Rachman Syah
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Indonesian Aquaculture Journal Vol 16, No 1 (2021): (June, 2021)
Publisher : Center for Fisheries Research, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resource

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/iaj.16.1.2021.35-42


The positive effect of organic mineral as a dietary mineral source in aquafeed has been recently reported on several species. Nevertheless, the influence of organic minerals on rabbitfish has not yet been determined. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of different doses of organic mineral on growth and survival, and mineral content in vertebrae of golden rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus. Three diets were formulated containing 0.5%, 1.0%, and 2.0% organic material (OM). A control diet (OM0) did not contain OM. Instead, it was supplemented with an inorganic mineral mixture at a level of 1%. Three hundred fish were randomly selected and distributed in 12 cages to accommodate the four treatments with triplicates. The stocking density was 20 fish per cage. The initial body weight of fish used was 39.2 ± 0.3 g. Fish were fed the test diets twice a day for 150 days. A significant (P<0.05) cubic effect of the treatments was detected on all dependent parameters analysis, excluding feed intake. The influence of dietary OM was not significant for feed intake, indicating that dietary OM did not negatively affect the appetite of rabbitfish. Mineral (Ca, Mg, Zn) content in the vertebrae was significantly improved when dietary OM was included in the diet up to 1% but decreased at the highest inclusion level of 2%. The optimum level of dietary OM to gain the maximum growth rate of rabbitfish was 0.49% as the reflection of the breakpoint of two regressions fitted on specific growth rate (SGR). It is concluded that dietary OM level significantly affected the growth and vertebral mineral content of golden rabbitfish. The study increases our knowledge of the benefit of utilizing dietary OM in the fish diet.
Media Akuakultur Vol 12, No 2 (2017): (Desember, 2017)
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (105.745 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/ma.12.2.2017.95-103


Pengolahan air buangan tambak superintensif (TSI) adalah usaha untuk mengurangi beban bahan pencemar yang terkandung di dalam air buangan TSI sehingga aman dan tidak membahayakan saat dibuang ke lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi desain dan performansi Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) dalam memperbaiki kualitas air buangan TSI sebelum dibuang ke badan air. IPAL terdiri atas kolam sedimentasi, dua kolam aerasi, dan satu kolam penampungan. Ke dalam kolam penampungan ditebari ikan mujair serta rumput laut Gracilaria sp. yang dibudidayakan dengan metode long line, berfungsi sebagai biokontrol. Sampel air diambil di bagian inlet IPAL, oulet kolam sedimentasi atau inlet kolam aerasi-1, outlet kolam aerasi-1 atau inlet kolam aerasi-2, outlet kolam aerasi-2 atau inlet kolam penampungan, serta outlet kolam penampungan, setiap dua minggu selama 105 hari pemeliharaan. Parameter yang diukur adalah total padatan tersuspensi (TSS), total amonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrit, nitrat, fosfat, bahan organik terlarut (BOT), dan biological oxygen demand (BOD-5). Spesifikasi teknis IPAL yang diamati meliputi ukuran dan volume IPAL, volume dan waktu tinggal air buangan tambak, dan efisiensi kinerja IPAL, serta rasio volume IPAL dan volume total air tambak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa IPAL dapat mengurangi beban bahan pencemar dengan tingkat efisiensi antara 53,1%-99,4%; namun masih diperlukan peningkatan kapasitas dalam mengurangi konsentrasi BOT. IPAL menghasilkan efisiensi yang tinggi terhadap TSS, TAN, nitrit, Total Nitrogen (TN), dan fosfat. Rasio volume IPAL dan volume air tambak 30:70 dengan waktu tinggal minimal lima hari, dapat dijadikan acuan dalam pembangunan IPAL tambak superintensif.A wastewater treatment plant (WTP) in a super-intensive shrimp farm is used to reduce organic matters contained in super-intensive shrimp farm effluent. Through the WTP, the waste water from shrimp facilities can safely and harmlessly be released to the receiving environments. The aims of this study were to evaluate the design and performance of a WTP in reconditioning waste water released from a super-intensive shrimp farm prior to release to water bodies. The WTP was made of a series of sedimentation pond, two aeration ponds, and one reservoir or equalitation pond. The tilapia fish and seaweed, Gracilaria sp., were stocked in the equalitation pond where the seaweed was cultured using long line method; these organisms were used as bio-control. Water samples were collected fortnightly during 105 days of culturing duration from the WTP inlet, outlet of sedimentation pond or at inlet of the first aeration pond; outlet of the first aeration pond or inlet of the second aeration pond, outlet of the second aeration pond or inlet of equalitation pond and the outlet of equalitation pond. The measured variables were total suspended solid (TSS), total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, total organic matters (TOM), and five days biological oxygen demand (BOD5). The evaluated technical performances of the plant were its size and volume; volume and retention time of effluent, efficiency of WTP performance and volume ratios of the WTP and total volume of shrimp pond. The results of the study indicated that the WTP was able to reduce concentrations of nutrients and solids in effluent by 53.1%-99.4% of efficiency. However, its capacity need to be increased due to reducing concentrations of TOM. The WTP was highly efficient in reducing the concentrations of TSS, TAN, nitrite, total N, and phosphate. The volume ratios between the plant and pond waters were 30:70 with minimum retention time five which days could be proposed for wastewater treatment pond for super-intensive shrimp ponds.
Media Akuakultur Vol 12, No 1 (2017): (Juni, 2017)
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (122.653 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/ma.12.1.2017.19-26


Upaya meningkatkan produktivitas lahan tambak dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan padat penebaran disertai dengan pemberian akuinput yang prima serta dukungan teknologi yang memadai. Tiga padat penebaran yaitu 750; 1.000; dan 1.250 ekor/m2, diaplikasikan pada tambak dengan luasan 1.000 m2 dengan kedalaman air 1,8 m dilengkapi dengan sistem aerasi berupa kincir dan root blower, pompa submersible, automatic feeder, central drain dan collector drain serta Instalasi Pengolah Air Limbah (IPAL). Kapasitas sistem aerasi adalah 500 kg biomassa udang/HP. Udang dipelihara selama 105 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa padat penebaran yang diaplikasikan menghasilkan bobot akhir udang yang relatif sama berkisar 15,48-16,30 (15,78±0,45) g/ekor dengan nilai pertumbuhan harian 0,16-0,18 (0,17±0,01) g/hari. Produksi yang diperoleh adalah 7.862; 10.699; dan 12.163 kg/petak, masing-masing pada padat penebaran 750; 1.000 dan 1.250 ekor/m2. Nilai rasio konversi pakan 1,4; 1,36; 1,55 dan kebutuhan listrik 3,2; 2,5; 2,4 kw/kg udang serta kebutuhan air 2,24; 1,66; 1,60 m3/kg udang. Biaya produksi udang terendah adalah Rp. 30.526/ kg udang pada padat penebaran 1.000 ekor/m2 dengan laba operasional sebesar Rp. 630.687.094/th. Padat penebaran 1.000 ekor/m2 menghasilkan kinerja lebih baik sehingga disarankan menjadi acuan padat penebaran untuk budidaya udang vaname superintensif. Teknologi ini memiliki potensi dampak terhadap lingkungan perairan, sehingga perlu dilengkapi sarana Instalasi Pengolah Air Limbah (IPAL) untuk pengolah air buangan tambak.In order to increase of brackishwater pond’s productivity, an effort can be reached through high stocking density of shrimp accompanied by application of high quality inputs and supported by an appropriate technology. Three different stocking densities, were applied i.e., 750; 1,000; and 1,250 ind/m2. The shrimp were reared for 105 days in three ponds with sizing of 1,000 m2 each and the water depth of 1.8 m facilitated with aeration systems consisted of paddlewheels, root blower, submersible water pump, automatic feeder, central drainage, collector drainage and waste water treatment plan. The capacity aeration systems was 500 kg of shrimp biomass/HP. The results showed that all stocking densities produced the similar final body weight of shrimp which ranged between 15.48 to 16.30 (15.78±0.45) g/shrimp with daily growth rates were 0.16-0.18 (0.17±0.01) g/day. The total harvested shrimps from each stocking density were 7,862; 10,699, 12,163 kg/pond, respectively. The feed conversion ratio was 1.4, 1.36, and 1.55, whereas consumed electricities were 3.2, 2.5, and 2.4 kw/kg shrimp and water demands were 2.24, 1.66, and 1.60 m3/kg harvested shrimp. The lowest production cost was IDR 30,526/kg harvested shrimp which was spent for stocking density of 1,000 ind/m2, whereas the annual profit was IDR 630,687,094. The stocking density of 1,000 ind/m2 showed high performances, and then eventually is recommended for the L. vannamei super-intensive aquaculture. This technology is potential in affecting the adjacent environment, however the impacts might be minimized through the application of deploying wastewater treatment plan.