Asmar Yetti Zein
Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Usia menopause dan kejadian osteoporosis pada lansia Sri Zulfi R; Asmar Yetti Zein; Sujiyatini Sujiyatini
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014): Juli
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v5i1.168


Menopouse age in Indonesian women which faster can effect to osteoporosis incident. Beside that raising of live expectation have more effect to get illness at late age, such as osteoporosis. The raising of osteoporosis incident at late age would be health problem which needed to notice and got serious support. Based on data from Banguntapan I Local Government clinic Bantul had 3020) late age and women at late age in range above 60 years old are 600 people (20%). Those 20% are women with osteoporosis risk. To identify correlation of menopouse age with osteoporosis incident. This study is an analutic observational with cross-sectional design. This study held in Banguntapan I Local Government clinic Bantul area at Januari 25, 2013. Subjek of study are women at late age and had incluci and exclusi criteria. Amount of sample are 156 participant. Instrument of study is roundup data form. Analysis used kendall-tau test by p < 0,05 and conffident interval 95% than used coefficient correlation test. Normal meopouse age at late age are 44% whereas late menopouse age at late age are 56%. Osteoporosis incident at late age who at normal menopouse age are 56% whereas at late menopouse age are 44%. Women at late age who come to menopouse stage are risk to have osteoporosis by p-value 0,000. There is a significant correlation statisticly of menopouse age with osteoporosis.
Hubungan indeks masa tubuh dengan kejadian anemia Thatik Muslimah; Asmar Yetti Zein; Tri Maryani
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014): Juli
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v5i1.178


Background: Based on Household Health Survey data (2004) the prevalence of anemia in teenagers in age 10-18 years is 57.1%. Teenagers is prone to get anemia because teenagers who are growing, starting to menstruate, and starting to think about the ideal body shape, thus causing a change in diet that affects the body mass index. Objective: Knowing the relationship between body mass index with Anemia incident. This research uses a survey method with cross sectional analytic. The study is conducted in SMA N 3 Bantul on 14-15 May 2013. Samples were taken by purposive sampling techniques as many as 83 respondents. This research instrument is the adult weight scales, mikrotoa, and Portable Digital Hemoglobin Analyzer EASY TOUCH GCHb, that is analyzed using Chi Square. Results: The prevalence of anemia in class XI student was 42.2%. Body Mass Index mostly within the normal ranges, 83.1%. Analysis with Chi Square test results are known p-value 0.002 (<0.05) and RP of 2.26 (CI 1.479 to 3.450). Conclusions: The relationship between body mass index with incidence of anemia. It means that Body Mass Index has the higher risk of anemia compared to body mass index that is not at risk
Gambaran berat badan akseptor KB suntik DMPA setelah empat kali suntikan Yunaning Utami; Asmar Yetti Zein; Nanik Setiyawati
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 6 No. 2 (2014): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v6i2.201


Injectable has a lot of side effects, such asmenstrual disorders, nausea, headaches, decreased sex drive (libido), chills, mastalgia (breast pain) and an increase in body weight. This study aims to describe the weight on injectable DMPA acceptors in Banguntapan health center II in 2010- in 2012. This research is a descriptive study cohort approach historical time. The population is all injectable DMPAacceptors who had completemedical records in health centers Banguntapan II beganin January 2010-December 31, 2012 a number of 86 acceptors. Average weight gain injectable DMPA acceptors at first injection was 48,8 kg, while the fourth injection is50,14 kg. More and more do DMPA injections, the average weight gain experienced by the higher. Most of the injectable DMPA acceptors weight gain is 83 people (96.5%after four injections), while the least weight loss is 1 person (1.2%). Changes in average bodyweight before and after usingDMPAinjections KBis 1.34 kg.
Faktor risiko perdarahan pasca persalinan primer Ari Arfian Ningsih; Sujiyatini Sujiyatini; Asmar Yetti Zein
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 8 No. 2 (2015): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v8i2.231


Maternal mortality in of Yogyakarta in 2013 caused by bleeding ( 33%). Bleeding post delivery piece is themost primary of obstetrichaemorrhage as the cause ofmaternal death. Risk factors of bleeding post delivery primer i.e. age, parity, anemia, medical disease,induction of iabor. childbirth, episiotomy, duration and amniotic rupture early. There has been increasing bleeding scene in theaftermath of a primary in childbirth rsud wonosari. This research aims to get information about the risk of bleeding after a primary inchildbirth rsud wonosari year 2014. This research descriptive research by adopting both cross sectionai. The population in thisresearch is 47 mother who experienced postpartum hemorrhage after a primary in childbirth rsud wonosari 2014 as from 1 january2014 to 31 december 2014. An instrument used in this research is check list. Data analysis univariabel displayed in a frequencydistribution and the percentage of. Hasil penelitian faktorrisiko perdarahan pasca persalinan primer di RSUD Wonosari tahun 2014adalah paritas pada multipara (64%), dan metode persalinan pervaginam(87,2%). Bleeding after childbirth primary occurred on thenot with risk factors , which is aged 20-35 year (78.8 %) , not anemia (81%) , there is no medical disease (79%), not with induction(70,2%), the duration of normal delivery (38%), not episiotomi (85,1%) , and no amniotic broke early (85,1%) .
Hubungan pola asuh makan balita dengan status gizi balita Puspita Wardani; Dyah Noviawati Setya Arum; Asmar Yetti Zein
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 7 No. 1 (2015): Juli
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v7i1.240


The severe underweight in Yogyakarta regency 2011 is 1,35%. Gedongtengen subdistrict have biggest severe underweight that 26 from 977 children (2,6 %) and moderate underweight 120 children (12,78 %). Pringgokusuman village has the biggest severe underweight is about 2,15% and moderate underweight about 18,26%. Child nutritional status can be influenced by childcare eating patterns. To solving the nutritional problem, not sufficiently resolved by medical but also childcare eating patterns can support the creationof healthy behavior. The purpose is to examine the relationship between childcare eating pattern with child nutrition status in Pringgokusuman village 2013. The kind of research is observational with a cross-sectional design, and the sampling technique is proportional sampling. Research location in Pringgokusuman village, Gedongtengen subdistrict. The respondents are mothers and children aged 12-59 months as much as 63 samples. Research instrument by questionnaire and steelyard with a level of accuracy 0,1 kg. The relation between the variables is analyzed by the Kendall Tau test. The result of the Kendall Tau test concerning the value of 0,03 <0,05. There is a relationship between childcare eating pattern with child nutrition status in Pringgokusuman village in 2013