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Sejarah dan Perkembangan Yayasan Umat Islam Kaliyoso (YAUMIKA) serta Kontribusinya Bagi Masyarakat Kecamatan Kalijambe Kabupaten Sragen Tahun 1969-2015 Latif Kusairi; Ida Ayu Cahyani; Martina Safitry
Tsaqofah Vol. 19 No. 02 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Departement of History and Islamic Civilization, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tsaqofah.v19i02.5486


This study is a historical study of the development of local Islam in Kaliyoso Village, Kalijambe District, Sragen Regency, Central Java. Kaliyoso was the forerunner of the spread of Islam in the northern region of Surakarta City. The teachings of Islam in Kaliyoso were first spread by a cleric descended from a local Muslim family named Kiai Abdul Jalal I (Bagus Turmudi). After paying attention to the steps of the struggle of Kiai Abdul Jalal I in developing the Islamic religion, the struggle for preaching from Kiai Abdul Jalal I was continued by the sons of Wayah Kaliyoso with an effort to establish a foundation called the Yayasan Umat Islam Kaliyoso (YAUMIKA) in 1969. This research using a historical methodology that has four main stages of historical methods, namely (1) heuristics, (2) verification, (3) interpretation, (4) historiography. The results of this study indicate that the Yayasan Umat Islam Kaliyoso (YAUMIKA) has a role and contribution in efforts to foster the Kaliyoso community towards a more advanced civilization, as well as organize Islamic community activities. This was done with the aim of spreading the religion of Islam and the welfare of the people of Kaliyoso and its surroundings.
Dari Kultural Menuju Struktural - Perkembangan Nahdlatul Ulama di Kecamatan Manisrenggo, Klaten Tahun 1983-2017 Sahid Wahyu Wijarnako; Latif Kusairi; Martina Safitry; Sucipto Sucipto
heritage Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Heritage: Journal Of Social Studies
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/hrtg.v2i2.56


Abstract Nahdlatul Ulama is a socio-religious organization founded by K.H. Hasyim Asy'ary with the elderly Kyai in East Java by carrying out the ideals of civilization, namely to create a harmonious and just world order based on morality. Manisrenggo is an area where people do not understand the teachings of Islam, so the majority of people still behave in violation of religious norms such as drinking, gambling, and believing in animism and dynamism. NU began to be known in Manisrenggo District around 1983 which was brought by K.H Masyhudi Hamid, a local Ulama from Wonokromo who moved to Klaten to carry out his duties as a Projo Pager or Satpol PP, as well as preaching to spread Islam to the Manisrenggo Community. This research uses the theory of great tradition and little tradition or big tradition and small tradition introduced by Robert Redfield. The results obtained from this study indicate that Manisrenggo which was originally a small area on the slopes of Mount Merapi where even the people know very little about Islam and their daily lives are still filled with activities that violate religious and community norms such as gambling, drinking, stealing, and others. After the arrival of Nahdlatul Ulama in Manisrenggo, the people became more acquainted with Islam and gradually began to know the teachings of Islam and leave their old culture. NU in Manisrenggo also plays an active role in social, religious, and educational fields which can be seen from the establishment of madrasas, Islamic boarding schools, TPAs, assemblies, mosques, prayer rooms, and various other activities with the community.
Sejarah dan Perkembangan Yayasan Umat Islam Kaliyoso (YAUMIKA) serta Kontribusinya Bagi Masyarakat Kecamatan Kalijambe Kabupaten Sragen Tahun 1969-2015 Ida Ayu Cahyani; Martina Safitry; Latif Kusairi
Keraton: Journal of History Education and Culture Vol 4, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/keraton.v4i1.2666


This study is a historical study of the development of local Islam in Kaliyoso Village, Kalijambe District, Sragen Regency, Central Java. Kaliyoso was the forerunner of the spread of Islam in the northern region of Surakarta City. The teachings of Islam in Kaliyoso were first spread by a cleric descended from a local Muslim family named Kiai Abdul Jalal I (Bagus Turmudi). After paying attention to the steps of the struggle of Kiai Abdul Jalal I in developing the Islamic religion, the struggle for preaching from Kiai Abdul Jalal I was continued by the sons of Wayah Kaliyoso with an effort to establish a foundation called the Yayasan Umat Islam Kaliyoso (YAUMIKA) in 1969. This research using a historical methodology that has four main stages of historical methods, namely (1) heuristics, (2) verification, (3) interpretation, (4) historiography. The results of this study indicate that the Yayasan Umat Islam Kaliyoso (YAUMIKA) has a role and contribution in efforts to foster the Kaliyoso community towards a more advanced civilization, as well as organize Islamic community activities. This was done with the aim of spreading the religion of Islam and the welfare of the people of Kaliyoso and its surroundings.
Sejarah dan Perkembangan Yayasan Umat Islam Kaliyoso (YAUMIKA) serta Kontribusinya Bagi Masyarakat Kecamatan Kalijambe Kabupaten Sragen Tahun 1969-2015 Ida Ayu Cahyani; Martina Safitry; Latif Kusairi
Keraton: Journal of History Education and Culture Vol 4, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/keraton.v4i1.2694


This study is a historical study of the development of local Islam in Kaliyoso Village, Kalijambe District, Sragen Regency, Central Java. Kaliyoso was the forerunner of the spread of Islam in the northern region of Surakarta City. The teachings of Islam in Kaliyoso were first spread by a cleric descended from a local Muslim family named Kiai Abdul Jalal I (Bagus Turmudi). After paying attention to the steps of the struggle of Kiai Abdul Jalal I in developing the Islamic religion, the struggle for preaching from Kiai Abdul Jalal I was continued by the sons of Wayah Kaliyoso with an effort to establish a foundation called the Yayasan Umat Islam Kaliyoso (YAUMIKA) in 1969. This research using a historical methodology that has four main stages of historical methods, namely (1) heuristics, (2) verification, (3) interpretation, (4) historiography. The results of this study indicate that the Yayasan Umat Islam Kaliyoso (YAUMIKA) has a role and contribution in efforts to foster the Kaliyoso community towards a more advanced civilization, as well as organize Islamic community activities. This was done with the aim of spreading the religion of Islam and the welfare of the people of Kaliyoso and its surroundings.
Pesantren Tradition and the Existence of Tarekat Syattariyah in the Java War of 1825-‎‎1830‎ Moh Ashif Fuadi; Moh. Mahbub; Martina Safitry; Usman Usman; Dawam Multazamy Rohmatulloh; M. Harir Muzakki
TSAQAFAH Vol. 18 No. 1 (2022): Tsaqafah Jurnal Peradaban Islam
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/tsaqafah.v18i1.7666


The Java War had its unique influence on the development of pesantren. Prince Diponegoro plays the struggle against the invaders with some of his soldiers who come from among the pesantren. After his defeat in the Java War of 1825-1830, many Diponegoro warriors spread to teach religion. This research will discuss the sustainability of the struggle of Diponegoro warriors in pesantren and the Islamic treasures of the Java War, such as strengthening pesantren traditions and the existence of tarekat syattariyah (syattariyah order). This research is classified as historical research through Kuntowijoyo's historical research methods: topic selection, heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. This research yielded several conclusions, namely: First, after its defeat in the Java war, the struggle of Diponegoro warriors with a cleric-santri background continued through the establishment of pesantren with a change in strategy more to intellectual strengthening. Second, intellectual traditions during the Java War, one of which was through the study of yellow books typical of pesantren with fiqh and Sufi patterns such as Fatḥ al-Qarîb and Tuḥfah al-Mursalah ila Rûḥ al-Nabiy. Third, the existence of the tarekat syattariyah that had an anti-colonial character at that time was quite popular in Java, made the order followed by prince Diponegoro and some of his soldiers. Fourth, when compared to the Padri War, the typology of da'wah struggle developed by Diponegoro warriors is more moderately patterned identically to Walisongo's accommodating character.
KAJIAN HISTORIS TAREKAT QADIRIYAH NAQSYABANDIYAH AL-MANDHURIYAH TEMANGGUNG: Eksistensi dan Pengaruh Sosial Keagamaannya Muhammad Husna Rosyadi; Moh. Ashif Fuadi; Latif Kusairi; Martina Safitry; Qisthi Faradina Ilma Mahanani
Al-Isnad: Journal of Islamic Civilization History and Humanities Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Al-Isnad: Journal of Islamic Civilization History and Humanities
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/isnad.v4i1.7428


Abstrak Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang dinamika tarekat qodiriyah wa naqsyabandiyah di Temanggung yang disebarkan oleh K.H. Mandhur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah, yakni pemilihan topik, pengumpulan sumber, verifikasi, interpretasi dan penulisan sejarah. Penulis menitikberatkan pada sumber primer berupa peninggalan catatan-catatan K.H. Mandhur, dan wawancara terhadap keturunan K.H. Mandhur serta data pendukung penelitian terdahulu dari sumber buku, artikel, atau berita online. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa: K.H. Mandhur merupakan seorang kiai yang berpengaruh di Temanggung, sehingga pesatnya perkembangan tarekat qodiriah wa naqsyabandiyah di Temanggung tak lain adalah karena perannya dalam menyebarkan tarekat tersebut. Adapun sanad tarekat K.H. Mandhur berasal dari Kiai Umar Payaman yang juga merupakan murid Syekh Zarkasi Berjan murid Syekh Abdul Karim al-Bantani. K.H. Mandhur mulai mengenalkan tarekat sebelum Indonesia merdeka yakni sekitar tahun 1920 di daerah Ngebel dan mulai berpindah tahun 1950 mengajarkan tarekat tersebut di pusat Kota Temanggung sampai wafatnya pada tahun 1980. Sepeninggal K.H. Mandhur, kepemimpinan tarekat diteruskan oleh putranya yaitu K.H. Ahmad Bandnudji sampai sekarang. Eksistensi TQN al-Mandhuriyah terbukti membawa dampak sosial-keagamaan dengan adanya interaksi sosial antar jamaah dari berbagai daerah dengan saling bersilaturahmi dan kegiatan para jamaah seperti manakiban, sewelasan, tawajjuhan, peringatan haul K.H. Mandhur, khalwat, selapanan badal. Kata Kunci: Tarekat, TQN al-Mandhuriyyah, K.H. Mandhur, Temanggung.