Muhamad Awiet Wiedanto Prasetyo
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Robot Peraga 12 Gerakan Pengaturan Lalu Lintas Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560 tri wahyono bara; Rahman Rosyid; Muhamad Awiet Wiedanto Prasetyo
Technomedia Journal Vol 5 No 2 Februari (2021): TMJ (Technomedia Journal)
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (643.427 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v5i2.1459


Bhayangkara is a work unit for Education to channel interest, develop talent, increase knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of Scouts in various fields. One of the activities of the Saka Bhayangkara member is Traffic Krida which aims to assist the police in traffic including regulating traffic flow. Traffic Management in certain circumstances and the use of roads other than for traffic activities using hand movements, sound signals, light signals and other aids in certain circumstances. The purpose of this study is to design a robot as a learning media for Arduino Mega based traffic control movement with a remote controller which is expected to be a learning medium and is useful as an interesting visual aid and can add interest for members of Saka Bhayangkara to learn regulatory movements traffic. The development method used in this study is the waterfall method. The results of this research are a system in the form of a robot learning movement learning Arduino mega-based traffic control with a remote controller that has gone through the unit testing stage and shows all the features running well. Keywords: Arduino, Traffic, Saka Bhayangkara
Penggunaan Smartphone Application Guna Mempelajari Cara Mengurus Jenazah Umat Muslim Muhamad Awiet Wiedanto Prasetyo; Zulia Karini; Harun Al Ayubi
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 6, No 2 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.168 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v6i2.1565


The obligation of Muslim towards their relatives who died there are four cases, namely bathing, believing, praying and burying. The community considers that there is no need to think about how to care for the body from the beginning to the finish because there are already their own officers. Rhile in a hadist from ‘Aisyah said Rasullah SAW: “Anyone who bathes a corpse and is guarded by trust and cannot be opened (secret) about the protection of the sympathy for the people there hen comes from sin for hs condition. Based on the hadist mentioned the person who mentioned bathe the corpse in priority is his own closest family, then if the family cannot, then other people can do it, while bathing is included in the case of receiving a corpse based on the results of an interview with teacher Madrasah Diniyah Baitul Athfal by agreeing to him about the management of the body, it is expected if it involves family members. Who can use the world od the sunna of the prophet and also in the future can be used as a successor. In Madrasah Diniyah Baitul Athfal involved in the learning process due to shortages in madrasah are short plus students do not have books about the management of bodies or jurisprudence books become obstacles in the process of learning. Teaching lessons for students or instructors. After obtaining data from data collection, .researchers create a system with predetermined and more relevant methods using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) Method. Based on the results obtained for 9352 and included in the category of Good, then the application was validated that can be applied to the research object.
Penentuan Prioritas Kerja Menggunakan Simple Addtive Weighting Method Berbasis Website Gustin Setyaningsih; Windiya Ma’arifah; Richy Puspita Dewi; Muhamad Awiet Wiedanto Prasetyo
Jurnal Eksplora Informatika Vol 13 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Eksplora Informatika
Publisher : Bagian Perpustakaan dan Publikasi Ilmiah - Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30864/eksplora.v13i1.975


Pemerintah desa dan perangkat desa menyusun Rencana Kerja Pembangunan Desa sebagai Rancangan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa. Ada beberapa kendala dalam penetapan RKPDes karena tidak ada dasar yang sama untuk memutuskan pembangunan mana yang harus diprioritaskan. Pengambilan keputusan masih dalam bentuk musyawarah antar desa atau musyawarah desa dan tidak ada hal khusus yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Mekanisme penetapan program kerja dan penyusunan anggaran di wilayah desa Kedungede menerima informasi dari masyarakat dan memberikan saran kembali pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi seperti Musyawarah Gabungan Masyarakat dan Musyawarah Desa. Hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan pembuatan fitur RKPDes berbasis website yang dilengkapi sistem penunjang keputusan menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting dengan mengikuti model pengembangan sistem Waterfall. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan pengembangan sistem. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi berbasis website yang membantu masyarakat untuk menyampaikan aspirasinya kepada pemerintah desa dengan kriteria volume, kebutuhan biaya, waktu penyelesaian, urgensi dan pemanfaatan.