive ability (Sig. = 0,027 < 0,05). The result of this research could be put into consideration for the teacher to application Jigsaw IV and Reverse Jigsaw cooperative learning model in the learning activity.
The Influence of Technology Based Learning Facilities to Student Learning Achievement Muhamad Havid Abdul Aziz; Agus Efendi; Basori Basori
Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/joive.v2i1.35698


Education is very important for us, the country can go forward because the people are educated. The success of education is determined by the quality of education itself. To know the quality of education required a result or achievement. One of the factors affecting achievement is the facility. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is influence of learning facilities on student achievement. Sampling using simple random sampling system as much as 58 people from the total population as much as 70 people at the level of formal education. The method used in data collection that is using quisioner, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique used is using simple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of data analysis and hypothesis testing it is known that the two variables of learning facilities (X) and student learning achievement (Y) have a positive influence, this is evidenced by r = 0.277 where the guidelines used to provide interpretation proposed by Sugiyono are at intervals 0.20 - 0.399 which fall into the low category[18]. Based on the results of research that has been put forward by the authors which there is influence between learning facilities on learning achievement with low categories, it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the use of learning facilities and conducted other research on other factors that affect student achievement in addition to learning facilities.
Comparison of Learning Cooperative Type NHT (Numbered Heads Together) with Conventional Learning Against The Results of The Study in The Review of The Interest Students of Class X Ineza Ghaisani Mayzura; Agus Efendi; A G A.G Tamrin
Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/joive.v1i1.35745


This research aims to know (1) what is the difference between the influence of the application of the learning model NHT (Numbered Heads Together) with the conventional model against the results of student learning; (2) whether there is influence of interest in student learning outcomes; (3) whether there is a iteraksi between the model of learning with student learning interest against the results of student learning. The selected sample was 72 students of class X 2017/2018 school year. This research uses descriptive types of quantitative research. Data collection is done by the spread of the question form and documentation. Data analysis variansi Analysis using two directions with the same cells. The research results obtained explains that (1) the learning approach with NHT and conventional produce learning material on the same virtual classroom (2) learning Interest of students who follow learning learning model with more NHT high compared to the interest of students who follow the conventional learning content virtual classroom discussion (3) there is no significant interaction between the approach of learning and learning interest of students towards the learning results in the subject class Maya. The students, who follow learning approach to learning that results had NHT equals celebrates student learning model with conventional lessons. High interest has more students for lessons on the virtual classroom learning model with NHT.
Implementation of SQ6R Learning Model to Improve Reading Comprehension of Algorithm on Basic Programming Subjects Ranu Putra Wiyana; Basori Basori; Agus Efendi
Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/joive.v2i1.35701


The purpose of this research is to improve students' reading comprehension of algorithm on basic programming subjects, especially on basic competence of branch control structure by using SQ6R learning model (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Review, Rehash, Rethink, Reevaluate). Research began with identifying problems that occured in the classroom. Then designed an action to overcome it in an action cycle. In this research the administration of action takes place in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of the stages of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The technique of data collection has been done through reading comprehension test of student and observation of learning activity. Analysis of the data was carried out using quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results showed that the SQ6R learning model can improve students' reading comprehension algorithm. This is indicated by the percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes by 38.9% in pre-cycle, 47.2% in cycle 1 and 83.3% in cycle 2.
The Application of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Type Cooperative Learning Model to Enhance Student’s Learning Activities Izzanatun Ulfa Syahidah; Agus Efendi; A G. Tamrin
Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/joive.v1i1.35746


The type of this research is Classroom Action Research was collaboratively conducted between computer system teacher with researcher in two cycles. Every cycles consist of four steps, which: planing, implementation, observation, and reflection. This Classroom Action Research aimed to improve Student Learning Activity on Academic Subjects of Computer System throught the implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) with the help of Snakes and Ladders Game as the media. The subject of this research is the students of class X SMK N 6 Surakarta was numbered thirty two’s student. The data collection method in this research was used by participative observation, documentation, daily notes and interview. Analaysis of data used was descriptive data analysis of quantitative with percentage. This analysis was done by means of processing the score of Student Learning Activity, provides data, and conclusion.Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) on Academic Subjects of Computer System can improve Student Learning Activity in class X SMK N 6 Surakarta. The results of this show that there was an improvement in every indicators of Student Learning Activity from cycle I to cycle II. The increase number of score in average in the Student Learning Activity is amounted to 14,58% from the average score of Student Learning Activity cycle I amounting to 69,79% becomes 84,37% on cycle II. The percentage results in cycle II showed that score is already reached minimum criteria that was defined at the amount of 75%..
Application Model of Learning B-O-R-N With Moodle Basic For Improving Student Learning Result in Operating System Julio Leonardo; Agus Efendi; Taufik Lilo Adi Sucipto
Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Journal of Informatics and Vocational Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/joive.v1i1.35747


This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) by using B-O-R-N model based on moodle Each cycle consists of planning stage, action implementation stage, observation stage, and reflection phase. Subjects in this classroom action research were class X students RPL A SMK Negeri 2 Karanganyar academic year 2016/2017 with the number of learners 36 learners. Data collection was done by using documentation techniques, interview techniques, online test techniques and group discussion results. The observed aspects consist of cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Data analysis technique used is descriptive comparative. Compare students' work results by using percentage figures. The results obtained as follows: 1) achievement of cognitive aspects on precycle 38.89% in the first cycle increased 52.79% and again increased in the second cycle of 77.78%. 2) achievement of affective aspect on precycle = 19,44%, cycle I = 61,11%, and cycle II = 86,11%. 3) psychomotor aspect achievement on precycle = 41.67%, cycle I = 69.44%, cycle II = 83.33%. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the learning model of B-O-R-N assisted by moodle media is effective in improving learners' learning outcomes in the subject matter of administration of open source operating system class X RPL A SMK Negeri 2 Karanganyar periode 2016/2017.