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Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 1 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Agronomic Performance of Chrysanthemum Varieties in Bandung. The objective of this experiment was to determine the agronomic performance of chrysanthemum varieties in Bandung Regency. The experiment was conducted at District Pasir Jambu Bandung regency of West Java Province on July until October 2010. The materials used are 10 varieties of chrysanthemum: Puspita Nusantara, Padma Buana, Puspita Asri, Purbasari, Swarna Kencana, Cut Nyak Dien, Sakuntala, Tirta Ayuni, Candra Kirana, and Mustika Kaniya. Fertilizers used were fermented manure 30 t / ha, urea 200 kg / ha, SP36 300 kg / ha, and KCl 250 kg / ha, foliar fertilizer Gramoxone 1 cc / l, and pesticides. Randomized block design with ten treatment ofchrysanthemum and four replications. The results of experience conclused that Swarna Kencana, Sakuntala and Padma Buana has a plant height 100.5 cm, 97.6 cm, and 94.76 cm higher than the other varieties (grade A) and the shortest are Candra Kirana of 51.95 cm (grade C). The number of stem segments occurred of Tirta Ayuni varieties in 32.5 and varieties Purbasari 26.2 lowest. Mustika Kaniya has the largest trunk diameter (0.74 cm) and smallest diameter occur on Padma Buana (0.45 cm), Purbasari (0.45 cm) and Puspita Asri (0.46 cm). Tirta Ayuni have leaf length (13.74 cm) and petiole length reached (4.05 cm). The diameter of the largest flower is Sakuntala and the smallest is Candra Kirana. The number of flower Candra Kirana was the smallest (7.7 buds) and most of flowers Purbasari namely 27.30 buds.
Pengaruh Pupuk NPK Tunggal, Majemuk, dan Pupuk Daun terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Padi Gogo Varietas Situ Patenggang SUNJAYA PUTRA
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 2 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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Increasing rice yield for fulfill food can be done through utilization dryland for planted new varieties upland rice and granting fertilizer appropriate. The study aims to determine the effect of NPK singular, compound and fertilizers leaf to increased upland rice yield of Situ Patenggang varieties. The experiment was conducted at dryland in Nagrak Utara village, Sukabumi District in West Java on January to April 2008. Materials research are used upland rice Situ Patenggang varieties, NPK Phonska (15-15-15), Urea, SP 36, KCl and fertilizers leaf. The experiment uses Randomized Block Design of six treatments and four replications. Treatments consisted of; 1) NPK 250 kgha-1, 2) NPK 200 kgha-1+ Urea 100 kgha-1, 3) NPK 200 kgha-1 + Urea 50 kgha-1+ Fertilisers leaf 3 lha-1, 4) NPK 200 kgha-1+ Urea 100 kgha-1+ Fertilisers leaf 2 lha-1, 5) NPK 200 kgha-1+ Fertilisers leaf 3 lha-1, 6) Urea 200 kgha-1+ SP 36 100 kgha-1+ KCl 50th kgha-1. The resulth of experience conclused that fertilizing treatment with NPK 200 kgha-1+ Urea 50 kgha-1+ Fertilisers leaf 2 lha-1 represents dosing appropriate and can increase upland rice yield of Situ Patenggang varieties until 3.4 tonsha-1 or increased counted 58% compared treatment using single fertilizers only (Urea 200 kgha-1+ SP 36 100 kgha-1+ KCl 50 kgha-1).
Agrotrop : Journal on Agriculture Science Vol 1 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana

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The increme of Wetland Rice Production with New High Yieldding Varieties The use of high yielding variety (HYV) is one of the technology components that supports rice production, besides fertilizer and irrigation. Yet the use of HYV is still slowly adopted, resulting in continuing previous varieties application. The objectives of the research were to determine the HYV with the highest yield implementing integrated crop management (ICM). The location of research was in Tanjung Sari village, Pondok salam subdistrict, Purwakarta residence in 2009 dry season. The new seven HYVs (Inpari 1, Inpari 2, Inpari 3, Inpari 4, Inpari6, Inpara 2, and Aek Sibundong) were treated with randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The results showed that Aek Sibundong variety had the highest crop height, the number of panicle per hill, and the filled grain percentage. Aek Sibundong variety had 11.7 t/ha grain yield, while that Inpari 2 had 8.26 t/ha. There were significant correlation between dry yield and the number of panicle per hill and the number of grain per panicle, with the value of 4.470 and 0.479, respectively.
Agrin Vol 16, No 1 (2012): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2012.16.1.127


Pupuk anorganik yang terus menerus diberikan pada setiap musim tanam padi dapat mencemarilingkungan selain produktivitas lahan menurun dan berpengaruh juga terhadap produktivitas padi menjadirendah. Oleh karena itu, dalam upaya meningkatkan produktivitas padi selain memberikan pupuk anorganikdiperlukan penambahan mikroba probiotik lokal seperti Agri Simba yang mampu memperbaiki kesuburan tanahsehingga penggunaan pupuk kimia berkurang. Pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaanAgri Simba terhadap pertumbuhan, komponen hasil dan hasil padi sawah varietas Inpari 1. Pengkajianmenggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan empat ulangan. Perlakuan Agri Simba disusunberdasarkan tingkat pemberian takaran 5; 10; 15; dan 20 l/ha. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa pemberianAgri Simba berpengaruh baik pada pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman. Hasil gabah kering tertinggi dicapai padatingkat pemberian 10 l/ha Agri Simba sebanyak 11,20 t/ha GKG, dan terendah diperoleh pada takaran 5 l/ha AgriSimba sekitar 10,05 t/ha GKG. Hasil gabah kering giling maksimum dicapai pada tingkat pemberian 12,81 l/haAgri Simba. Komponen hasil yang mendukung terhadap hasil gabah adalah jumlah gabah per malai yangberkorelasi nyata.Kata kunci : Inpari 1, Agri SimbaABSTRACTIn organic fertilizers are continuously given to each rice-planting season can pollute the environmentother than declining land productivity and decrease the productivity of rice. Therefore, in an effort to increaserice productivity in addition to inorganic fertilizer required with local probiotic microbes such as Agri Simba iscapable of improving soil fertility, so the use of chemical fertilizers is reduced. The aim of this experiment wasthe effect of the use of Agri Simba on growth, yield components and yield rice varieties Inpari 1. The experimentare using a randomized block design (RAK) with four replications. Agri Simba treatment based on the level ofdose 5; 10; 15; and 20 l / ha. The results of the experiment indicates that administration of Agri Simba goodeffect on plant height growth. The highest dry grain yield achieved at the level of 10 l / ha Agri Simba as muchas 11.20 t / ha paddy, and obtained at the lowest dose of 5 l / ha Agri Simba about 10.05 t / ha paddy. Maximumdry milled grain yield achieved at the level of 12.81 l / ha Agri Simba. Components that support the results ofgrain yield is the amount of grain per panicle were correlated realKeywords : Inpari 1, Agri Simba
Agrin Vol 15, No 1 (2011): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2011.15.1.119


Peningkatan produksi padi dalammendukung ketahanan pangan dapat dilakukan melalui pemanfaatanlahan kering dengan menanam padi gogo varietas unggul baru dan pengaturan jarak tanam. Tujuan daripenelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jarak tanam optimal yang dapat meningkatkan hasil padi gogo varietasSitu Patenggang di lahan kering. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan kering Desa Nagrak Utara, Kecamatan Nagrak,Kabupaten Sukabumi Jawa Barat pada bulan Januari-April 2008. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalahpadi gogo varietas Situ Patenggang, pupuk NPK dosis 200 kg/ha, Urea 100 kg/ha dan NPK cair 3 l/ha. Metodepenelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok terdiri atas enam perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Macamperlakuan yaitu ; 1) Jarak tanam tegel (25x25 cm), 2) Jarak tanam tegel (20x20 cm), 3) Jarak tanam legowo(30x25 x12,5 cm), 4) Jarak tanam legowo (30x20x10 cm), 5) Jarak tanam legowo (30x25xlarikan), dan 6) Jaraktanam legowo (30x20xlarikan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jarak tanam legowo (30x25x larikan),legowo (30x25x12,5), legowo (30x20xlarikan), dan legowo (30x20x10) dapat meningkatkan hasil padi gogovarietas Situ Patenggang masing-masing sebanyak 27,3%, 34%, 36,6% dan 44,9% dibandingkan dengan hasilproduksi padi gogo di Indonesia dan 1,4 %, 7%, 8,8% dan 15,4% di Jawa Barat. Jarak tanam legowo(30x20x10) dapat menghasilkan padi gogo sebanyak 3,29 ton/ha. Sedangkan hasil terendah diperoleh denganmenggunakan jarak tanam tegel (25x25 cm) sebanyak 2,22 ton/ha.Kata Kunci : jarak tanam, padi gogo, produksi ABSTRACTIncreasing rice production in support of food security can be done through the utilization of dry landplanted with upland rice and plant spacing. The purpose of this research is to determine plant spacing effect toincreased upland rice yield of Situ Patenggang varieties in dry land. Research conducted in the upland villageof North Nagrak, Nagrak Sukabumi district in West Java in January-April 2008. Materials used in the studywere Situ Patenggang upland rice, NPK fertilizer dose of 200 kgha-1, urea 100 kgha-1 and NPK liquid 3 lha-1.Method of research using randomized block design of six treatments and 4 replications. Kinds of treatment,namely: 1) Spacing of square (25x25 cm), 2) Spacing of square (20x20 cm), 3), Spacing of legowo (25x30x 12.5cm), 4) Spacing of legowo (30x20x10 cm), 5) Spacing of legowo (30x25xspreed), and 6) Spacing of legowo(30x20xspreed). The results of experience conclused that spacing of legowo (30x25x spreed), legowo (30x25x12,5), legowo (30x20x spreed), and legowo (30x20x10) can increased yield of upland rice Situ Patenggangrespectively of 27.3%, 34%, 36.6% and 44 , 9% compared with upland rice yield in Indonesia and 1.4%, 7%,8.8% and 15.4% in West Java. The spacing of legowo (30x20x10) can produce about 3.29 tonnesha-1. While, thelowest result obtained by using the spacing of square (25x25 cm) about 2.22 tonnesha-1.Keywords : plant spacing, upland rice, yield
Agrin Vol 15, No 2 (2011): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2011.15.2.189


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk kalium pada pertumbuhan dan hasilserta untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk kalium yang memberikan hasil maksimum pada ubi jalar varietasNarutokintoki. Penelitian dilaksanakan dilahan sawah musim kemarau tahun 2008 di Desa Wanasari, KecamatanWanayasa Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat. Pupuk kalium sebagai perlakuan disusun berdasarkan RancanganAcak Kelompok dengan empat perlakuan dan enam ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari : pupuk kalium dengan dosis60, 120, dan 180 kg K2O/ha dan tanpa pupuk K (kontrol). Ubi jalar yang digunakan adalah varietasNarutokintoki. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pupuk kalium memberikan pengaruh yangnyata terhadap panjang sulur, berat hijauan, jumlah umbi, berat umbi dan hasil ubi. Pada pemupukan kaliumdengan dosis 120 kg/ha K2O dapat meningkatkan hasil ubi sebesar 10,55 t/ha. Peubah yang memberikan korelasinyata dengan hasil ubi jalar yaitu peubah jumlah umbi per rumpun dan berat umbi per rumpun dengan nilai rmasing-masing sekitar 0,680* dan 0,789*. Hubungan hasil ubi jalar dengan tingkat pemupukan kaliummembentuk regresi kuadratik nyata dengan model persamaan Ŷ = 5,255 + 251 X - X², R2 = 0,90*. Padapersamaan ini untuk mendapatkan hasil optimum ubi jalar varietas Narutokintoki diperoleh pada dosis 125,5 kgK2O/ha.Kata kunci: pupuk kalium, ubi jalar, lahan sawah ABSTRACTThe study aims to determine the effect of potassium fertilizer on growth and yield and to get a dose ofpotassium fertilizer that gives optimum results in sweet potato Narutokintoki varieties. The experiment wasconducted in 2008 dry season at rice field of Wanasari village, Wanayasa District, Purwakarta Regency, WestJava. Potassium fertilizer as treatments have been prepared on randomized block design with four treatmentsand six replications. Treatments consisted of: potassium fertilizer with doses of 60, 120, and 180 kgs K2O ha-1and without K fertilizer (control). Sweet potato used were Narutokintoki varieties. The results showed that theuse of potassium gives a real influence on the long shoots, foliage weight, tuber number, tuber weight and tuberyield. At a dose of potassium fertilization of 120 kgs K2O ha-1 can increase tuber yield into 10.55 tha-1. Variablesthat provide real correlation with the results is variable number of tubers per hill and tuber weight per hill withrespective r values around 0.680* and 0.789*. Relations between tuber yield and potassium fertilization ratewas significantly quadratic regression model equation Y = 5.255 + 251 X - X ², R2 = 0.90 *. In this equation toobtain optimum on tuber yield of Narutokintoki varieties was obtained at doses of 125.5 kgs K2O ha-1.Key words: K fertilizer, sweet potato, kice field