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The Effect of Kompa Media (Science Comics) on the Predicting Skills of Class V Students in Elementary Schools Yeni Windah Sari; Enik Setyawati
Academia Open Vol 6 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1320.09 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.2418


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of science comics media on the predicting skills of fifth grade students at Simogirang 1 Prambon Elementary School. Predictive skills have indicators suggesting what might happen. The research method used is experimental quantitative. This type of research is a one-group retest posttest with written test instruments and treatment, namely science comics media which includes material on the nature and form of objects in theme 7. The written test is obtained from students' answers which refer to the material properties and forms of objects with a total of 7 items, The first step is a written pretest, the second is a treatment, and the last is a posttest. The results of the research data from the results of the t-test known that the value of sig(-2 failed) was 0.000˂0.05. That is, the science comic media can be said to have a big influence on the predicting skills of fifth grade students at SD Negeri Simogirang 1 Prambon. This is indicated by the Eta Squared test of 95% and the remaining 5% is influenced by variables not examined.
Pelatihan Peningkatan Literasi Media Di SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Mojosari Mojokerto Sumarno; Enik Setyawati; Hindarto; M. Arginanta; Dimas Bayu
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 3 (2022): Proceedings of the 1st SENARA 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/pssh.v3i.226


Sekolah Menengah Pertama Muhammadiyah 2 Mojosari adalah sebuah sekolah menengah tingkat pertama yang berada di daerah Mojosari Mojokerto, Jawa Timur yang terletak di Jalan Pahlawan 52 Mojosari, Sarirejo, Kec. Mojosari, Kab. Mojokerto Prov. Jawa Timur. Sekolah ini menampung siswa yang umumnya berada di sekitar daerah tersebut. Lokasi SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Mojosari dengan kampus Fakultas sains dan teknologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, berjarak sekitar 26 KM dan dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 45 menit perjalanan menggunakan kendaraan bermotor. SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Mojosari saat ini telah mengalami kemajuan yang pesat. Mulai dari fisik bangunan, fasilitas pendidikan yang memadai, serta penunjang sistem pembelajaran di sekolahan ini. Jumlah peserta didik di sekolah ini termasuk dalam golongan kurang, yaitu 60 siswa yang terbagi dalam 3 angkatan, yaitu kelas 7, kelas 8 dan kelas 9, dengan rata-rata setiap angkatan adalah sebanyak 20 siswa. Sekolah ini mempunyai keunggulan di banding sekolahan yang lain mulai dari penunjang pendidikan yang semakin ditingkatkan seperti laboratorium, sarana olahraga, dan perpustakaan. Luas lahan sekolah sebesar 400 meter menjadikan sekolah ini mencukupi untuk kegiatan pendidikan siswanya. Berdasarkan observasi serta wawancara yang telah dilakukan, terdapat permasalahan di Sekolah tersebut, yaitu mengenai kurangnya pengetahuan literasi media dari para guru di sekolah tersebut. Dengan adanya permasalahan yanga ada, maka kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan literasi media. Kegiatan pengabdian terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap, yaitu need assessment, pelatihan literasi media, serta follow up kepada guru-guru SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Mojosari. Target yang akan direncanakan adalah guru-guru dapat memahami mengenai cara mendapatkan peningkatan literasi media.
Herbarium Media: Enhancing Science Learning Outcomes for Grade 4 Students on Leaf Bone Shape M Yuslam Abadillah; Enik Setyawati
Academia Open Vol 8 No 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1174.42 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/acopen.8.2023.5445


This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of utilizing herbarium media in improving science learning outcomes for fourth-grade students. The research employed a quantitative approach, specifically a pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest design method. The independent variable (X) was the experimental method using herbarium media, while the dependent variable (Y) was student learning outcomes. The study was conducted at SDN Gelam 1, with a sample size of 25 students (14 males and 11 females) from class IV. Data analysis was performed using a t-test. The results indicated that the use of dried plant herbarium media significantly influenced the learning outcomes of the students, with a significant value of 0.048 (<0.05). Consequently, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. The application of herbarium media demonstrated an 83.8% improvement in the cognitive learning outcomes of fourth-grade students, as it facilitated a better understanding of the subject matter. These findings suggest that employing the herbarium media experimental method can effectively enhance science learning outcomes for fourth-grade students at Gelam 1 Elementary School. Highlights: Herbarium media improves science learning: The use of herbarium media enhances the science learning outcomes of grade 4 students, providing a valuable resource for studying leaf bone shapes and connecting it to the surrounding environment. Experimental approach and design: The study employs a quantitative experimental approach Significance of learning media: Limited learning media can hinder student absorption in learning. The research highlights the importance of utilizing effective learning resources, such as herbarium media, to enhance student engagement and understanding in science education. Keywords: Herbarium media, science learning outcomes, grade 4 students, elementary schools, leaf bone shape
Analysis of Science Process Skills for Grade 5 Elementary School Students on Science Materials during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Analisis Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa Kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar pada Materi IPA dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Evi Handayani; Enik Setyawati
Indonesian Journal of Education Methods Development Vol. 17 (2022): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1273.105 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/ijemd.v17i.632


The purpose of this study was to analyze the science process skills of grade 5 SDN Karangpuri 1 students based on the high, medium and low abilities of students in the science of animal movement organs during the covid-19 pandemic. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using tests, interviews and documentation. The research was carried out at SDN Karangpuri 1 for 5th grade students. The subjects of this study were 3 students representing high, medium and low ability students. The results of data analysis show that, in online learning, the three students who represent the categories of high, medium and low ability students have science process skills in themselves, but need to be improved again because there are several aspects of science process skills that students lack. Keywords: Process Skills Science; Science Learning, Covid-19 Pandemic
Case Study of Pronunciation and Punctuation Skills in Elementary School Students during a Pandemic: Studi Kasus Kemampuan Pelafalan dan Tanda Baca pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar pada Saat Pandemi Baiyyi Natul; Enik Setyawati
Indonesian Journal of Education Methods Development Vol. 20 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5273.009 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/ijemd.v20i.664


The researchers conducted it at SDN BanjarBendo, there were still errors in the use of punctuation and pronunciation in reading, especially in class III SDN BanjarBendo. Pronunciation and punctuation skills are very important in reading in order to know the meaning of the reading. The formulation in this study is how the pronunciation and punctuation skills of BanjarBendo Elementary School students during a pandemic. The purpose of this study was to analyze the pronunciation and punctuation skills of 3rd graders at SDN BanjarBendo. This study uses a case study qualitative research method with three research subjects. The instrument in this study consisted of observation, interviews and documentation in the form of photos and videos, while testing the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The data analysis technique uses data reduction data presentation and withdrawal. conclusions based on the results of the study it can be found that 1 student subject is complete or able to use punctuation well, while 2 other student subjects have not used punctuation well.
Pengaruh Media Berbasis Video Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Di Kelas V SDI Hasan Munadi Cicik Choirun Nisak; Enik Setyawati
Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan (JKIP) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan (JKIP)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Inovasi Almatani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55583/jkip.v3i1.302


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh media berbasis video terhadap hasil belajar IPA di kelas V SDI Hasan Munadi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif metode eksperimen dengan jenis penelitian one group pretest posttest. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan sampling jenuh dengan jumlah 25 siswa pada kelas VA SDI Hasan Munadi. Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan lembar pre-test dan post-test berupa soal pilihan ganda. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji-t. Hasil uji t yang diperoleh yaitu nilai posttest thitung > ttabel yaitu 50,2 > 1,71 maka H1 diterima dan Ho ditolak. Sehingga kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah H1 diterima sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh media berbasis video terhadap hasil belajar IPA di kelas V SDI Hasan Munadi. Kata Kunci - Media Berbasis Video, Hasil Belajar