David Ari Setyawan
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kudus

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Peran Konselor dalam Menghadapi Perilaku Temper Tantrum David Ari Setyawan
Konseling Edukasi : Journal Of Guidance and Counseling Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Konseling Edukasi: Journal Of Guidance and Counseling
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/konseling.v3i1.5580


THE ROLE OF COUNSELOR IN DEALING WITH TEMPER TANTRUM BEHAVIOR. Children aged 4-7 years is a time to get acquainted and learn to deal with disappointment when their desire cannot be fulfilled. Disappointment, anger, sadness, and so on is a natural feeling. However, often, parents unwittingly 'clog up' the emotions felt by the children. For example, when a child cries out in disappointment, parents in various ways try to entertain, distract, scold, and so on in order to stop the child's crying. This actually makes the children's emotions do not come out freely. If this continues, the result will be what is called the emotional pile. This pile of emotions can later explode out of control and appear as temper tantrum. Bursting anger with dangerous actions and causing injury is one form of tantrum so that children get what they want. The realization of the children’s tantrum that can pose a risk of injury can be either dropping to the floor, hitting the head, or throwing things. These are considered as the first stage of temper tantrum when the children are able to express their frustration. If temper tantrums have already appeared in the form of harmful behaviors and have the potential to cause damage, then intervention must be done immediately. The bigger the child, the more powerful the energy is and the more difficult it will be for parents to control or prevent uncontrolled behavior.Keywords: The role of counselor, Temper Tantrum.
Aktualisasi Diri Untuk Mengembangkan Kompetensi Profesional Calon Konselor David Ari Setyawan
JURKAM: Jurnal Konseling Andi Matappa Volume 4 Nomor 2 Agustus 2020
Publisher : STKIP Andi Matappa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31100/jurkam.v4i2.546


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of self-actualization of group guidance services to the professional competencies of student counselors majoring in Islamic Counseling Guidance at the Tulungagung State Islamic Institute. The research method uses quasi-experimental or pre-experimental research in the design and uses quantitative research in processing the data After being given group guidance services with self-actualization material for 7 times, it is necessary to increase professional mastery and professional counselors. 88-108 interval, the number of scores that can be agreed to mastering high professional counselor competence with 9 respondents' frequency answers with a percentage reaching 55.55% and the corresponding number of answer scores at 88-108 intervals reaching 41.67%. Group guidance service with self-actualization material turned out to be effective to improve professional competence with a calculated coefficient t = 11.25.
Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Melalui Bimbingan Kelompok Dengan Teknik Problem Solving David Ari Setyawan
Consilium : Berkala Kajian Konseling dan Ilmu Keagamaan Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Januari-June 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37064/consilium.v9i1.11349


Tujuan Penelitian: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikannya layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik problem solving.Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan mengambil populasi kelas VIII A dan VIII B MTs NU Mranggen yang berjumlah 63 siswa, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 20 siswa yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 10 untuk kelompok eksperimen serta 10 siswa untuk kelompok kontrol. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan angket motivasi belajar. Validitas instrumen dihitung dengan taraf signifikansi 5% (rtabel=0,388). Reliabilitas dihitung menggunakan rumus alpha cronbach menunjukkan hasil 0,774.Hasil Penelitian: Konseling sufistik-narrative therapy dapat membantu para santri dalam mendekonstruksi cerita-cerita dominan mereka yang pesimistik menjadi terciptanya narasi baru yang lebih optimistik, sufistik, dan moderat dalam berdakwah. Melalui kegiatan pendampingan literasi, para santri didorong memiliki kemampuan dalam memahami, mengaplikasikan, dan merefleksikan teks-teks kitab Kiai As’ad dalam menjawab problematika kehidupan nyata mereka. Para santri mampu menggali kisah-kisah wali songo dan kiai-kiai tempo dulu yang memiliki kepribadian sufistik yang santun dan ramah. Kemudian diimplementasikan dengan pendekatan dakwah yang mudah dipahami dan tindakan nyata (social model), akrab penuh kekeluargaan (silaturrahim), terbuka dan terdapat ikatan yang menguatkan (organisasi dan ritual), serta pengkaderan yang berkembang dan berkesinambungan.Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian diperoleh dari hasil Uji-t didapakan hasil t hitung sebesar 38,100> ttabel 2,228, berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari perhitungan uji-t maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik problem solving di kelas VIII MTs NU Mranggen dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa.Implikasi: Adanya pemberian layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik problem solving dapat diterapkan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi siswa dalam belajar serta dapat mengembangkan potensi diri siswa termasuk untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa.
Penerapan Konseling Behavioral Dengan Teknik Pemodelan Sebaya Untuk Mengurangi Kecenderungan Perilaku Prokrastinasi Akademik Siswa David Ari Setyawan
Guidance : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 18 No 02 (2021): Guidance : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Publisher : Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan | Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34005/guidance.v18i02.1862


This study contains an effort to reduce the tendency of students' academic procrastination behavior by applying behavioral counseling with peer modeling techniques. Techniques have great potential to run effectively and get maximum results. Because students in a school environment will tend to be easy to imitate the behavior of their peers. Peer modeling techniques will position students as observers who will observe other students as modeling objects. The aspect observed by the client is how the pattern of life and discipline applied by students is used as an object. The client will observe and then try to apply it in his life. The advantage of this technique is that the client will be more flexible and flexible in observing the object, because the object is his own friend. Observation results will also be more flexible because the object can be varied so that it can be adjusted to the client's self. In handling it, the application of counseling with peer modeling techniques is a potential solution. The role of the environment in this technique makes the client free to explore and observe the modeling object that has been determined. Accurate and maximum results will be obtained if the counselor, client and also the steps taken are appropriate and coherent. The research subjects were students of class IX MTs NU Mranggen for the 2020/2021 school year. The methods used in collecting data were questionnaires, interviews and observations. The result obtained in the first cycle were still medium, is namely 51% of the success indicator, while the second cycle is in the low category with a score 30%, so it can be concluded that peer modeling is effective in reducing academic procrastination.
Implementation Of Modelling Techniques Of Group Guidance Service to Develop the Student’s Attitudes David Ari Setyawan
Konseling Edukasi : Journal Of Guidance and Counseling Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Konseling Edukasi: Journal of Guidance and Counseling
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/konseling.v6i2.17053


Implementation Of Modelling Techniques Of Group Guidance Service to Develop the Student’s Attitudes. In this counseling guidance has aim to describe group guidance with modeling techniques in developing students' attitudes toward teachers. The method used in this paper is the successful application of the modeling technique group guidance services to develop students' attitudes toward teachers, the application of modeling techniques using group guidance. The target or application of the modeling technique group guidance service is the students. For guidance and counseling teachers, they should continue to explore counseling approaches and provide group guidance on modeling techniques for overcoming the attitude problems of students.Keywords: Group Guidance, Attitude Modelling Techniques