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Disain Irigasi Tetes Tipe Orifis Tanpa Pompa untuk Tanaman Slada Secara Hidroponik pada Rak-Rak Bertingkat Muhammad Idrus
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 5 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v5i1.835


The research was conducted at the Research Field of Lampung State Polytechnic, Bandar Lampung. The objectives of the research were (1) To design and construct the drip irrigation type orifice without pump for salad (Lactuca sativa L.) with hydrophonic system on cropshelf, and (2) To test irrigation efficiencies performance of the drip irrigation  type orifice without pump.  The result of the research showed that the drip irrigation type orifice without pump given distribution efficiency of water nutrition by 87.26%, water nutrition use efficeiency of 75.61%, and  salad production average of 130.31 g/tanaman, and water nutrition productivity of 2.44 kg/m3.  Salad  production dan water nutrition productivity average by  the drip irrigation type orifice without pump was higher compared to traditional water nutrition application.    Keywords: The drip irrigation type orifice, water nutrition, efficiency, and  Lactuca    sativa L.
Rancang Bangun Irigasi Tetes Emiter Tali untuk Budidaya Semangka (Citrullusvulgaris) Muhammad Idrus; I Gde Darmaputra; Surya Surya
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 6 No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v6i3.851


The research was conducted at the Research Field of Lampung State Polytechnic, Bandar Lampung from August to November 2014.  The objectives of the research ware: (1) to designing of the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter for watermelon cultivation; (2) to determining the hydrolic criteria of  the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter for water melon cultivation; and (3 ) to  testing  the performanses of the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter which are water storage efficiency, water distribution efficiency and water produktivity of water melon.    The result of the research showed that the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter with 2, 3, and 4 cm length of emitter given flow rate of 7.205, 6.40, and 2.790 l/s respectively on the operation pressure of 0,15 atm. The size of 1 sub block the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter is 15 m x 50 m for minimize pressure variation in the sub block.  The diameter and length of manifold pipe are 25 mm and 15 m, but the lateral pipe are 13 mm and 50 m. The diameter of main pipe depend on amount of the sub block   irrigated on once time irrigation. Total dynamic head for two sub blocks  irrigated is 3,44 m head and  pump capacity minimal 1,02 l/s.  The water storage efficiency, water distribution efficieny of the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter were 100% and 87,73%.  The water melon production on the the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter was 5,83 kg/plant was not significant different compared to furrow irrigation method was 5,64 kg/plant.  But irrigation water productivity of watermelon was significant different between of them. Water irrigation productivity of water melon by the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter of 133 kg/plant was higher than the furrow irrigation method of 59 kg/plant.  Amount of iririgation water application on water melon cultivation by the the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter was only 44 l/plant, but the furrow irrigation method was higher of 96 l/plant.  There for the amount of water  irrigation can be conserved on water melon cultivation by the drip irrigation with plastic rope emitter was 54%  compared to the furrow irrigation method. Keywords: drip irrigatoin, furrow irrigation, pressure operation emitter, flow rate, water melon, production, water storage efficieny, water distribution effiency, and irrigation water productivity.
Rancang Bangun dan Aplikasi Irigasi Tetes Bawah Permukaan Emiter Serabut Kelapa untuk Budidaya Kol Bunga (Brassica oleracea botrytis L.) Dataran Rendah I Gde Darmaputra; Muhammad Idrus; Surya Surya
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 6 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v6i1.859


The research purposed to design and application of coconut fiber emitter of sub-surface drip irrigation for low land cabbage plant, to determine thickness of coconut fiber emitter that good  application for cabbage plant, to measure sub surface-drip  irrigation performance that are emitter discharge, wetted area diameter, water use, production and  water productivity. This research conducted at State Polytechnic of Lampung from June to November 2013. The results showed that coconut fiber emitter of sub-surface drip irrigation can be applied to  cabbage plant. Thickness of coconut fiber emitter that good application for cabbage plant was 15 mm with 10 mm fasteners diameter. Water use of cabbage plant with application of coconut fiber emitter of sub-surface drip irrigation was 0.081 m3 per plant, 38% more efficient than kettle (gembor) irrigation (0.131 m3/plant). Water productivity with coconut fiber emitter of sub-surface drip irrigation was 3.58 kg/m3, 67% more higher than kettle irrigation  (2.15 kg/m3). Keywords: design, application, coconut, emitter, drip,  irrigation, cabbage.
Produktivitas Air Beberapa Varietas Selada dengan Sistem Irigasi NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) di PT. Momenta Agrikultura Lembang Bandung Barat Widya Sari; Muhammad Idrus; Surya Surya
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 7 No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v7i3.861


The research was conducted at the PT. Momenta Agrikultura Lembang West Bandung on February to April 2015. The objectives of the research were to determine amount of water used, production, and water productivity on several varieties of salad (Lactuca sativa L.) with irrigation system nutrient film technique (NFT).  The result of the research showed that the variety of salad affected amount of water used, production and water productivity of salad with irrigation system nutrient film technique (NFT).  The amount of water used of several salad  varieties were 23.52 l/plant of cyurly salad, 25.02 l/plant of red salad, 12.71 l/plant of romain salad, and 15.09 l/plant of batavia salad for one circle of  planting 45 days.  Production of batavia salad were 170.2 g/plant not significantly different compared to romain salad of 166.0 g/plant but higher compared to curly salad of 142.6 g/plant and red salad of 94.2 g/plant. Water productivity of romain salad were 13.60 kg/m3 not significantly different compared to batavia salad of  11.91  kg/m3 but higher compared to curly salad of 6.18 kg/m3 and red salad of 3.77 kg/m3.   Keywords: salad varieties (curly salad, red salad, romain salad, and batavia salad), irrigation system nutrient film technique (NFT), water used,  production, and  water productivity
Pengaruh Frekuensi Pemberian Air Irigasi Terhadap Produktivitas Caisim Hidroponik dengan Media Sekam Bakar di PT. Momenta Agrikultura Lembang Epri Hartono; Muhammad Idrus
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 7 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v7i1.871


The experiment was conducted at the PT. Momenta Agricultura Lembang Jawa Barat from March  to April 2014.  The objective of the research were to study irrigation frequency   of caisim hydroponic will given good yield and water productivity. Four level of irrigation frequency treatments were 1,3,5, and 7 times per day. The result of the research indicated that irrigation frequeny of 5 times per day of caisim hydroponic with carbonized rice hull media was obtained highest water productivity 7,45 kg m-3 compared to 1,3, and 7 times irrigation per day.  Irrigation frequency of 5 times per day was obtained good yield of caisim hydroponic is average 78,22 g/plant not significantly compared to yield of caisim non hydroponic with 1 times irrigation per day is average 80,78 g/plant.   Keywords: irrigation frequency, caisim, hydroponic, carbonized rice hull, production, and water productivity
Pengaruh Panjang Talang Terhadap Produktivitas Air Tanaman Selada Kerinting dengan Sistem Irigasi NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) di PT. Momenta Agrikultura Lembang Bandung Barat Agus Prasetyo; Muhammad Idrus; Surya Surya
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 7 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v7i2.881


The research was conducted at the PT. Momenta Agrikultura Lembang West Bandung on February to April 2014. The objectives of the research were to determine amount of water used, production, and water productivity of salad (Lactuca sativa L.) with irrigation system nutrient film technique (NFT) with different lenght size of water chamfer. The result of the research showed that the size of length of water chamfer affected production and water productivity of salad.  The amount of water used of salad on long size of water chamfer of 24 m with NFT was 23.52 l/plant nearly same with short size of water chamfer of 6 m was 24.24 l/plant. Salad  production dan water productivity average by  the using short size of gabel was higher compared to using long size of gabel.  Salad production and water productivyti with using short size of water chamfer was average 217 g/plant and 8.95 kg/m3 water respectively but with using long size of water chamfer only 161g/plant and 6.85 kg/m3 nutrient.      Keywords: length size of water chamfer, nutrient film technique (NFT), production, water productivyti and  salad (Lactuca sativa L.)
Desain Irigasi Tetes Bawah Permukaan Berdasarkan Konduktivitas Hidraulik Tanah untuk Tanaman Hortikultura Muhammad Idrus; Erie Maulana
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 6 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v6i2.887


Subsurface drip irrigation is designed base on the soil hydraulic conductivity in order to water drip out from emitter not overflow to soil surface so that application of water irrigation more efficent.   The objectives of the research were (1) To compose matematic equation for determining diameter of hole emitter sub surface drip irrigation base on soil hydraulic conductivity so that emitter discharge not more than soil hydraulic conductivity; (2) To constract the physic model of subsurface drip irrigation conform with the design in this research; (3) To test performances design result of the subsurface drip irrigation at the research station with plant indicator is chilly with 4, 6, 8, and 10 days irrigation interval. The result of the research showed that the diameter of hole emitter of subsurface drip irrigation base on the equation /2.4/ for clay, sandy loam, and sand textures are 3,3; 4,7; and 6,6 mm respectively without water overflow from hole emiter to the soil surface.The irrigation interval of 6 days by using subsurface drip irrigation until day old of chilly 50 days after planting gave production 0,561 kg plant-1 and economical benefit per unit of water.  Water productivity of chilly with 6 days  irrigation interval is very high of 6.56 kg m-3 of water.    Keywords: subsurface drip irrigation, hole diameter emitter, chilly, irrigation interval.
Penerapan Irigasi Tetes Bawah Permukaan Bertekanan pada Budidaya Tomat Muhammad Idrus
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 5 No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v5i2.895


The research was conducted at the Research Field of Lampung State Polytechnic, Bandar Lampung from July to September 2013.  The objectives of the research was To test the pressure subsurface drip irrigation performances in tomato cultivation.  The result of the research showed that tomato production and  irrigation water productivity by the pressure subsurface drip irrigation method was higher compared to furrow irrigation method.  Tomato production and irrigation water productivity by the pressure subsurface drip irrigation method were 1,319 kg/plant and 23,974 kg/m3 respectively, but by the furrow method were 1,165 kg/plant and 2,774 kg/m3.  Amount of iririgation water application on tomato cultivation by the pressure subsurface drip irrigation method for one periode of planting was only 55 liters but by the furrow method was 420 liters.  There for the amount of irrigation can be conserved on tomato cultivation by the the pressure subsurface drip irrigation method was 86,90%  compared to the furrow method. Keywords: pressure subsurface drip  irrigationand furrow method, tomato, production, irrigation water application and irrigation water productivity.
Optimasi Luas Petak Distribusi Irigasi Terputus-Putus Untuk Padi Sawah Pada Daerah Irigasi Air Tanah Dangkal Muhammad Idrus; I Gde Darmaputra; Andy Eka Saputra
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v12i1.1669


The research was conducted in rainfed paddy  field at Cisarua Village, Natar  Sub District, Lampung Selatan Region to find out the area of plot distribution irrigation water to obtained the maximum area will be irrigated and the maximum net income. The treatment of intermittent irrigation are the intermittent irrigation with area plot distribution of water irrigation of 1,000 m2, 2,000 m2, 3,000 m2, 4,000 m2, and  5,000 m2. Preparation of seedling for the intermittent irrigation treatment using paddy field.   The treatment the intermittent irigation were using transplanting of 1 young seedling (18 days after seeding) at wider space 22 cm x 22 cm with range legowo 5:1. The results of these research showed that the total amount water application for plowing, harrowing, and leveling namely 656 m3/ha, but for growing paddy plant namely 626 m3/ha for each apply water irrigation.  Icreasing the area plot distribution of water irrigation so that the area paddy field will be irrigated also increase with the same of pumping discharge.  The maximum area paddy field can be irrigated with pumping capacity of ground water of 1,243 l/dt namely 1.1 ha with combination 2 plot distribution water irrigation with size 4.000 m2 each and 1 plot distribution water irrigation with size 3,000 m2 per planting season and obtained the maximum net income of Rp 19,414,333.   The average paddy prodcution obtained 7,366.7 kg/ha with amount water irrigation application 3.782 m3/ha. The Water irrigation productivity and the total water productivity of 1.95 and 0.91 kg/m3 repectively. Keywords: irigasi intermittent irrigation, amout water irrigation application, maximum area can be irrigated, maximum net income, production and water productivity.
Kajian Waktu Irigasi pada Tanaman Selada (Lactuva Sativa) Organik Untuk Budidaya Tanaman dengan Naungan dan Tanpa Naungan di Yayasan Bina Sarana Bakti Cisarua Bogor Desi Novalia; Muhammad Idrus; I gde Darmaputra
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 12 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v12i2.1901


The Bina Sarana Bakti Foundation (YBSB) implements an organic farming system, which is an agricultural management system with a terrace design with permanent beds that can ecologically (environmentally) improve land quality, provide stable and sustainable yields and income into the future. To provide water for plants so that organic farming can take place throughout the season, both in the rainy season and in the dry season, water reservoirs are built using existing water sources. Utilization of water in the cultivation of organic lettuce at the Bina Sarana Bakti Foundation is carried out with 2-level irrigation hose treatment, namely the interval of providing irrigation water for 3 days and 4 days. Data analysis used t test at 5% real level. The results showed that the theoretical amount of water for lettuce at the Bina Sarana Bakti Foundation was 714 l/bed/season which was almost the same as the actual water use of lettuce with an interval of 3 days of irrigation water including additional liquid fertilizer from rabbit urine. + water in open land in shade is 720 l/bed/season, however, it is much lower than the interval of providing irrigation water for 4 days in open land without shade, namely 4,980 l/bed/season. The production of lettuce in shade with an interval of 3 days of 30.4 kg/bed/season was much greater than the production of lettuce without shade with an interval of 4 days of irrigation water, which was only 24.7 kg/bed/season. The productivity of irrigation water for shaded lettuce with the provision of irrigation water at an interval of 3 days of irrigation is 42.22 kg/m³, much higher and more effective than lettuce without shade with an interval of 4 days of irrigation which is only 4.96 kg/m³. Keywords: irrigation time interval, lettuce plants, no shade, shade, and water productivity.