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GEMA : Jurnal Gentiaras Manajemen dan Akuntansi Vol 10 No 2 (2018): GEMA : Jurnal Gentiaras Manajemen dan Akuntansi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Gentiaras

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SMEs are part of the business world and become one of the important factors in facing theeconomic crisis experienced by Indonesia in 1998 is now getting more attention from the government asa solution in dealing with and solving social problems.The goal to be achieved in this research is to measure and know how big influence of culturalinvolvement to operational excellence at SMEs Food and Beverage at Regency of bandung. This typeof research is used to examine causal relationships that are not manipulated or treated. The populationin this study type unknown population number while the sample size taken is 100 respondents. Thesampling method used by the researcher is nonprobability sampling by accidental sampling. Testinstrument instrument using validity and reliability test. The analysis tool used is SEM Pls. Datadiscussion using SEM Pls concludes that cultural involvement gives 46% influence to operationalexcellence on SMEs Food and Beverage in Bandung regency.
Analisis Penerapan Strategi Operasi dalam Kegiatan Produksi pada UMKM Johny Walker Leatherworks di Kota Cimahi Jawa Barat Andri Irawan
Jurnal Bisnis Darmajaya Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Bisnis Darmajaya
Publisher : Institut Informatika Dan Bisnis (IIB) Darmajaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.383 KB) | DOI: 10.30873/jbd.v4i1.765


In Indonesia, there are some cities that have relatively large number of MSMEs. One city that has a large percentage of MSMEs is Cimahi City in West Java Province Based on regional MSMEs mapping and product type, cluster of SMEs Cimahi City is divided into 4 parts, namely food and beverage clusters, fashion cluster, cluster craft and information technology cluster. UMKM Johnny Walker Leatherworks is one type of business engaged in the field of handmade located at Jalan Kihapit No. 84 Leuwigajah Village, South Cimahi Sub-district, Cimahi City. The purpose of research has been done is to see how far the implementation of an operating strategy in the production activities of a UMKM. The type of research used is qualitative research. Technique of taking data is done by using observation and interview. Based on the discussion that has been done results obtained as follows that the operation strategy that has been done by UMKM Johny walker Leatherworks has a positive impact but as an evaluation of the implementation of the strategy is that UMKM Johny Walker Leatherworks MSME should start designing the right operating strategy to reach  Cimahi City market Keywords: Operation Strategy
Pengukuran Tingkat Kepuasan Masyarakat Terhadap Pelayanan Pemerintahan Kecamatan Katapang Kabupaten Bandung Andri Irawan; Esi Fitriani Komara
Jurnal Inspirasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol 1, No 2 (2017): DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.875 KB) | DOI: 10.33603/jibm.v1i2.690


Abstract. The district government in today's globalization era must have effective competence and management. Service is one of choice of marketing strategy to create consumer satisfaction. Katapang is one of the bonded industrial areas in South Bandung. The number of residents in Kecamatan Katapang is 117,113 people consisting of the male population as many as 60,430 people and female population as much 56,683 people (BPS of Bandung Regency, 2013). The research approach used is quantitative with data collection technique is done by interviewing and distributing questionnaires. Discussion of data using a Cartesian diagram. The results of the discussion show that the overall importance level of 3.795 while the overall performance given of 2.73, means that service performance is still below the standard of basic services and not basic services to the population. Keywords: Service; Satisfaction Abstrak. Pemerintah Kecamatan dalam era globalisasi saat ini harus memiliki kompetensi dan manajemen yang efektif. Pelayanan merupakan salah satu pilihan dari strategi pemasaran untuk menciptakan kepuasan konsumen. Katapang merupakan salah satu kawasan berikat industri di Bandung Selatan. Jumlah penduduk di Kecamatan Katapang adalah 117.113 orang yang terdiri dari penduduk laki-laki sebanyak 60.430 orang dan penduduk perempuan sebanyak 56.683 orang (BPS Kab. Bandung, 2013) Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner. Pembahasan data menggunakan Diagram Kartesius. Hasil pembahasan menunjukan bahwa tingkat kepentingan secara keseluruhan sebesar 3,795 sedangkan kinerja secara keseluruhan yang diberikan sebesar 2,73, artinya bahwa kinerja layanan masih dibawah standar pelayanan dasar dan bukan pelayanan dasar kepada penduduk. Katakunci: Pelayanan; Kepuasan
Influence of Leadership and Environmental Excellence SME Towards Operational Excellence In Bandung District Andri Irawan; Eka Ludiya
Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) 2018: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS (ICITB) 4
Publisher : Proceeding International Conference on Information Technology and Business

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Global competition very tight making SMEs should make a different value that reflects an advantage to win the competition of competitors. The research objective to be achieved is to measure and determine how much influence the leadership and environmental excellence towards operational excellence. Type of research is the study of cause and effect. The sampling method used by the researchers is nonprobability sampling with accidental sampling method. Test instrument instrument using validity and reliability. The analytical tool used in the study are SEM Pls. The results showed that the leadership had a significant influence on the operational excellence that is equal to 0,265, or 26.5%, this suggests that SMEs concluded that aspects of leadership including the important things that must be considered. Environmental excellence provide no significant effect on the operational excellence that is equal to 0.230 or 23%, this shows that SMEs have not been able to optimize its operations. Simultaneously leadership and environmental excellence gives the effect of 0,142 or 14.2%, this suggests that operational excellence is heavily influenced by other factors not examined.Keywords: Leadership, Environmental Excellence, Operational Excellence, and SME
Pengaruh pelayanan penunjang pemerintahan kecamatan katapang kabupaten bandung terhadap kepuasan masyarakat Andri Irawan; Faizal Fardhani S
JURNAL MANAJEMEN Vol 10, No 2 (2018): Agustus
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/jmmn.v10i2.3896


Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur dan mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pelayanan penunjang terhadap kepuasan masyarakat di Pemerintahan Kecamatan Katapang. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian sebab akibat. Jenis penelitian ini digunakan untuk meneliti hubungan sebab akibat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 122.973. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah nonprobability sampling dengan cara sampling aksidental. Jumlah sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 orang responden Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi dan wawancara/angket. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa variabel pelayanan penunjang memiliki pengaruh signifikan dalam membentuk kepuasan masyarakat. Hubungan regresi yang terjadi bersifat positif yang mempunyai arti bahwa jika pelayanan penunjang mengalami kenaikan maka kepuasan masyarakat juga akan mengalami peningkatan.