Zulfayeni Zulfayeni
Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Riau

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Pemberian Makanan Tambahan pada Ibu Hamil KEK di Puskesmas Karya Wanita Pekanbaru Mita Puspitasari; Mitra Mitra; Tin Gustina; Novita Rany; Zulfayeni Zulfayeni
Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mamuju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33490/jkm.v7i2.325


Chronic Energy Deficiency in pregnant women is a condition of pregnant women due to an imbalance in the intake of energy and protein nutrients, so that the substances the body needs are not fulfilled. Incident chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women have a risk of abortion, bleeding, prolonged labor, infection, low birth weight baby, birth defects, and causes of death indirectly. An attemt to resolve the incidence of malnutrition in pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency with supplementary food. Type of qualitative research. Research informants were pregnant women chronic energy deficiency, nutrition staff, midwives, health promotion officers, and cadres. Research results are the knowledge of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency about supplementary feeding is stil lacking, the attitudes of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency and their husband’s support about supplementary feeding are already good, compliance of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency is still lacking, acceptance of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency about supplementary feeding is stil lacking, delivery of information when counseling needs to be improved by using the contemporary method, distribution of supplementary feeding for Puskesmas officers in collaboration with cadres. Advice doing technical guidance to health workers about supplementary feeding, health workers increase again in providing information related to supplementary feeding, provide information using digital media such as video, made a special trick of setting an alarm as a reminder to consume supplementary feeding, make derivate technical guidelines from the ministry of helath according to conditions in the field.
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program PMT-P pada Balita Wasting Yuanita Ayu Anugrahini; Mitra Mitra; Agus Alamsyah; Kiswanto Kiswanto; Zulfayeni Zulfayeni
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 10 No 01 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Maju (STIKIM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33221/jikm.v10i01.807


Kementrian Kesehatan RI menetapkan Program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Pemulihan (PMT-P) untuk mengatasi masalah gizi kurang pada balita. Masih rendahnya presentase balita yang naik status gizinya setelah mendapatkan makanan tambahan selama tahun 2019 menunjukkan adanya masalah dalam pelaksanaan program PMT-P di Puskesmas Sebangar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan PMT-P pada balita wasting di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sebangar berdasarkan komponen input, proses dan output. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain penelitian Rapid Assesment Procedur (RAP). Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Informan adalah petugas gizi, kepala puskesmas, bidan desa, kader posyandu dan ibu balita wasting. Hasil menunjukkan petugas gizi kurang berpengalaman dalam tugasnya menjadi penanggung jawab program PMT-P balita di Puskesmas Sebangar. Rendahnya pemahaman petugas mengenai pedoman program PMT-P balita disebabkan sosialisasi oleh petugas gizi belum maksimal. Tempat penyimpanan makanan tambahan baik di puskesmas maupun di desa tidak memenuhi syarat. Pemantauan oleh petugas tidak dilaksanakan sesuai pedoman atau petunjuk teknis PMT-P balita wasting. Output yang dihasilkan masih rendah hanya 1 balita dari 5 balita sasaran yang status gizinya menjadi normal. Pelaksanaan program pemberian makanan tambahan pemulihan pada balita wasting di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sebangar tahun 2020 belum optimal karena masih ada beberapa komponen yang tidak sesuai pedoman Program PMT-P balita.
Pemberian Makanan Tambahan pada Ibu Hamil KEK di Puskesmas Karya Wanita Pekanbaru Mita Puspitasari; Mitra Mitra; Tin Gustina; Novita Ranyin; Zulfayeni Zulfayeni
Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mamuju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33490/jkm.v7i2.325


Chronic Energy Deficiency in pregnant women is a condition of pregnant women due to an imbalance in the intake of energy and protein nutrients, so that the substances the body needs are not fulfilled. Incident chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women have a risk of abortion, bleeding, prolonged labor, infection, low birth weight baby, birth defects, and causes of death indirectly. An attemt to resolve the incidence of malnutrition in pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency with supplementary food. Type of qualitative research. Research informants were pregnant women chronic energy deficiency, nutrition staff, midwives, health promotion officers, and cadres. Research results are the knowledge of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency about supplementary feeding is stil lacking, the attitudes of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency and their husband’s support about supplementary feeding are already good, compliance of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency is still lacking, acceptance of pregnant women in chronic energy deficiency about supplementary feeding is stil lacking, delivery of information when counseling needs to be improved by using the contemporary method, distribution of supplementary feeding for Puskesmas officers in collaboration with cadres. Advice doing technical guidance to health workers about supplementary feeding, health workers increase again in providing information related to supplementary feeding, provide information using digital media such as video, made a special trick of setting an alarm as a reminder to consume supplementary feeding, make derivate technical guidelines from the ministry of helath according to conditions in the field.