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Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia Vol 17, No 4 (2020): Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia - Desember 2020
Publisher : Direktorat Jenderal Peraturan Perundang-undang, Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54629/jli.v17i4.732


Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah penggunaan term dan, atau, dan/atau, kecuali, dan selain dalam undang-undang secara tidak tepat yang kemudian menimbulkan problematik pemaknaan dan implementasi dalam praktik. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut dirumuskan isu hukum: Apa makna dan problematik penggunaan kata dan, atau, dan/atau, kecuali, dan selain dalam undang-undang? Menggunakan tipe penelitian hukum doktrinal, hasil penelitian ini: (1) term dan memiliki empat makna: (a) dan sebagai konjungsi, (b) dan berarti inklusif, (c) dan berarti atau, atau (d) dan berarti gabungan atau beberapa; (2) term atau adalah konjungsi yang memiliki dua makna: (a) atau berarti ekslusif dan inklusif dengan penggunaan secara umum adalah inkulisif kecuali konsep yang dihubungkan saling eksklusif, atau (b) atau berarti dan; (3) term dan/atau berarti konjungtif untuk menggabungkan sekaligus disjungtif untuk memisahkan; dan (4) term kecuali berarti ekslusif dan disintegratif sedangkan term selain sifatnya inklusif dan komplementer. Penggunaan term dan, atau, dan/atau, kecuali, dan selain secara tidak tepat tidak hanya berakibat pada perubahan makna dari makna yang sebenarnya dikehendaki undang-undang tetapi kesulitan penerapannya dalam praktik.
Islam and Human Rights: Friend or Foe? Fariz Ulul Abshar; Al Khanif; A'an Efendi; Muktafi Muktafi
ADDIN Vol 15, No 2 (2021): ADDIN
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v15i2.14868


In the context of the relationship between Islam and democracy along with human rights, Islam represents two opposing positions (the two faces of Islam). On the one hand, Islam is seen as a religion of compassion (raḥmat li al-‘ālamīn), respects plurality, upholds tolerance and cares about human rights. On the other hand, Islam is often identified with separatism, discrimination, intolerance and violent phenomena. In Islamic countries and Muslim-majority countries, violations of human rights frequently occur. Islam often appears with a double face. In addition to being a source of law to bring about peace, it is often used as the basis for violent ideologies from state’s repressive policies to terrorism movements. This article elaborates on the basic concept of human rights in Islam and the dynamics of protecting and upholding human rights. Using a conceptual approach, this study aims to seek religious awareness in the midst of globalization where religion can strengthen the concepts of human rights. When religion is used as a source in the rational policy framework of a country, especially the protection and enforcement of human rights, it can be ascertained that human rights in that country will flourish and will be accepted by the citizens.
Islam and Human Rights: Friend or Foe? Fariz Ulul Abshar; Al Khanif; A'an Efendi; Muktafi Muktafi
ADDIN Vol 15, No 2 (2021): ADDIN
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v15i2.14868


In the context of the relationship between Islam and democracy along with human rights, Islam represents two opposing positions (the two faces of Islam). On the one hand, Islam is seen as a religion of compassion (raḥmat li al-‘ālamīn), respects plurality, upholds tolerance and cares about human rights. On the other hand, Islam is often identified with separatism, discrimination, intolerance and violent phenomena. In Islamic countries and Muslim-majority countries, violations of human rights frequently occur. Islam often appears with a double face. In addition to being a source of law to bring about peace, it is often used as the basis for violent ideologies from state’s repressive policies to terrorism movements. This article elaborates on the basic concept of human rights in Islam and the dynamics of protecting and upholding human rights. Using a conceptual approach, this study aims to seek religious awareness in the midst of globalization where religion can strengthen the concepts of human rights. When religion is used as a source in the rational policy framework of a country, especially the protection and enforcement of human rights, it can be ascertained that human rights in that country will flourish and will be accepted by the citizens.