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MAHABBAH: Journal of Religion and Education Vol 2, No 1 (2021): MAHABBAH: Journal of Religion and Education , Vol.2, No.1 (January 2021)
Publisher : Scriptura Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47135/mahabbah.v2i1.21


The book of Judges is great historiography of the Old Testament. This book is composed of many rhetorical devices in the form of narrative. Scholar, pastor, professor etc pay attention to elaborate theological issue of this book. Some of academic journal elaborate about ethical issue about Jephthah’s vow. Common interpretation used topical approach to examine ethical issue. The main problem to interpret Jephthah vow is that many interpreters did not used narrative approach, so that they have lost the writer emphasis.  This article aims to examine Jephthah’s vow according narrative approaches. Some of interpretation book of the Old Testament, especially commentary on Judges 11:29-40 forget narrative approach as literary that writer used. Literary approach of the Judges 11:29-40 presents the properly approach to produce properly theological interpretation. This article elaborating each plot of Judges 11:29-40 to find the motive of narrator. The interpretation is according the structure of narrative text produce the precise and clear interpretation. The writer striving to consistent with an interpretation rule in examine each part of the passage. Therefore, this article is an academic writing that gives rich insights.
Makna Penggunaan Gaya Bahasa Ironi dalam Narasi Hakim-Hakim 4:1-24 Giyarto Giyarto; Daniel Lindung Adiatma
KAPATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Bethel Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (418.346 KB) | DOI: 10.55798/kapata.v1i2.13


The book of judges is an important historical theological book in Old Testament Canon. This book uses narrative literature as common narrative books in Old Testament. Judges 4:1-24 is part of narrative book of Judges. Some interpretation books do not pay attention to literary approach. Especially on Judges 4:1-24 some interpretation only concern to Deborah dan Barak and their success. Irony is one of the language styles used in describing a narrative. This article aims to examine the meaning of the use of irony in the narrative of Judges 4: 1-24. Through narrative literary research and the use of irony in language, the interpreters discover the theological meanings that contained in the narrative of Israel's deliverance of the oppression. Abstrak Kitab Hakim-Hakim merupakan kitab sejarah teologis yang penting dalam kanon Perjanjian Lama yang memakai sastra narasi. Tidak banyak buku tafsir yang memeriksa penggunakan unsur sastra dalam menafsirkan kitab Hakim-Hakim 4:1-24. Ironi adalah salah satu gaya bahasa yang dipakai dalam melukiskan narasi. Artikel ini bertujuan meneliti makna penggunaan gaya bahasa ironi dalam narasi Hakim-Hakim 4:1-24. Melalui penelitian sastra narasi dan penggunaan gaya bahasa ironi, penafsir menemukan kekayaan makna teologis yang terkandung dalam narasi pembebasan Israel dari penindasan raja Kanaan. 
Peristiwa Penyaliban Yesus Ditinjau dari Perspektif Sejarah dan Teologi Yohanes Daniel Lindung Adiatma
IMMANUEL: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 3, No 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46305/im.v3i1.104


The event of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ has caused controversy for some circles. For Christians, this event marks a major change in human life in obtaining eternal life. For non-religious historians, these events are ordinary events that do not have any meaning in history. But they admit that the crucifixion of Jesus is considered a major event for mankind. His example influences mankind to become civilized human beings. In addition, there are some people who do not believe that the crucifixion of Jesus is a factual event and can be trusted. The assumption is, Jesus was released from the punishment of the cross and went to other areas to preach the gospel. Although the latter opinion is not supported by valid data and has received opposition from Christian historians and theologians, it is still believed by several groups of people. This study seeks to assess historical facts about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ from a historical and theological perspective so that the validity of the events of Jesus' death cannot be doubted and increases Christian belief in the event not only at the faith level, but also at the academic level. The author will present historical data from leading historians and literary analysis of the Gospel of John 11:1-12:36 to find the historical factuality of the crucifixion of Jesus and the theological meaning behind the event. In his study, the author will compare the opinions of historians who lived close to the time of Jesus and John as narrators and witnesses of the death of Jesus. Finally, readers can believe in the factuality and history of Jesus' crucifixion which is interpreted as a glory for the Son of God and has an impact on the lives of believers.AbstrakPeristiwa penyaliban Yesus Kristus telah menimbulkan kontroversi bagi beberapa kalangan. Bagi orang Kristen, peristiwa tersebut menandai perubahan besar dalam kehidupan manusia dalam memperoleh kehidupan kekal. Bagi sejarahwan non keagamaan, peristiwa tersebut merupakan peristiwa biasa yang tidak memiliki makna apapun dalam sejarah. Tetapi mereka mengakui bahwa peristiwa penyaliban Yesus dianggap sebagai peristiwa besar bagi umat manusia. Keteladan-Nya memberikan pengaruh bagi umat manusia agar menjadi manusia yang beradap. Selain itu, ada beberapa kalangan yang tidak meyakini peristiwa penyaliban Yesus sebagai peristiwa yang faktual dan dapat dipercayai kebenarannya. Asumsinya, Yesus dilepaskan dari hukuman salib dan pergi ke daerah lainnya untuk memberitakan injil. Meskipun pendapat terakhir tersebut tidak didukung dengan data-data yang valid dan memperoleh pertentangan dari sejarahwan dan teolog Kristen, namun pendapat tersebut masih diyakini oleh beberapa kelompok orang. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menilai fakta sejarah tentang penyaliban Yesus Kristus dari perspektif sejarah dan teologi sehingga validitas peristiwa kematian Yesus tidak dapat diragukan dan meningkatkan keyakinan orang Kristen terhadap peristiwa itu bukan saja pada tingkat iman, melainkan juga pada tingkat akademis. Penulis akan memaparkan data-data sejarah dari sejarahwan terkemuka dan analisis sastra Injil Yohanes 11:1-12:36 untuk menemukan faktualitas sejarah penyaliban Yesus dan makna teologis di balik peristiwa tersebut. Dalam kajiannya, penulis akan membadingkan pendapat sejarawan yang hidup dekat dengan masa Yesus dan Yohanes sebagai narator dan saksi peristiwa kematian Yesus. Akhirnya, pembaca dapat meyakini faktualitas dan historitas penyaliban Yesus yang dimaknai sebagai kemuliaan bagi Anak Allah dan berdampak pada kehidupan orang percaya.
Konstruksi Teologi Bagi Gereja dan Israel Dalam Roma 11:25-27 Daniel Lindung Adiatma
Predica Verbum: Jurnal Teologi dan Misi Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Predica Verbum Vol. 1 No. 2 (December) 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia (STTII) Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (400.744 KB) | DOI: 10.51591/predicaverbum.v1i2.21


Romans 11:25-27 is part of the New Testament which is quite difficult to interpret. Many debates have arisen from biblical scholars in interpreting this passage. Theological pre-assumptions can divert the interpretation of the text. The systematic theological approach can lead the interpreter's understanding not intended by the author of the book. Biblical theology must be produced through an interpretive process that pays attention to the elements of biblical texts. In interpreting Romans 11:25-27, an interpreter needs to pay attention to textual, contextual, intertextual and theological elements. Thus Romans 11:25-27 is not interpreted in the lens of systematic theology (soteriology, ecclesiology and eschatology), but pays attention to the text and the final format of the book. Thus, there is no need to continue the debate on predestination and the nature of the church in relation to Israel in both a pastoral and academic context. Understanding Romans 11:25-27 makes believers active in preaching the gospel to implement God's great plan for the church and Israel. Ultimately, God is glorified by the two communities that God has chosen.
The Actualization of the Principles of Missionary Work According to 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 Daniel Lindung Adiatma; Sigit Wijoyo; Sutrisno Sutrisno
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol 6, No 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson Ungaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46445/ejti.v6i2.448


The issue of Christianity and the local culture has been a discussion that continues to flourish. The issue of the challenge of preaching the Gospel, which was considered incompatible with the spirituality of the local community, has been contested since the first century. Paul, as an apostle, faced the challenge of preaching the gospel because of the exclusivity of early Christianity. This article is aimed at explaining Paul's teachings in 1 Corinthians 9:1-23 from a missiological point of view. This article is aimed at describing how Paul carried out his missionary work in a society of diverse cultures and spiritualities. The author intends to explain it through an exegesis that emphasizes the passage's historical, grammatical, and contextual aspects. Missionary work is a noble task from God. Cultural diversity requires missionaries to be flexible with cultural conditions without compromising the values of biblical theology. The mission does not have to uproot a person from his or her culture but can provide a new interpretation of that culture according to Christian truth. While giving new meaning to culture, the material of the mission must be Christocentric. Flexibility to local culture can reduce the level of resistance from local communities.
Ciri Khas Pengajaran Yesus dengan Metode Perumpamaan Berdasarkan Catatan Injil Sinoptik Daniel Lindung Adiatma
HUPERETES: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46817/huperetes.v3i2.115


The Gospel writers confirmed the parable material and arranged it in historiography. The writers have a special motive in choosing parable material to support the main theme they set in their historiography. The tendency of the interpreter is to separate the material of the parable from the unity of the material. This has the potential to cause dissonance in the teachings of the parable. Research that ignores aspects of the final form of the book makes it difficult for the interpreter to find the theological value assigned. Although there have been allegorical interpretations that have developed since the early centuries, the model is not relevant enough to be used in a comprehensive hermeneutical context. This research was conducted by observing three important aspects. First, an analysis of the author's motives. Second, analyze the initial audience. Third, analysis of the expected response of readers. Thus, the interpreter can find the theological meaning of the biblical parable of Jesus and encourage the reader to take an attitude that is by the expectations of the author of the book. The Gospel writers used parables to confirm the theological meaning of their books.Para penulis Injil mengonfirmasi materi perumpamaan dan menyusunnya dalam sebuah historiografi. Para penulis telah memiliki motif khusus dalam memilih materi perumpamaan untuk mendukung tema utama yang mereka tetapkan dalam historigrafinya. Kecenderungan yang dilakukan oleh penafsir adalah memisahkan materi perumpamaan dari kesatuan materi. Hal ini berpotensi menimbulkan ketidakpaduan ajaran dari perumpamaan. Penelitian yang mengabaikan aspek bentuk akhir kitab menyulitkan penafsir menemukan nilai teologis yang ditetapkan. Meskipun telah muncul tafsir alegoris yang berkembang sejak abad permulaan, namun model itu tidak cukup relevan digunakan dalam konteks hermeneutik yang komprehensif. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pengamatan tiga aspek penting. Pertama, analisis motif penulis. Kedua, analisis pendengar mula-mula. Ketiga, analisis terhadap respons pembaca yang diharapkan. Dengan demikian, penafsir dapat menemukan makna teologis perumpamaan Yesus yang alkitabiah serta mendorong pembaca menentukan sikap yang sesuai dengan harapan penulis kitab. Para penulis Injil memanfaatkan perumpamaan untuk meneguhkan makna teologis dalam kitabnya.
Analisis Idiomatis dan Filosofis Terhadap Frasa Amnos Tou Theou dalam Injil Yohanes 1:29 Agus Prasetyo; Daniel Lindung Adiatma
HUPERETES: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 4, No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46817/huperetes.v4i2.203


Reconciliation theology in soteriological doctrine is often understood conceptually, which fails to provide a deeper theological significance to Christian beliefs. As a result, Christians comprehend the concept of atonement through Christ but lack a profound understanding that can be applied to their religious behavior. The phrase "ho amnos tou theou" holds profound meaning in constructing atonement theology. However, this phrase is often grammatically examined to establish a theological concept that emphasizes dogmatic elements. This study describes the construction of atonement theology by analyzing the idiom "ho amnos tou theou" through grammatical and philosophical investigations. The findings reveal that the phrase not only provides Christological meaning but also imparts philosophical and practical significance. Christians who understand this idiom will respect God's reconciliatory work through the redemptive process of Christ and embody a peaceful life with others as a reflection of eternal peace.Teologi pendamaian dalam doktrin soteriologi sering dipahami secara konseptual. Pemahaman tersebut hanya tidak mampu memberikan makna teologis yang lebih mendalam terhadap keyakinan Kristen. Dampaknya, orang Kristen memahami tentang konsep pendamaian melalui Kristus, tetapi tidak mampu memahami secara mendalam sehingga mampu diterapkan dalam perilaku beragama mereka. Frasa “ho amnos tou theou” memiliki makna yang mendalam dalam mengonstruksi teologi pendamaian. Namun, frasa tersebut sering kali dikaji secara gramatika guna membangun konsep teologis yang menekankan pada unsur dogmatis. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan konstruksi teologi pendamaian dengan menganalisis idiom “ho amnos tou theou” dengan penyelidikan unsur gramatika dan penyelidikan filosofis. Hasilnya, frasa tersebut tidak hanya sekadar memberikan makna kristologis, tetapi memberikan makna filosofis dan praktis. Orang Kristen yang memahami idiom tersebut akan menghormati upaya pendamaian yang dikerjakan Allah melalui prosesi penebusan Kristus serta mewujudkan kehidupan damai dengan sesama sebagai cerminan kehidupan damai di kekekalan.
Konsep Mesianik dan Apologetik Matius melalui Perumpamaan Mesianik Menurut Matius 21:33-43 Daniel Lindung Adiatma; Eldad Mesakh Pramono
HUPERETES: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46817/huperetes.v4i1.154


The study of parables in the Synoptic Gospels is a complex process. Matthew 21:33-44 has stated a parable that has the potential to distort the understanding of its readers. The absence of the author's explanation of the meaning of the parable makes the readers understand the parable differently, depending on the reader's point of view. The parable has also generated debate among New Testament scholars. Even evangelical scholars have found no agreement on the meaning of the parable. The purpose of this study is to find a comprehensive theological meaning formulation of the parable that has been recorded in Matthew 21:33-44. This paper presents three analyses that are relevant to understanding the parable of the vineyard cultivators. Historical background analysis, material analysis, and theological analysis are relevant approaches in bridging understanding between the early recipients of parable teachings and the first-century Christians. The parable of the cultivators of the vineyard cannot be interpreted allegorically but in light of the context in which the material is compiled. Apart from providing a strong Christological meaning, this parable is Matthew's apologetic argument to correct the mistake of the Jews in rejecting Jesus and to convince his readers that Jesus is the Messiah that God has promised in the Old Testament.Studi tentang perumpamaan dalam Injil Sinoptik merupakan proses yang rumit. Matius 21:33-44 telah menyatakan suatu perumpamaan yang berpotensi membiaskan pemahaman para pembacanya. Tidak adanya penjelasan penulis terhadap makna perumpamaan menjadikan para pembacanya memahami perumpamaan tersebut secara berbeda, tergantung pada sudut pandang pembaca. Perumpamaan tersebut juga telah menimbulkan perdebatan pada kalangan sarjana Perjanjian Baru. Bahkan para sarjana injili pun tidak menemukan kesepakatan terkait pemaknaan perumpamaan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan suatu rumusan makna teologis yang komprehensif dari perumpamaan yang telah dicatatkan dalam Matius 21:33-44. Tulisan ini memaparkan tiga analisis yang relevan dalam memahami perumpamaan tentang penggarap kebun anggur.  Analisis latar belakang sejarah, analisis materi dan analisis teologi merupakan pendekatan yang relevan dalam menjembatani pemahaman antara penerima ajaran perumpamaan mula-mula dengan orang kristen abad pertama. Perumpamaan tentang penggarap kebun anggur tidak dapat ditafsirkan secara alegoris melainkan dengan mempertimbangkan konteks pengkompilasian materi. Selain memberikan makna kristologis yang kuat, perumpamaan ini merupakan argumentasi apologetis Matius untuk mengoreksi kesalahan orang Yahudi menolak Yesus serta meyakinkan pembacanya bahwa Yesus adalah Mesias yang telah dijanjikan oleh Allah dalam Perjanjian Lama.
Makna Teologis Kata Perhentian dalam Ibrani 4:1-14 (Analisis Tekstual, Stuktural, Kontekstual dan Intertekstual) Daniel Lindung Adiatma; Saul Arlos Gurich
HUPERETES: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46817/huperetes.v2i2.60


There is a tendency for many commentators of the New Testament to interpret the text with a topical approach. This approach is relevant for research in the field of Christian theology. The problem is, that the topical approach has a tendency to ignore the unity of the elements of the book. Therefore, we need a model of topical interpretation that is perfected with the unity of the theology of the book. The topic of the theological meaning of the word "rest" has attracted the attention of interpreters recently. These topics are the small sections that make up the theology of the book of Hebrews as a whole. This article presents three analyses (textual, contextual, and intertextual) as an approach to finding the theological meaning of the word "rest" in Hebrews 4:1-14. The author considers the book of Hebrews as the final form to find the meaning of the word "rest" in the theological context of the book of Hebrews. The author tries to synchronize the three approaches in finding the progressive meaning of the word "cessation" in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The results of research through these three approaches have shown an increase in the meaning of the word "rest" from the context of the Old and New Testaments. Finally, this article can support the theory of progressive revelation that dispensational evangelicals have long believed.Ada kecenderungan penafsir kitab Perjanjian Baru menafsirkan teks dengan pendekatan topikal. Pendekatan ini relevan bagi penelitian pada bidang teologi Kristen. Masalahnya, pendekatan topikal memiliki kecenderungan mengabaikan kesatuan unsur-unsur kitab. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu model penafsiran topikal yang disempurnakan dengan kesatuan teologi kitab. Topik tentang makna teologi kata “perhentian” menarik perhatian para penafsir pada akhir-akhir ini. Topik tersebut merupakan bagian kecil yang membangun teologi kitab Ibrani secara keseluruhan. Artikel ini memaparkan tiga analisa (tekstual, kontekstual dan intertekstual) sebagai pendekatan untuk menemukan makna teologi kata “Perhentian” dalam kitab Ibrani 4:1-14. Penulis mempertimbangkan kitab Ibrani sebagai bentuk akhir untuk menemukan makna kata “perhentian” dalam konteks teologi kitab Ibrani. Penulis berusaha melakukan sinkronisasi tiga pendekatan tersebut dalam menemukan progresifitas makna kata “Perhentian” baik dalam kitab Perjanjian Lama maupun kitab Perjanjian Baru. Hasil penelitian melalui tiga pendekatan tersebut telah menampilkan adanya peningkatan makna kata “Perhentian” dari konteks Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru. Akhirnya, artikel ini dapat mendukung teori pewahyuan progresif yang selama ini diyakini oleh kaum injili dispensasi.