Nepho Gerson Laoly
STT Injili Indonesia Medan

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Yobel: Periode, Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Teologi Nepho Gerson Laoly
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v3i2.60


The literature on Jubilees discusses implications of acquiring the Land of Canaan (Palestine). Jubilee had a high degree of law in aspects of The Life of the Israelites, especially the administrating of the territory of the land of Canaan.  However, there are also scholars who think of jubilees as a rule instituted by priests in the period of exile or in the period of return from exile. Jubilee writing is in the background of the Ancient Near East, the Second Temple, and the writing of the gospels that use jubilee years such as Luke.  In addition, jubilees are the basic arguments for liberating and socialist theology or related to contemporary agendas that use the word "independence" and the like. Jubilees cover four categories: period, social, economic, and theological categories.  Research is conducted to gain a comprehensive understanding of jubilees through literature surveys in biblical, socio-economic, and archaeological areas. Qualitative methods are applied to accommodate various jubilee-related information in providing Jubilee exposition material. The application of close reading is done in order to get the right information. Archaeology is also a secondary source to sharpen this research.Keywords: Jubilee; Ancient Near East; Biblical; Social-Economy; Liberation  Abstrak:Literatur mengenai Yobel membicarakan implikasi dari mengakuisisi daratan Kanaan (Palestina). Yobel memiliki derajat hukum yang tinggi dalam aspek kehidupan bangsa Israel, terutama pengadministrasian wilayah tanah Kanaan. Kendati demikian ada juga para sarjana yang beranggapan Yobel sebagai suatu aturan yang dilembagakan oleh para imam pada periode pembuangan ataupun dalam periode kembali dari pembuangan. Penulisan Yobel ada di dalam latar belakang Timur Dekat Kuno, Bait Allah Kedua, dan penulisan injil yang menggunakan tahun Yobel seperti Lukas.  Selain itu Yobel menjadi argumen dasar bagi teologi-teologi yang bersifat pembebasan dan sosialis, ataupun terkait dengan agenda kontemporer yang menggunakan kata “kemerdekaan” dan sejenisnya. Yobel mencakup empat kategori yaitu kategori periode, sosial, ekonomi, dan teologi.  Penelitian dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman Yobel yang komprehensif melalui survey literatur pada area biblika, sosial-ekonomi, dan arkeologi. Metode kualitatif diterapkan untuk menampung berbagai informasi terkait Yobel dalam menyediakan materi eksposisi Yobel. Penerapan close reading  dilakukan agar mendapatkan informasi yang tepat. Arkeologi juga menjadi sumber sekunder untuk mempertajam penelitian ini.Kata Kunci: Yobel; Timur Dekat Kuno; Biblika; Sosial; Ekonomi; Pembebasan
Mengenal Kaum Pentakosta Nepho Gerson Laoly
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.39


Abstract: This article was created to increase understanding of the Pentecostal group. The research was conducted with literature research that talked about the Pentecostals. This article discusses the history of the development of the Pentecostal group, how this group developed with the house church, the fundamentalist label given to Pentecostals, and how this group uses the Bible as a guide for their daily life.Keywords:  Pentecost ; Fundamentalist ; House Church; Bible Abstrak:Artikel ini dibuat agar pemahaman akan kelompok Pentakosta semakin meningkat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan riset literatur yang membicarakan kaum Pentakosta. Artikel ini membicarakan bagaimana sejarah perkembangan kelompok Pentakosta, bagaimana kelompok ini berkembang dengan gereja rumah, label fundamentalis yang diberikan kepada kaum Pentakosta, dan bagaimana kelompok ini mempergunakan Alkitab sebagai pedoman hidup keseharian. Kata Kunci: Pentakosta ; Fundamentalis ; Gereja Rumah; Alkitab
Tanah, Kekerabatan dan Ekonomi Israel Kuno Nepho Gerson Laoly
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i2.47


Presenting a picture of ancient Israel is necessary to give the text sharp meaning. Especially when digging up the Bible using the historical-grammatical method. The investigation was carried out with literature research related to Israel including the Hebrew Old Testament text (Hebrew Bible), Ancient Near Eastern literature and archaeological evidence at that time such as the gezer calendar. Land becomes ownership that is passed down from generation to generation, no longer looking for new land as nomadic life does. The kinship system is a tool to prevent a family's economy from entering into hereditary poverty. Agricultural life became the main basis of the economy in ancient Israel although trade was also carried out. The planting and harvesting process is carried out according to the specified schedule. This provides a neat economic picture for an ancient nation. With the three elements running well, ancient Israel would become a strong and established nation in the midst of other nations. Living life as God gave it really made ancient Israel strong. This article describes Israel before the exile, a picture we can see before the moral decline that plagued other aspects of ancient Israel's life as well.Keywords: Israel ; Land; Kinship; Economy; Gezer
Usia Perjanjian Lama Nepho Gerson Laoly
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (892.127 KB) | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v1i2.11


Why was the Old Testament established in the 1st century AD, long after its use for the Israelites. Then, if there are determined to be part of the Old Testament, then at least there are writings that do not meet the conditions. The existence of rejected writings is increasingly confirmed by the existence of the Song of Songs and the Ecclesiastes who at the last moment were "accepted" as part of the Old Testament. Why the books that have been rejected at Jamnia do not return to use or if possible then re-consider them in the Old Testament canon. Because of course the development of knowledge that is more "sophisticated" than the 1st century AD, will be able to reveal the "truth" so that the addition of new books is possible. Isn't this all just talking about setting standards that can be changed in accordance with a mutual agreement. We must see evidence from the writings of Josephus namely Apionem, Edras, Daniel, Sirach, Jamnia, and the Samaritan Pentateuch. With this work, may the Old Testament is increasingly confirmed as a valid collection.
Kajian Biblika, Sistematika dan Misi tentang Pentingnya Doa bagi Gereja Nepho Gerson Laoly
IMMANUEL: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 1, No 1 (2020): APRIL 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46305/im.v1i1.7


The church is God's representative on this earth. For this reason, an appropriate teaching for the church is needed. Prayer is a church activity that must be done. How prayer can continue in the church. Is prayer a part of church. What is the benefit of prayer. What is the degree of prayer for the Christian life. How God has promised help, then that promise is kept through prayer. Let prayer be an act that will continue in the midst of God's people until the end of time.Abstrak Gereja merupakan wakil Allah di bumi ini. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu pengajaran yang tepat bagi gereja. Doa merupakan suatu aktivitas gereja yang harus dilakukan. Bagaimana doa dapat terus berlanjut dalam gereja. Apakah doa merupakan bagian dari bergereja. Apakah manfaat doa. Bagaimana derajat doa bagi kehidupan Kristen. Bagaimana Allah telah menjanjikan pertolongan, maka janji itu ditepati melalui doa. Biarlah doa menjadi perbuatan yang akan terus berlanjut di tengah-tengah umat Tuhan sampai akhir zaman.
Tahun Sabat dan Tahun Yobel dalam Imamat 25 Nepho Gerson Laoly
IMMANUEL: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 3, No 2 (2022): OKTOBER 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46305/im.v3i2.130


The Sabbath and Jubilee years already existed in Ancient Israel, first recorded in Leviticus 25. Explanation is needed in distinguishing the Sabbath and Jubilee in Leviticus 25 from the Sabbaths in other texts. The existence of differences in understanding of the Sabbath such as the value of the Sabbath from only one heart to one year needs to be explained clearly. Using the method of exegesis by looking at the grammar and history of Leviticus 25 is useful for entering into the Sabbath and Jubilee Year laws. The Sabbath and Jubilee laws were used as a period of rest for farmland, farmland, property rights, and debt slaves. The word abaton (שַׁבָּת֥וֹן) is a term to stop all activities at a predetermined time. ten years is often achieved as the fiftieth year, but the Jubilee year lasts forty-nine days, in the seventh month only the tenth of the Israelite calendar. AbstrakTahun Sabat dan Tahun Yobel sudah ada di masa Israel Kuno, tercatat pertama sekali di Imamat 25. Penjelasan diperlukan dalam membedakan Sabat dan Yobel di Imamat 25 dengan Sabat di teks lainnya. Adanya perbedaan pemahaman Sabat seperti nilai waktu Sabat mulai hanya satu hati menjadi satu tahun perlu dipaparkan dengan jelas. Menggunakan metode eksegese dengan melihat gramatika dan historis Imamat 25 berguna untuk masuk ke dalam hukum Tahun Sabat dan Tahun Yobel. Hukum Sabat dan Yobel telah digunakan sebagai masa beristirahat bagi tanah pertanian, pengembalian hak kepemilikan tanah, dan pembebasan para budak hutang. Kata Šabaton (שַׁבָּת֥וֹן) menjadi istilah untuk berhenti dari segala aktifitas pada masa yang telah ditentukan. Kendati Yobel sering dipahami sebagai tahun ke lima puluh, tetapi tahun Yobel hanya berlansung selama empat puluh Sembilan hari, pada bulan ketujuh hari ke sepuluh kalender Israel.
Hukum Pembebasan Masyarakat Timur Dekat Kuno : Misharum, Andurarum, Hammurabi, dan Yobel Nepho Gerson Laoly
Jurnal Teologi Cultivation Vol 6, No 2 (2022): DESEMBER
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jtc.v6i2.1580


Abstract The law of liberation of slaves already existed in ancient Near Eastern societies. Using qualitative methods, the researcher conducted a study of the literature to enter into the laws of the peoples of the Ancient Near East. The law of deliverance was owned by the Akkadians (andurarum), the Babylonians (the misharum and hammurabi law), and the Israelites (jubilee law). The use of the word דְּר֛וֹר (liberation) indicates the similarity of concepts between the nations of the Ancient Near East. The word דְּר֛וֹר also provides evidence regarding the dating of the time of enactment of this law around 2000 B.C. Although there are similarities, but Leviticus 25 gives the law of the Jubilee superior to other laws in ancient Near Eastern societies. Abstrak Hukum pembebasan para budak sudah ada di masyarakat Timur Dekat Kuno. Menggunakan metode kualitatif, peneliti melakukan studi literatur untuk masuk ke dalam hukum-hukum masyarakat di Timur Dekat Kuno. Hukum pembebasan telah dimiliki oleh bangsa Akkadian (andurarum), bangsa Babel (misharum dan hukum Hammurabi), serta bangsa Israel (hukum Yobel). Penggunaan kata דְּר֛וֹר (pembebasan) menunjukkan kesamaan konsep antara bangsa-bangsa di Timur Dekat Kuno. Kata דְּר֛וֹר juga memberikan bukti mengenai penanggalan waktu pemberlakukan hukum ini sekitar tahun 2000 S.M. Kendati ada kesamaan, tetapi Imamat 25 memberikan hukum Yobel yang lebih unggul dari hukum lainnya di masyarakat Timur Dekat Kuno.
Historical Impact of Messianic Prophecies on Ancient And Modern Times Nepho Gerson Laoly
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 5, No 2 (2023): OKTOBER 2023
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v5i2.115


Abstract: This article delves into the significance of messianic prophecies in Judaism and Christianity, examining their origins, impact on ancient Israel, and relevance in modern times. The study uses literary analysis and hermeneutic approaches to examine the history, interpretation, and contextualization of these prophecies. It discusses their influence on ancient Israel's religious and cultural identity, fostering optimism during turmoil. The article also explores their impact on various global regions.. The article also emphasizes the significance of messianic prophecies in contemporary society, shaping religious beliefs, fostering collective belief systems, and influencing social and political dynamics. The article highlights the ongoing scholarly discourse and theological deliberation surrounding these prophecies, revealing their persistent importance in today's theological and cultural frameworks. Overall, this comprehensive examination of messianic prophecies provides a deeper understanding of religious convictions, cultural customs, and the evolution of religious movements. Christian can affirm that Jesus is God and Lord who protect His people. Keywords: Messianic ; Ancient Israel ; Judaism ; Sociological Context ; Christianity  Abstrak: Artikel ini menyelidiki pentingnya nubuat-nubuat Mesias dalam Yudaisme dan Kekristenan, memeriksa asal-usul mereka, dampaknya pada Israel kuno, dan relevansi mereka di zaman modern. Studi ini menggunakan analisis sastra dan pendekatan hermeneutik untuk memeriksa sejarah, interpretasi, dan kontekstualisasi dari nubuat-nubuat ini. Ini membahas pengaruh mereka pada identitas agama dan budaya Israel kuno, mendorong optimisme selama kekacauan. Artikel ini juga mengeksplorasi dampaknya pada berbagai wilayah global. Artikel ini juga menekankan pentingnya nubuat messianik dalam masyarakat kontemporer, membentuk keyakinan agama, mempromosikan sistem kepercayaan kolektif, dan mempengaruhi dinamika sosial dan politik. Artikel ini menyoroti diskusi ilmiah yang sedang berlangsung dan pertimbangan teologis yang mengelilingi nubuat-nubuat ini, mengungkapkan pentingnya yang berterusan dalam kerangka teologi dan budaya saat ini. Secara keseluruhan, pemeriksaan yang komprehensif terhadap nubuat-nubuat messian memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang keyakinan agama, kebiasaan budaya, dan evolusi gerakan agama. Orang Kristen dapat menyatakan bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan dan Tuhan yang melindungi umat-Nya. Kata Kunci : Mesias; Israel Kuno; Yudaisme; Konsteks Sosialogi; Kekristenan