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Identifikasi Jenis Burung Lovebird berdasarkan Habitatnya dengan Metode Euclidean Distance Mochammad Firman Arif; Muhammad Iqbal Adiat Fatah
JAMI: Jurnal Ahli Muda Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Putra Sang Fajar Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46510/jami.v1i1.3


Abstrak Objektif. Lovebird merupakan salah satu spesies dari Genus Agapornis, berasal dari Negara Yunani Agape yang berarti cinta dan Ornis yang berarti burung. Seiring berkembangnya jaman banyaknya peminat pembeli atau peminat hobi lovebird yang baru cenderung awam dalam pengetahuan dari lovebird. Hal tersebut menyebabkan dalam pembelian lovebird tidak mengetahui jenis-jenis sedangkan jenis burung lovebird bermacam-macam warna. Sehingga perlu adanya penelitian yang dapat bermanfaat untuk masyarakat awam dalam mengetahui jenis-jenis lovebird.Material and Metode. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan pengolahan citra dengan menggunakan metode euclidean distance dalam menentukan jenisjenis burung lovebird dengan berdasarkan corak gradasi warna dan tektur gambar.Hasil. Performa dari metode yang diusulkan yang diukur dengan akurasi dari sempel data yang terdiri 20 data latih dan 12 data uji mampu mengidentifikasi keakurasian sebesar 83.3333%.Kesimpulan. Berdasarkan eksperimen dan pengujian metode euclidean distance untuk menganalisa jenis burung lovebird yang telah dilakukan maka kesimpulan yang diperoleh metode yang diusulkan yaitu euclidean distance telah berhasil diterapkan untuk menentukan jenis-jenis burung lovebird dengan berdasarkan corak gradasi warna dan tektur gambar. Abstrak Objective Lovebird is the kind of Genus Agapornis species which come from Yunani that called “Agape” which is means love and ornis that also mean a bird. Based on the development of the era, which the population of people that more interested to buy or having a hoby to maintain the lovebird which didnt’ known anything about protect that lovebird. The problem causing their ability to knowing what are the kinds of the lovebird while the kind of lovebird are having the farious colors. From this issues this research began, this research hope this research will be usefull for the common people in understanding the kinds of lovebird.Materials and Methods. This research aimed to appliying the image processing by using euclidean distance method in determining kinds of lovebird based on the color gradation motif and picture texture.Results The perform of the suggesting method which is measured by using the accuracy from the data sempel which consist of 20 latih data and 12 test data be able to identification the 83.3333% accuracy. The euclidean distance method successful in determining the kind of lovebird based on the gradation motif and image texture.Conclusion. Based on the experiment and the euclidean distance method test to annalize the kind of lovebird whis has been done before, then find the conclusion that the appropriate method is euclidean distance. The euclidean distance method successful in determining the kind of lovebird based on the gradation motif and image texture.
Joutica Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.191 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jti.v4i2.322


Zakat is a number of assets that must be issued by Muslims to be given to groups who have the right to receive, such as the poor and the like, according to those stipulated by sharia. The law of zakat is obligatory for every Muslim who has fulfilled certain conditions. The National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS) is the official body and the only one formed by the government based on RI Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2001 which has duties and functions to collect and distribute zakat, infaq, and alms. The purpose of making this research is to build an android application for GIS zakat assistance map (BAZNAS) in probolinggo district. This study uses data collection methods used in this study through observation, which is collecting data obtained from existing documents or stored records, both in the form of transcript notes, books, newspapers, plunging directly to the location to take pictures, and so on. Output targets of this study are in the form of an application for collecting data on zakat assistance from an Android-based Baznas office and will be published in non-accredited national journals. The application can be used by someone who wants to send donations via Smartphone easily. As well as the results of this application, it can map the locations of recipients of Zakat and Donors according to the coordinates of points of different colors. With the application, it can help channeling Zakat in Probolinggo district. Keywords: Zakat, Baznas, Android, GIS