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Scientia: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Scientia Juni
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.687 KB)


This writing is to show how women religion organization has an interlationship use social capital by giving economical benefit to green vendors in local term called “Kemplang” in Bangka. Social capital which performs social informal relationship, also contribute to the proses of how the community group help others aspecially women green vendors as community group which have role in rising fund to empower their efforts.
Peringatan Dini Terhadap Hubungan Antar Umat Beragama di Kota Pangkalpinang Hadarah Rajab
Scientia: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Scientia Juni
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (642.924 KB)


The harmony and conflict between religions of the institution becomes very important to: first, break down the prejudices against the image that has been built for the four institutions. The results of this study are expected to prove that the institution is truly inclusive. At the same time also reinforce the prejudice of the image, if it turns out the results of the study show the opposite. Second, it can be seen what their desires for religion and other groups treat them. In other words, this research is expected to be able to illustrate the desires of each religious group towards the other, so that in turn efforts can be made to build and increase harmony among them in particular, and among religious adherents in general. The research method used is Descriptive Phenomenology on How do community leaders view early warning of inter-religious relations in the City of Pangkalpinang and How are the efforts made, both by the government and the community, to increase harmony between religious adherents in the City of Pangkalpinang.? Through social phenomena, it is known that based on the views of the Bangka community, it is known how much the potential for harmony and or conflict exists between them in particular, and in the Pangkalpinang City area in general. In other words, the results of this study contribute to the reading of the potential for conflict and or harmony between religions, each of which demands sustainable action and policy. Early warning in relations between religious communities is a form of anticipation of the possibility of religious conflicts. The term early warning or more commonly referred to as an early warning system, early warning system, is a term that is often used in a safety protection system, both those caused by natural disasters, or those caused by chaos that occur in society
Deseminasi Program Community Engagement and Professional Development Hadarah Rajab
AL QUWWAH : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2021): AL QUWWAH : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/aq.v1i1.1167


The Community Development and Professional Development Program is a short training but provides not simple experience, participants can focus more on developing academic writing, methodology research and scientific insights in the fields of Psychology, Anthropology, Social Science, Cultural Studies, Ethnography and Australian History, besides learning in more developed countries, certainly more appropriate so that in the following periods it could be developed again. The Religion and Society Research is an extension of the Center for the Study of Contemporary Muslim Society (CSCMS) which was established in 2009 at UWS under the umbrella of the National Center of Excellence for Islamic Studies. As such, it is apparent that Islam and the Muslim community have become the basis of studies that are calculated and attracting interest in the UWS and in many other campuses in Australia. Conflicts, especially radical terrorism is not visible on the surface, so when it is questioned, it becomes something that is not interesting for them to be discussed. It is possible that this also exists but is not popular for all parties to talk about it. It is evident that every resource person who appears if at the end of a radical question about terrorism, then he spontaneously says he does not have control and there is no material to convey, therefore he is wrong when providing information because it is outside of their knowledge. His attitude of professionalism seems to be exemplary on the other hand, that means that not everyone can talk about everything, if it is outside their knowledge and understanding, other than that they do not want to rashly provide information that will result in information only alleged without evidence. Program Community Engagement and Professional Development merupakan training singkat namun memberikan pengalaman yang tidak sederhana, peserta dapat lebih focus pada pengembangan academic writing, methodology research dan wawasan keilmuan di bidang Psychology, Antropology, Social Science, Cultural Studies, Ethnography and Australian History, selain itu belajar di negara lebih maju tentu lebih tepat ssehingga dimasa-masa berikutnya dapa dikembangkan lagi. The Religion and Society Research merupakan perluasan dari Center for the Study of Contemporary Muslim Society (CSCMS) yang didirikan tahun 2009 di UWS di bahwa payung National Center of Exellence for Islamic Studies. Dengan demikian, nampak nyata bahwa Islam dan komunitas masyarakat muslim telah menjadi basis kajian yang diperhitungkan dan menarik minat di UWS dan di banyak kampus-kampus lain di Australia. Konflik, radikal apalagi terorisme terbilang tidak nampak dipermukaan, sehingga ketika hal itu dipertanyakan, maka hal itu menjadi sesuatu yang tidak menarik bagi mereka untuk diperbincangkan. Kemungkinan hal itu juga ada namun tidak menjadi populer untuk semua kalangan untuk membicarakannya. Terbukti setiap narasumber yang tampil jika diakhir pertanyaan tenang radikal terorisme, maka ia pun spontan mengatakan tidak menguasai dan tidak ada bahan untuk disampaikan, oleh karenanya ia justru salah jika memberikan informasi karena diluar pengetahuan mereka. Sikap Profesionalismenya nampak disisi lain patut dicontoh, iu artinya tidak semua orang boleh berbicara tentang semua hal, jika memang diluar keilmuan dan pemahaman mereka, selain itu tidak ingin gegabah memberikan informasi yang akibatnya informasi tersebut hanya dugaan tanpa bukti.