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Family Business Continuance: A Review for Future Research Annisa Ramadanti; Nyayu Lathifah Tirdasari; Wawan Dhewanto
Business Review and Case Studies Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): BRCS, Vol 2 No 2, August 2021
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/brcs.2.2.98


The process of changing leaders from the previous leaders to the recent leaders is a critical moment in family business continuance. The complex issue of succession needs an in-depth understanding of researches. This paper's objective was to review several works of literature with regards to succession in the family business. Moreover, this study discovered future research potentials concerning family business succession. This study reviewed, summarized, and combined the past and extant works of literature. China, Malaysia, Pakistan, Slovenia, and Tunisia emerged as the locus of study. This study performed a review using keywords of family business and succession to look for a comprehensive database. This study found that each country has a different culture in doing their family business succession. The most influential factor was the belief of the predecessor. For instance, the Chinese families were following Confucian rules, the Pakistani and Malaysian families were following Islamic laws, and the predecessors influenced the Tunisian families in involving their children in their family business. Meanwhile, the first generation still dominated the family business in Slovenia without any succession plan. The results show opportunities for a new research agenda. First, the comparison of family business succession between various ethnic groups. Second, the reason(s) for a family business to not set its succession plan. Keywords: business continuance, family business research, literature review, succession
Reinforcing Business Resilience Through Entrepreneurial Competencies During Pandemic COVID-19: A Case of Indonesian MSMEs Rozan Hanifan; Wawan Dhewanto
International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Research Synergy Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1121.208 KB) | DOI: 10.31098/ijmesh.v5i2.1178


Although research on entrepreneurial competencies has been widely carried out in the last decades, this topic is still preliminary. Indonesian MSMEs have been severely impacted by COVID-19, with losses of up to millions. Entrepreneurial competencies are believed to be the main driver in handling this issue. Underlined by the disaster and crisis management theory, entrepreneurial competencies are expected to give a company both long-term adaptability and innovation abilities that may result in significant improvements in their business as well as the short-term coping capacity to recover from violent shocks. Thus, this study builds a novel conceptual framework that determines the influence of entrepreneurial competencies on business resilience in the Indonesian MSMEs context. Several mediator variables were also included in the conceptual model: dynamic capability and innovation ambidexterity. Through purposive sampling, a sample of 220 Indonesian MSME actors get involved in this study. PLS-SEM procedure through a two-stage approach was used to test the proposed model. The results show that entrepreneurial competencies significantly impact business resilience in Indonesian MSMEs. It was also found that dynamic capabilities and innovation ambidexterity partially mediated those relationships. From these results, this study suggests that business practitioners should become more aware of their competencies to survive in this uncertain world. In addition, the government must re-educate and ensure that all middle and lower entrepreneurs have appropriate competencies to continue to compete. Keywords:   Entrepreneurial Competencies; Business Resilience; Dynamic Capability; Innovation Ambidexterity; Indonesian MSMEs
Bank Loan Financing for Small and Medium Enterprise: Interactive Game Industry Player Perspective Wawan Dhewanto; Sri Herliana; Ilham Fadhil; Nur Lawiyah
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol. 18 No. 3 (2019)
Publisher : Unit Research and Knowledge, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12695/jmt.2019.18.3.2


Abstract. The interactive game sector is one of the promising industries in Indonesia. Indonesia is a developing country, where the creative industry sector in the application and game developer fields is growing well. This developing industry needs supporting infrastructure such as financing and human capital supply. Companies need financing for their operations, marketing, and business expansion. Various funding sources are available for companies such as venture capital, bank loan, personal savings, and liability certificates. Bank loan, a form of conventional financing has its own advantages to support the interactive game industry. On the other hand, the capital structure of interactive game SMEs (small and medium enterprises) holds a small portion of loans, especially bank loan. This study aims to analyze the role of financing support, especially bank loan support for the Indonesian interactive gaming SMEs. The results of the study show that bank loan, although less favored, has the potential to engage more deeply in the interactive gaming industry environment. The study also shows that this type of business has not been maximally touched by banks in financial support. Furthermore, the results show that SMEs that are still in the early stages are more likely to focus on human resources than financial resources. Nevertheless, they still need financial support in several aspects of business development, although not necessary from the support of bank loan.Keywords: Financing, interactive game company, bank loan, small and medium enterprise, Indonesia Abstrak. Sektor permainan interaktif adalah salah satu industri yang menjanjikan di Indonesia. Indonesia sendiri merupakan negara berkembang, dimana sektor industri kreatif di bidang aplikasi dan game developer sedang berkembang baik. Industri yang sedang berkembang ini membutuhkan infrastruktur pendukung seperti pembiayaan, dan pasokan modal manusia. Perusahaan membutuhkan pembiayaan untuk operasi mereka, pemasaran dan ekspansi bisnis. Berbagai sumber pendanaan tersedia untuk perusahaan seperti modal ventura, pinjaman bank, tabungan pribadi, dan sertifikat obligasi. Pinjaman bank, bentuk pembiayaan konvensional memiliki kelebihan sendiri untuk mendukung industri permainan interaktif. Di sisi lain, struktur permodalan UKM (usaha kecil dan menengah) permainan interaktif memegang porsi kecil untuk pinjaman, terutama pinjaman bank. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa peranan dukungan finansial untuk UKM game interaktif, dalam hal ini adalah dukungan pinjaman bank. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pinjaman bank meskipun kurang disukai, memiliki potensi untuk terlibat lebih dalam di lingkungan industri game interaktif. Dari sisi bank pun menunjukkan bahwa jenis bisnis ini belum maksimal tersentuh oleh bank dalam dukungan keuangan. Hasil lain juga menunjukkan bahwa UKM yang masih berada di tahap awal usaha lebih cenderung fokus pada sumber daya manusia dibandingkan sumber daya keuangan. Meskipun demikian mereka tetap membutuhkan dukungan keuangan dalam beberapa aspek pengembangan usaha.Kata kunci: Pembiayaan, perusahaan game interaktif, pinjaman bank, usaha kecil dan menengah, Indonesia
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy in Computer Hardware Industry: A Case Study on PT. IZZM Calvin Chandrawinata.Ng*; Wawan Dhewanto
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 7, No 1 (2024): Januari, History of Education, and Social Science
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v7i1.37126


This study addresses PT. IZZM's struggle to sell power supply units (PSUs) despite success in motherboard sales. Recognizing the importance of PSUs in computers, the author proposes an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) strategy to enhance brand awareness and customer purchase intention within the competitive power supply market in Indonesia. Recognizing the growing significance of effective communication strategies, this study combines both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies to formulate a robust strategy tailored to the unique characteristics of the Indonesian market. The results of this quantitative research will provide valuable insights into the market dynamics and facilitate the development of targeted communication strategies. Complementing the quantitative research, the qualitative aspect employs in-depth interviews to gain a deeper understanding of consumer perceptions, preferences, and emotional connections to power supply brands. Based on the findings from both quantitative and qualitative research, the proposed IMC strategy integrates various communication channels such as digital marketing, social media engagement, influencer collaborations, public relations, and traditional advertising. Special attention is given to cultural nuances and localized communication strategies to ensure resonance with the Indonesian target audience. This project aims to provide PT. IZZM with a strategic roadmap to enhance its market presence in Indonesia, fostering increased brand awareness and positively influencing customer purchase intention in the power supply segment. The combination of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies ensures a well-rounded and data-driven approach to inform the development and implementation of an effective Integrated Marketing Communication strategy.