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All Journal Muqaranah
Ahmad Nizam
Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah

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PERBEDAAN PENDAPAT DALAM PENENTUAN ARAH DAN WAKTU IBADAH (Perbandingan Metodologi Syar’i dan Sains) Ahmad Nizam
Muqaranah Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Muqaranah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (650.8 KB) | DOI: 10.19109/muqaranah.v5i1.9206


Persoalan penentuan arah kiblat, waktu shalat dan penetapan bulan baru pada kalender Hijriah berdasarkan peredaran bulan (lunar kalender) selalu menjadi perhatian di kalangan pemerhati ilmu falak dan astronomi karena objek kajiannya berhubungan erat dengan pelaksanaan Ibadah seperti shalat, zakat, puasa dan haji. Sahnya ibadah shalat jika terpenuhinya syarat dan rukunnya. Menghadap kiblat dan dikerjakan pada waktunya adalah bagian dari sarat sah shalat. Demikian juga dengan hari raya idul fitri dan idul adha. Begitu Urgennya masalah arah dan waktu-waktu ibadah tersebut sehingga wacana perbincangan dan perdebatan di kalangan Ulama selalu muncul kepermukaan. Definisi kiblat antara mazhab Syafi’iyah dengan Jumhur tidak sama. Menurut mazhab Syafi’iyah seseorang wajib menghadap bangunan ka’bah ketika shalat walaupun domisilinya jauh dari masjidil haram, tapi mazhab Hanafiyah, Malikiyah, dan Hanabilah cukup arahnya (jihat) saja. Fokus masalah penelitian ini adalah apa penyebab perbedaan pendapat dalam penentuan arah kiblat dan waktu-waktu ibadah serta bagaimana metode penentuannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi penyebab terjadinya beda pendapat dalam penentuan kiblat, waktu-waktu ibadah serta bagaimana metode penentuannya berdasarkan syar’i dan sains. Dari penelitian ini penulis mendapatkan informasi, bahwa akar masalah terjadinya perbedaan pendapat dalam penentuan kiblat, waku shalat dan awal bulan qamariah di Indonesia penyebabnya ada dua, yaitu mazhab fiqh dan non fiqh. Dalam fiqh terjadi silang pendapat dikalangan fuqaha memaknai suatu dalil dalam nash sehingga hasil ijtihad mereka juga berbeda. Sedangkan dari sisi non fiqh disebabkan masyarakat terlalu yakin dengan tokoh, organisasi dan mazhab yang diyakini. Metode yang digunakan juga tidak sama ada teori bayangan dan teori sudut dalam penentuan arah kiblat, ada metode hisab dan rukyat pada penentuan waktu shalat dan awal bulan. Kata kunci: Perbedaan, Kiblat, Waktu ibadah, Syar’i, Sains. Abstract The issue of determining the direction of Qibla, prayer times and the determination of the new moon on the Hijri calendar based on the circulation of the month (lunar calendar) has always been a concern among observers of astronomy and astronomy because the object of study is closely related to the implementation of worship such as prayer, zakat, fasting and hajj. Prayer is valid if the conditions and pillars are fulfilled. Facing the Qiblah and doing it on time is part of the legal requirements of prayer. Likewise with Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. So urgent is the problem of direction and times of worship that discourses of discussion and debate among Ulama always come to the fore. The definition of Qibla between the Shafi'iyah and Jumhur schools is not the same. According to the Shafi'iyah school, a person must face the Ka'bah when praying, even though his domicile is far from the Haram Mosque, but the Hanafi, Malikiyah, and Hanabilah schools of thought are sufficient for jihad. The focus of this research problem is what causes differences of opinion in determining the direction of Qibla and times of worship and how the method of determining it is. This study was conducted to obtain information on the causes of differences of opinion in determining the Qibla, times of worship and how the method of determination is based on syar'i and science. From this study, the authors obtain information that the root cause of the difference of opinion in determining the Qibla, prayer times and the beginning of the month of qamariah in Indonesia has two causes, namely schools of fiqh and non-fiqh. In fiqh, there is a difference of opinion among the jurists in interpreting a proposition in the texts so that the results of their ijtihad are also different. Meanwhile, from the non-fiqh perspective, it is caused by people being too sure of the figures, organizations and schools they believe in. The method used is also not the same as the shadow theory and angle theory in determining the Qibla direction, there are reckoning and rukyat methods in determining prayer times and the beginning of the month. Keywords: Difference, Qibla, Time of worship, Syar'i, Science.