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Jurnal Teknologi Berkelanjutan Vol 7 No 02 (2018): Vol 07 No 02
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.955 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jtb.v7i02.91


Based on the 2017 Indonesia Earthquake Map and ASCE 7-16, the Indonesia Earthquake Regulation Draft 1717: 2018 was drafted. Tarakan Fault, Mangkalihat Fault, and Meratus Fault are the three main fault zones on Kalimantan Island. Faults located around South Kalimantan are meratus faults with NE-SW direction, also known as thrust fault zone. These faults have a length of more than 100 km which can potentially cause an earthquake with a magnitude of 7. As research material, 14 major cities in South Kalimantan with different zones according to the 2017 Indonesian Earthquake Map were selected. Based on RSNI 1726: 2018 there is a determination new Fa and Fv Site Coefficient values, which affect the magnitude of the Design Response Spectrum and Seismic Design Categories. There was a decrease in the ratio of Ss in Tabalong regency and the increase in the value of Ss is greatest in the mountains of Meratus and Tapin regency. In the Short Period Response Spectrum of 0.2 seconds (SDS) in all cities in South Kalimantan there was a decrease in the ratio based on the site class, with the value of the hard land site (SC) class greater than the class of soft land sites (SE). While the opposite of the 1-second Period Response Spectrum (SD1) an increase in the ratio based on the site class, with the value of the soft soil site class (SE) is greater than the class of hard soil site (SC). The structure of the building with risk category IV was found to have the highest seismic design category, namely KDS D at the Hard Land Site (Sc), occurring in the area within the Ss earthquake zone map of 0.3 to 0.4 g; KDS D at the Medium Land Site (SD) occurs in the area within the Ss earthquake zone map of 0.25 to 0.4 g; KDS D on Soft Land Site (SE) occurs in areas that are in the Ss earthquake zone map worth 0.05 to 0.4 g.
CARAKA Vol 4 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/caraka.v4i2.2852


This study aims to describe the nature of conflict, causes, and how to resolve conflict in drama Tanpa Pembantu. This type of research is qualitative research. Data collection technique is done by reading and recording the data obtained in the drama Tanpa Pembantu of A. Adjib Hamzah. Technique of data analysis of research done by qualitative descriptive technique. The result of the research shows that the form of conflict in this drama script is the jealousy and the difference of opinion, Yuliati jealous with Lisawati coming to his house, Yuliati thinks that her husband Sapari has an affair with Lisawati, the difference of opinion between Sapari and Yuliati makes the atmosphere heating up because each side feel the most right. The cause of conflict in the drama Tanpa Pembantu is freedom with freedom, freedom experienced by Yuliati because Yuliati does not take care of homework, whereas Sapari experiencing the non-liberation of parenting, the cooperation with the competition seen from the figure Sapari and Lisawati Sapari very appreciate Lisawati. Lisawati strongly disagreed with Yuliati's treatment of Sapari, the presence of implus expression caused by tension and anxiety, anxiety seen in the difference of opinion and the harsh contradictions made by Sapari and Yuliati figures in the face of a problem, Anxiety seen in Sapari figure, Sapari seen anxious, worried and anxious at the time of Lisawati's visit to her home. How to resolve the conflict based on the sequence of actions to be taken when solving the problem of approaching Lisawati's regretful character has left Sapari, dodging the Lisawati character who is about to approach again, approaching Yuliati's character who accuses Sapari of dating on campus.
The Effect of Counseling with Lecture and Leaflet Methods on Knowledge and Attitudes of Pregnant Women in Providing Basic Immunization Eka Purnamasari; Namora Lumongga Lubis; Taufik Ashar
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v3i2.923


Complete basic immunization coverage in Labuhan District is still low at 71.15%. Therefore, counseling is needed to change the behavior of parents in complete basic immunization to toddlers. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of counseling using the lecture method and the lecture method accompanied by leaflets on changes in maternal behavior in providing complete basic immunization at the Santosa Bay Health Center in Labuhanbatu Regency. This type of research is Quasi Experiment Design, with the design of Non-Equivalent Control Group. The intervention group consisted of two research subjects who were given different treatments and one research subject was made into the control group. This research was carried out in the work area of the Santosa Bay Health Center in LabuhanBatu Regency. The population in the study were all Trisemester III Pregnant Women as many as 188 people and the sample in this study were 75 people. Data analysis used included T-dependent, Wilcoxon, and Kruskal Walis. The results showed that there were differences (p= <0.001) and attitudes (p= <0.001) about basic immunization with the lecture method. There are differences in knowledge (p= <0.001) and attitudes (p= <0.001) with the lecture method accompanied by leaflets. There is a significant difference between the increase in knowledge and attitudes that get treatment counseling using the lecture method and the lecture method accompanied by leaflets. Changes in knowledge and the highest attitude on the group given the lecture accompanied by leafleat. For Teluk Sentosa Health Center, Labuhanbatu Regency, it should make a program with a routine schedule in the implementation of counseling for pregnant women both on basic immunization or related to the health and safety of mothers and babies. Where is the lecture method either without using media or by using alternative methods in implementing the program.
ANALISIS KEJADIAN ANEMI PADA IBU HAMIL TRIMESTER III DI PMB J. MANURUNG AMD KEB PEMATANG SIANTAR TAHUN 2023 Mesrida Simarmata; Tiya alviniota Barimbing; Srininta ,; Erin Padilla Siregar; Eka Purnamasari; Dyah Pitaloka
Excellent Midwifery Journal Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): EDISI APRIL
Publisher : STIKes Mitra Husada Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55541/emj.v6i1.247


Latar Belakang: Anemia dalam kehamilan adalah kondisi ibu dengan kadar hemoglobin dibawah 11 gram% pada trimester satu dan tiga atau kadar dibawah 10,5 gram% pada trimester kedua.  Anemia meningkatkan risiko komplikasi perdarahan antepartum dan postpartum yang jika tidak tertangani dengan baik akan berakibat fatal. Metode:  Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei analitik yang merupakan penelitian yang mencoba menggali bagaimana dan mengapa fenomena kesehatan itu terjadi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Bagaimana hubungan antara pengetahuan, pendidikan ibu terhadap kejadian anemi pada kehamilannya Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Juni tahun 2023 hingga selesai. Tempat atau Lokasi penelitian di  PMB J. Manurung, A.Md., Keb Tahun 2023”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil yang berjumlah  30 orang d PMB J. Manurung, A.Md., Keb Tahun 2023” tehnik total sampling. Hasil : Berdasarkan tabel 4.1 menyatakan bahwa dari 30 responden, mengalami anemi ringan sebanyak 25 orang ( 83%) dan minoritas Anemi sedang sebanyak 5 orang (17%). Berdasarkan pengetahuan ibu hamil yang mengalami anemi mayoritas kurang sebanyak 16 orang ( 53%) dan minoritas berpengetahuan yang baik sebanyak 6 orang (20%). Berdasarkan Pendidikan mayoritas responden Perguruan Tinggi (40%) dan minoritas SMP sebanyak 7 orang (23%).Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan secara statistik antara pengetahuan, pendidikan dengan kejadian anemi pada ibu hamil trimester III