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Jurnal Solum Vol 18, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.545 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jsolum.18.2.45-65.2021


Rice waste has the potential to be used as a biochar raw material which can be used to overcome constraints on Ultisol soils. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of biochar from rice straw and phosphate fertilizers which give growth and yield of soybeans in Ultisols soil. The experimental design used was a randomized block design with a factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors and 3 replications, the first factor was the input of biochar (B) at a dose of 15 tonnes ha-1consisting of: b0 = no biochar, b1 = rice husk biochar 15 ton ha-1, b2 = rice straw biochar 15 ton ha-1, b3 = husk and rice straw biochar 15 ton ha-1. The second factor is the dosage of phosphate fertilizer (P) consisting of: p0 = without phosphate fertilizer, p1 = 60 kg ha-1 TSP (50% of recommendation), p2 = 120 kg ha-1 TSP (100% of recommendation). The results showed that there was no interaction between biochar and phosphate fertilizer applications on plant height, number of flowers per plant, number of productive branches per plant, percentage of fruit set per plant and crop index of soybean. However, the application of phosphate fertilizers significantly increased the number of flowers. There is an interaction between the application of biochar and phosphate fertilizers on leaf area, number of pods per plant, number of pods contained per plant, dry weight of biomass per plant, dry weight of seeds per plant, yield per hectare, net assimilation rate and uptake of plant phosphorus. Application of rice straw biochar with a dose of 15 tonnes ha-1 and a dose of phosphate fertilizer 60 kg ha-1 increased leaf area 36.74%, number of pods per plant 39.96%, number of filled pods per plant 47.61%, dry weight of biomass per plant 46.82%, seed dry weight per plant 52.65%, yield per hectare 54.68%, net assimilation rate 182.38% and plant phosphorus uptake 72.32%.Key words: biochar, P-fertilizer, rice husk, straw, soya, Ultisols
Uji Adaptasi Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.) di Dataran Rendah Muaro Jambi Windy Kurniaty; Eliyanti Eliyanti; Aryunis Aryunis
Jurnal Media Pertanian Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jagro.v7i2.147


The development of garlic cultivation is currently experiencing a very sharp decline, even some local garlic cultivars are very difficult to find both on farmer's land and in the domestic market. One of the main reasons is the presence of imported garlic whose tuber quality is acknowledged to be better than local garlic bulbs and the price is affordable by consumers. This study aims to test the adaptability of several varieties of lowland garlic in Muaro Jambi. The research was carried out in farmers' gardens located in Mendalo Darat, Jambi Luar Kota from May 2020 to July 2020 with Ultisol soil type and located at an altitude of 0-65 m above sea level. The experiment was arranged in a simple randomized block design (RAK) with garlic varieties as a treatment factor. The varieties treated were: v1 ( lumbu putih from DI Yogyakarta), v2 ( lumbu hijau from Batu Malang), v3 (lumbu kuning from Batu Malang), v4 (sangga sembalun from Sembalun, East Lombok, NTB), v5 (jangkiriah adro from Kerinci-Jambi), and v6 (tawangmangu baru from Tawangmangu, Karanganyar) with 4 replications. The results showed that six local varieties of garlic, namely lumbu putih, lumbu hijau, lumbu kuning, tawamangu baru, sangga sambalun and jangkiriah adro on vegetative growth grew well in Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi Province. The varieties of lumbu putih and sangga sambalun are able to grow, are bulbous and can form cloves in the lowlands of Muaro Jambi.  
Pemanfaatan Biochar Dari Limbah Tanaman Sawit Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Lahan Kering Setelah Relanting Di Desa Lampisi KecamatanRenah Mendaluh KabupatenTanjung Jabung Barat Wiskandar Wiskandar; Aryunis Aryunis; Islah Hayati
Jurnal Karya Abdi Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): Volume 5, Issue 3, Desember 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.794 KB)


Kegitan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berlokasi di Desa Lampisi Kecamatan Ranah Mendaluh, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat dimana sebagai mitra adalah Kelompok Tani Merkuri dengan tujuan agar Kelompok Tani Merkuri sebagai mitra dapat membuat dan memanfaatkan limbah tanaman sawit sebagai biochar untuk meningkatkan produktivitas lahan kering setelah replanting.Permasalahan yang didapati di lapangan dari kelompok tani belum memanfaatkan secara maksimal limbah sawit yang cukup banyak setelah replanting dan kurang mempunyai pengetahuan tentang biochar serta pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan ameliorant untuk memperbaiki produktivitas tanah. Bahan baku untuk dijadikan biochar sangat banyak bertumpuk dijumpai di daerah mereka.Berdasarkan hasil analisis situasi dan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh Desa Lampisi yang didukung oleh ilmu dan pengalaman yang kami miliki selama ini, maka kami akan menawarkan solusi yang mudah, murah, terus menerus dan berkelanjutan, untuk mengelola dan memanfaatkan sumber yang berlimbah tersebut untuk dijadikan sebagai sumber biochar. Memberdayakan Kelompok Tani Merkuri dalam mengelola sumber bahan organik insitu untuk budidaya jagung secara berkelanjutan. Solusi yang dapat dapat ditawarkan guna mencapai tujuan/sasaran pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah: (1) Melaksanakan penyuluhan kepada kelompok tani Sepakat sebagai mitra tentang pentingnya memelihara sifat fisik dan kimia tanah agar hasil tanaman selalu meningkat, (2) Melaksanakan penyuluhan kepada kelompok tani tentang manfaat biochar bagi perbaikan sifat fisik dan kimia tanah (3) Melaksanakan demontrasi pembuatan biochar dari limbah pertanian (3) Membuat percontohan pada lahan mitra tentang cara penggunaan biochars yang baik.
Pemberian Biochar Sekam Padi Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) Sawah Irigasi Teknis Wahyuni Lestari; Aryunis Aryunis; Akmal Akmal
Jurnal Agroecotania : Publikasi Nasional Ilmu Budidaya Pertanian Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Agroecotania: Publikasi Nasional Ilmu Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Jambi University, Fakultas Pertanian, Program Studi Agroekoteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/agroecotania.v5i1.22824


Rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple food crop of almost all Indonesians. In line with the increase in population from year to year, the need for rice also continues to increase. Therefore, efforts to increase production must continue. On the other hand, the decline in land area due to the conversion of functions from agricultural land to non-agricultural land also causes reduced production. However, in several regions the government has also printed new rice fields, which are generally not on fertile land. Therefore, efforts to increase production through improved farming or intensification, such as the application of new technological developments, need to be done. The aim of this study was to obtain the best dose in administering rice husk biochar for growth and yield of technically irrigated rice fields (Oryza sativa L.). The research was carried out in the Rice Fields of Rawa Medang Village, Batang Asam District, West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province which lasted for 5 months, starting from December 26, 2019 to April 19, 2020. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RAK). Provision of rice husk biochar at several dose levels, namely p0 = without rice husk biochar (300 kg Urea + 100 kg KCl + 100 kg SP-36), p1 = 5 tons ha-1 rice husk biochar + 1⁄2 dose of urea + 1⁄2 dose of KCl + 1⁄2 dose SP-36, p2 = 10 tonnes ha-1 rice husk biochar + 1⁄2 dose of urea +1⁄2doseofKCl+1⁄2doseofSP-36,p3 =15tonnesofha-1 biocharofricehusk+1⁄2doseofurea+ 1⁄2doseofKCl+1⁄2doseofSP-36,p4 =20tonsha-1 ricehuskbiochar+1⁄2doseofurea+1⁄2doseof KCl+1⁄2doseofSP-36,p5 =25tonsha-1 ofricehuskbiochar+1⁄2doseofurea+1⁄2doseofKCl+1⁄2 dose of SP-36. The variables observed were plant height, maximum number of tillers, number of productive tillers, panicle length, number of grains per panicle, percentage of empty grain per panicle, dry grain yield and weight of 1000 grains of grain. The results showed that giving bochar of rice husk had an effect and could increase the growth and yield of rice plants. Provision of 5 tonnes of rice husk biochar ha-1 to 25 tonnes ha-1 increased the yield of the maximum number of tillers, the number of productive tillers, and the yield of milled dry unhulled rice. Provision of rice husk biochar 25 ton ha-1 gave the best effect on lowland rice plants.