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PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN BERBAGAI LEVEL KONSENTRAT MENGANDUNG ZnSO4 dan Zn-Cu ISOLEUSINAT TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN ENERGI KAMBING KACANG YANG MENGKONSUMSI SILASE SORGHUM–Clitoria ternatea (The effect of different level of concentrate additioncontaining ZnSo4.... Norbertus Bria; Erna Hartati; Markus M. Kleden
JURNAL NUKLEUS PETERNAKAN Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/nukleus.v8i2.4220


The aim of this research was to measure the effect of different level of concentrate addition containing znso4 and zn-cu isoleusinat on energy utilization of kacang goats fed mixed silage of sorghum-clitoria ternatea. Twelve male kacang goats with average body weight 14.4 kg and 14.93 % coefficient of variation was used in this research. Experiment methode was used with research design was block randomised design consist of 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were: T1: mixed silage of sorghum-Clitoriaternatea without concentgrate; T2; T3 and T4 was mixed silage of sorghum-Clitoriaternatea added by 10, 20 and 30 % of concentrate containg of 150 mg ZnSO4 and 2 % of Zn-Cu isoleusinat respectively. Parameter measured was consumnption and digestibility of anergy and blood glucose concentration. The result showed that addition of different level of concentrate containing ZnSO4 and Zn-Cu isoleusinatfollowed by increase of consumption and digestibility of energy and blood glucose concentration. It can be concluded the amount of concentrate providing containing of ZnSO4 and Zn-Cu isoleusinathad effect on energy consumption while no effect on digestibility of energy and blood glucose concentration. Further more 20 % of concentrate containg of ZnSO4 and Zn-Cu isoleusinat was the greatest level.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Daun Kersen (Muntingia calabura L) Sebagai Subtitusi Jagung di dalam Konsentrat Terhadap Profil Darah Kambing Lokal: The Effect of The Use of Kersen (Muntingia calabura L) Flour As A Corn Substitution In Concentrates On The Blood Profile of Local Goats Yohanes Leu; Erna Hartati; Gusti Ayu Yudiwati Lestari
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57089/jplk.v4i2.1104


Suatu eksperimen dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek penggunaan daun kersen sebagai subtitusi jagung di dalam konsentrat terhadap kadar hemoglobin, jumlah eritrosit, packed cell volume (PCV) dan total protein plasma ternak kambing kacang. Eksperimen telah dilakukan di Balai Penelitian Lapangan Peternakan Undana, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Materi yang digunakan adalah kambing lokal betina, umur 10-12 bulan dan berat badan rata-rata 10,17 kg. Penelitian ini metode percobaan dengan desain rancangan bujur sangkar latin (RBSL), empat perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan P1 = Rumput + konsentrat 80% jagung dan 20% kersen, P2 = Rumput + konsentrat 60% jagung dan 40% kersen, P3 = Rumput + konsentrat 40% jagung dan 60% kersen. Parameter yang diteliti adalah hemoglobin, eritrosit, PCV dan total protein plasma. Data yang terkumpul diolah dengan Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA), dan jika terdapat perbedaan diolah dengan Uji Jarak Berganda duncan menggunakan software SPSS series 21 for windows. Hasil eksperimen memperlihatkan kenaikan pada setiap variabel yang diukur dengan kisaran kadar hemoglobin 11,68-12,27gr/dl, jumlah eritrosit 9,56-10,09 x 106/mm3, kadar PCV 35,04-36,82% dan total protein plasma 7,02-7,70gr/dl. Namun uji statistik menunjukkan hasil perlakuan memberi pengaruh tidak berbeda nyata (P>0.05) pada kenaikan hemoglobin, jumlah eritrosit, PCV dan total protein plasma kambing kacang. Simpulannya adalah penggunaan daun kersen sebagai subtitusi jagung di dalam ransum sampai pada level 60% tidak memberikan peningkatan dan relatif sama terhadap hemoglobin, jumlah eritrosit, kadar packet cell volume (PCV) dan total protein plasma terhadap kambing lokal. Kata kunci: Daun Kersen, hemoglobin, eritrosit, PCV,  total protein plasma. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of using kersen leaves as a subtitute of corn in the concentrate on hemoglobin levels, erythrocyte counts, packed cell volume (PCV) and the total plasma protein of goat bean livestock. Experiments have been conducted at the Undana Livestock Field Research Center, East Nusa Tenggara. The material used is a female local goat, aged 10-12 months and an average body weight of 10.17 kg. Thisresearch method experimented with the design of the Latin square design (RBSL), four treatments and four repetitions. The application given P1 = Grass + konsentrat 80% corn and 20% kersen, P2 = Grass + konsentrat 60% jagung dan 40% kersen, P3 = Grass + konsentrat 40% j agung dan 60% kersen. The parameters studied are hemoglobin, erythrocytes, PCV and total plasma proteins. The collected data is processed with Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA), and if there are differences processed with double distance test duncan using SPSS series 21 for windows software. The results of the experiment showed an increase in each variable measured by the range of hemoglobin levels of 11.68-12.27gr/dl, the number of erythrocytes 9.56-10.09 x 106/mm3, PCV levels of 35.04-36.82% and total plasma proteins 7.02-7.70gr/dl. However, statistical tests showedthat the results of the treatment had no real difference (P>0.05) on the increase in hemoglobin, erythrocyte count, PCV and the total plasma protein of bean goats. The conclusion is that the use of kersen leaves as a subtitute of corn in the ration up to the level of 60% does not give an increase and relatif equal to hemoglobin, erythrocyte count, packet cell volume (PCV) levels and total plasma protein. against local goats.