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Penggunaan Google Classroom dalam Diskusi Online Joko Prayudha.S
JAMI: Jurnal Ahli Muda Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Putra Sang Fajar Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46510/jami.v2i1.57


Objektif. Adanya pandemi Covid 19 yang telah menyebar keseluruh dunia telah menghentikan banyak aktifitas manusia. Salah satu sektor yang paling berdampak atau terhenti ialah sektor pendidikan. Sekolah dan perguruan tinggi menutup akses mereka untuk diadakannya pendidikan secara tatap muka, sehingga menyebabkan beralihnya pengajaran tatap muka dengan menggunakan sistem virtual atau lebih dikenal dengan pembelajaran secara online atau daring. Pembelajaran secara online atau daring merupakan satu-satunya alternatif ditengah merebaknya virus mematikan tersebut, sehingga menuntut guru maupun siswa untuk pandai dalam memanfaatkan teknologi dalam menunjang pendidikan. Pembelajaran online atau daring artinya harus siap memanfaatkan teknologi dan aplikasi yang mendukung pembelajaran secara online tersebut. Salah satu teknologi yang digunakan ialah menggunakan internet yang terhubung dengan komputer atau handphone dimana terdapat banyak aplikasi atau platform pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan. Salah satunya ialah menggunakan Google Classroom, aplikasi ini merupakan fitur belajar dari perusahaan besar Google yang sangat bermanfaat dalam belajar ditengah pandemi Covid 19 ini. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas dan persepsi siswa terhadap Google Classroom dalam diskusi online. Material and Metode. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah total sampling dengan mengamati percakapan belajar siswa selama menggunakan Google classroom kemudian kuisioner diberikan untuk mengetahui pendapat siswa terkait penggunaan Google Classroom dalam diskusi online. Kemudian data yang didapatkan di interpretasikan dan dijabarkan sesuai dengan kondisi nyata yang ada. Hasil. Dalam diskusi online yang telah dilakukan menggunakan Google Classroom mengindikasikan bahwa partisipasi siswa dalam diskusi online selalu meningkat dan memberikan tanggapan saat berdiskusi. Selain itu juga hasil yang diberikan melalui kuisioner menunjukan penggunaan Google Classroom memberikan dampak positif dalam penggunaannya selama pembelajaran online atau daring akibat pandemi Covid 19. Kesimpulan. Diskusi online dengan menggunakan Google Classroom memberikan cara baru dalam belajar ditengah pandemi Covid 19 ini. Pemanfaatan aplikasi ini sangat membantu dalam proses belajar mengajar terutama dalam berdiskusi secara online. Oleh karena itu, pengunaan Google Classroom sangat menunjang kegiatan diskusi online selama belajar secara online atau daring ditengah pandemi Covid 19.
Penerapan metode bernyanyi untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa di TK Negeri Pembina Lebong Joko Prayudha.S; Azis Abdul Malik
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v2i1.720


Attracting students' interest in learning is one of the things that is difficult for teachers to do. Therefore, the teacher must be able to make the learning atmosphere as attractive as possible so that students do not feel bored during learning. This study aims to investigate the implementation of the singing method while studying in order to be able to provide enthusiasm for learning or interest in learning to students at TK Negeri Pembina Lebong. This type of research is qualitative research using a descriptive approach. The subjects in this study were all students in the TK Negeri Pembina with a total of 38 students and three teachers who taught. Data were collected by used observations during learning and interviews with teachers who taught. The results obtained indicate that by using the singing method students feel more enthusiastic in learning and are able to increase students' self-confidence attitudes. Keywords: Singing Method, Learning Interest
JAMI: Jurnal Ahli Muda Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Putra Sang Fajar Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46510/jami.v4i1.127


Objective Learning by utilizing technology has become a good alternative in the implementation of teaching and learning activities. The development of learning applications and platforms has also emerged massively to support effective learning, so teachers must be able to maximize the use of this technology in order to develop students' communication and English skills by applying interesting learning methods. One of the learning methods that teachers can apply in integrating technology is by asking students to make a vlog video project about everyday life. Therefore, this study aims to determine the use of the video vlog project method to increase students' confidence in making presentations in English. Materials and Methods. This study uses a qualitative method and uses a descriptive approach to determine the uses and benefits of using the video vlog project method to increase students' confidence in making presentations in English. Data was obtained through collecting various literature related to the use of video vlogs in the form of journals, articles and books. In addition, interviews were also used as a data collection method to three English teachers to find out their perceptions of applying the video vlog method. Data were analyzed through three stages namely, data reduction, data display and conclusion. Results. Learning English using video vlog project method provides different teaching compared to ordinary learning. Students become more independent in making assignments related to the theme of the English language being studied. In addition, by utilizing video vlogs students can improve their speaking skills through video practice they make, learning becomes more creative, students are more actively involved in conversations and have positive results in carrying out presentations using English. It is hoped that teachers can use this method more optimally to continue to encourage and improve students' English proficiency. Conclusion. The use of technology in learning English has become a necessity that must be applied in learning, not only because of the demands of the times but because of the advantages offered by the technology to support the learning process. Thus, the use of vlog video in learning can be utilized by teachers in teaching English because they have advantages that can encourage students to increase their confidence when presenting in English.
PRIMACY Journal of English Education and Literacy Vol 2 No 1 (2023): June - 2023
Publisher : English Language Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Syekh-Yusuf Islamic University (PBI FKIP UNIS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The development of game-based learning technology is one of the advancements in innovation in the field of education. Teachers can take advantages of this opportunity to help students to improve their critical thinking skills while learning English. The application of game-based learning that can be used to improve critical thinking skills in this study is the online crossword puzzle. The current study aims to reveal students' responses to the use of digital-based learning applications in improving students' critical thinking skills when learning English. The method used is qualitative through a descriptive approach. Data obtained through field observations and interviews. After that, the data was analyzed through data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the study showed that the students' responses when learning English through online crossword puzzles were very positive. Students' enthusiasm for learning is increasing, and there is an increase in student interest and motivation when implementing these applications in English classes so that students can develop self-confidence when doing English assignments better.
The Factors Influence Students’ Fears In Practicing English Conversation In Front Of Class Joko Prayudha.S
Journal of English Education and Linguistics Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of English Education and Linguistics
Publisher : Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56874/jeel.v4iJournal of.1195


Speaking skill is one of the most important skills in learning a language. This skill requires language learners to produce utterances or utterances through speech media. When someone studies a language, it is very necessary to be able to practice the pronunciation of that language so that they are able to produce a good language. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the factors that influence students' fear in practicing English conversation in front of the class when carrying out English learning. The method used in this research is qualitative by using a descriptive approach. The sample in this study were 36 students who were learning English. Data was obtained through observation and interviews to find out in-depth perceptions and opinions about the factors that make students feel afraid when carrying out conversational practice in front of the class. After the data is collected, the data is analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data display and conlusion. The research results show that there are two factors; internal and external influences that affect students' fear when practicing conversation in front of the class. Internal factors include not feeling confident, not daring, afraid of being wrong, embarrassed, not fluent in conveying an utterance, while external factors include an unsupportive classroom environment including distraction from friends, not having enough understanding of words or vocabulary in English, getting negative responses, for example being laughed at or ridiculed, and not having friends or partners to practice English conversation with.
Students’ Opinion on English Group Discussion to Improve Collaboration Skill Joko Prayudha.S
IALLTEACH (Issues In Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Issues in Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching
Publisher : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Universitas Internasional Batam)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/iallteach.v5i1.7650


Collaboration skills are one of the skills that are emphasized in 21st century learning where students are asked to be able to cooperate well in facing and overcoming problems that arise in learning, including when learning English. Collaboration skills in learning English enable students to be able to work together in helping and overcoming problems encountered when learning English. Therefore, this study aims to find out students' opinions on English group discussions to improve collaboration skills in learning English. The method used in this research is to use qualitative through a descriptive approach. The sample used in this study consisted of 36 students who were learning English. Data was collected through observation and interviews to determine students' perceptions of the English group discussion method in improving collaboration skills. After the data is collected, the data is analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data display and data conclusion. The results showed that some students had a good and positive interest in increasing collaboration skills using the English group discussion method. In fact, students tend to be able to do their best in doing English assignments by collaborating and studying together so that there is an increase in English achievement.
Learning Problems during The Covid 19 Pandemic at SDN 65 Lebong Joko Prayudha.S
Tarbawi Vol 8, No 02 (2020): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v8i02.19


This study aims to identify and investigate problems that occur in learning during the Covid 19 pandemic at SD Negeri 65 Lebong. The method used in this research is qualitative using a descriptive approach. In collecting data using questionnaires that are distributed via Google form and interviews which are carried out using Whatsapp. The population used in this study were all teachers in SD Negeri 65 Lebong, but for the sample using random sampling. The results showed that there were several problems faced by teachers including learning media, internet connection, spending quotas, lack of understanding of learning technology, low student motivation. Ongoing problems will be an obstacle for students to achieve learning achievement.
Learning Problems during The Covid 19 Pandemic at SDN 65 Lebong Joko Prayudha.S
Tarbawi Vol 8, No 02 (2020): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v8i02.19


This study aims to identify and investigate problems that occur in learning during the Covid 19 pandemic at SD Negeri 65 Lebong. The method used in this research is qualitative using a descriptive approach. In collecting data using questionnaires that are distributed via Google form and interviews which are carried out using Whatsapp. The population used in this study were all teachers in SD Negeri 65 Lebong, but for the sample using random sampling. The results showed that there were several problems faced by teachers including learning media, internet connection, spending quotas, lack of understanding of learning technology, low student motivation. Ongoing problems will be an obstacle for students to achieve learning achievement.