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ELLTER Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): ELLTER JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA Press)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/ellter.v2i2.7485


The pandemic Covid-19 currently demands teachers to be able to use technology in teaching and learning process. But in reality there are still many teachers who have not been able to utilize technology as using learning media. Therefore, the purpose of this research to produce interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring suit 9 and APK 2 Builder during pandemic Covid-19 at seven grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Pagelaran in Academic year 2020/2021. The type of the research is a Research & Development, using ADDIE model. The result of this research and development is an Android learning media application that can help facilitate the delivery of materials with additional competency features, learning descriptive text, learning videos, and quizzes. that can be accessed offlline as well as the ease of installation in Android. This Learning Media has been validated by material experts and media experts whose results are very worthy to use in learing English in pandemic covid-19. So that the conclusion of interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring and APK 2 Builder can be used as learning resources and media support distance learning in pandemic Covid-19. They are more active in learning English descriptive text and understanding material in a fun way, especially in online learning. The pandemic Covid-19 currently demands teachers to be able to use technology in teaching and learning process. But in reality there are still many teachers who have not been able to utilize technology as using learning media. Therefore, the purpose of this research to produce interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring suit 9 and APK 2 Builder during pandemic Covid-19 at seven grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Pagelaran in Academic year 2020/2021. The type of the research is a Research & Development, using ADDIE model. The result of this research and development is an Android learning media application that can help facilitate the delivery of materials with additional competency features, learning descriptive text, learning videos, and quizzes. that can be accessed offlline as well as the ease of installation in Android. This Learning Media has been validated by material experts and media experts whose results are very worthy to use in learing English in pandemic covid-19. So that the conclusion of interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring and APK 2 Builder can be used as learning resources and media support distance learning in pandemic Covid-19. They are more active in learning English descriptive text and understanding material in a fun way, especially in online learning. The pandemic Covid-19 currently demands teachers to be able to use technology in teaching and learning process. But in reality there are still many teachers who have not been able to utilize technology as using learning media. Therefore, the purpose of this research to produce interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring suit 9 and APK 2 Builder during pandemic Covid-19 at seven grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Pagelaran in Academic year 2020/2021. The type of the research is a Research & Development, using ADDIE model. The result of this research and development is an Android learning media application that can help facilitate the delivery of materials with additional competency features, learning descriptive text, learning videos, and quizzes. that can be accessed offlline as well as the ease of installation in Android. This Learning Media has been validated by material experts and media experts whose results are very worthy to use in learing English in pandemic covid-19. So that the conclusion of interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring and APK 2 Builder can be used as learning resources and media support distance learning in pandemic Covid-19. They are more active in learning English descriptive text and understanding material in a fun way, especially in online learning. The pandemic Covid-19 currently demands teachers to be able to use technology in teaching and learning process. But in reality there are still many teachers who have not been able to utilize technology as using learning media. Therefore, the purpose of this research to produce interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring suit 9 and APK 2 Builder during pandemic Covid-19 at seven grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Pagelaran in Academic year 2020/2021. The type of the research is a Research & Development, using ADDIE model. The result of this research and development is an Android learning media application that can help facilitate the delivery of materials with additional competency features, learning descriptive text, learning videos, and quizzes. that can be accessed offlline as well as the ease of installation in Android. This Learning Media has been validated by material experts and media experts whose results are very worthy to use in learing English in pandemic covid-19. So that the conclusion of interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring and APK 2 Builder can be used as learning resources and media support distance learning in pandemic Covid-19. They are more active in learning English descriptive text and understanding material in a fun way, especially in online learning. The pandemic Covid-19 currently demands teachers to be able to use technology in teaching and learning process. But in reality there are still many teachers who have not been able to utilize technology as using learning media. Therefore, the purpose of this research to produce interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring suit 9 and APK 2 Builder during pandemic Covid-19 at seven grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Pagelaran in Academic year 2020/2021. The type of the research is a Research & Development, using ADDIE model. The result of this research and development is an Android learning media application that can help facilitate the delivery of materials with additional competency features, learning descriptive text, learning videos, and quizzes. that can be accessed offlline as well as the ease of installation in Android. This Learning Media has been validated by material experts and media experts whose results are very worthy to use in learing English in pandemic covid-19. So that the conclusion of interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring and APK 2 Builder can be used as learning resources and media support distance learning in pandemic Covid-19. They are more active in learning English descriptive text and understanding material in a fun way, especially in online learning. The pandemic Covid-19 currently demands teachers to be able to use technology in teaching and learning process. But in reality there are still many teachers who have not been able to utilize technology as using learning media. Therefore, the purpose of this research to produce interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring suit 9 and APK 2 Builder during pandemic Covid-19 at seven grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Pagelaran in Academic year 2020/2021. The type of the research is a Research & Development, using ADDIE model. The result of this research and development is an Android learning media application that can help facilitate the delivery of materials with additional competency features, learning descriptive text, learning videos, and quizzes. that can be accessed offlline as well as the ease of installation in Android. This Learning Media has been validated by material experts and media experts whose results are very worthy to use in learing English in pandemic covid-19. So that the conclusion of interactive learning media based on Android using Ispring and APK 2 Builder can be used as learning resources and media support distance learning in pandemic Covid-19. They are more active in learning English descriptive text and understanding material in a fun way, especially in online learning.
PELATIHAN TOEFL UNTUK UMUM MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI ZOOM Rahmatika Kayyis; Dian Pratiwi; Novita Eka Tristiana; Fitri Wulandari
Abdimas Siliwangi Vol 4, No 2: Juli 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22460/as.v4i2p%p.7028


TOEFL adalah kepanjangan dari Test of English as a Foreign Language (Test Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing), yang dibuat oleh ETS (Educational Testing Service), sebuah lembaga di Amerika Serikat. Secara umum tes ini untuk menilai kemampuan menulis dan tata bahasa yang baik dalam bahasa Inggris agar mampu membuat tulisan ilmiah. TOEFL sangatlah dibutuhkan oleh semua kalangan tidak hanya oleh mahasiswa. Berdasarkan studi awal dengan melibatkan mahasiswa dan umum sebagai sampel didapatkan bahwa 98% menyatakan bahwa mereka membutuhkan sebuah pelatihan TOEFL karena mengingat pentingnya TOEFL dalam dunia pendidikan dan dunia kerja. Akan tetapi adanya pemberlakuan Social Distancing yang diberlakukan oleh pemerintah menjadikan pelatihan dan pembelajaran dilakukan salah satunya menggunakan solusi aplikasi interface online yaitu menggunakan aplikasi Zoom. Tujuan pengabdian ini memberikan pelatihan TOEFL untuk umum dengan menggunakan aplikasi Zoom. Metode pelatihan ini kegiatan pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini terbagi menjadi tiga tahap, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan tahap monitoring.  Dampak dari kegiatan ini adalah: 1) terciptanya situasi dan kondisi pelatihan TOEFL yang dapat menaikan motivasi belajar, 2) terciptanya respon postif dari para peserta yang ikut dalam pelatihan ini, dan 3) peningkatan pengetahuan tentang tips dan trik menjawab soal tes TOEFL.
PRINCIPAL'S LEADERSHIP IN REALIZING CHARACTER EDUCATION Sutino sutino; Sowiyah sowiyah; Novita Eka Tristiana
International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/ijemi.v2i3.4146


The Important of the principal's leadership in implementing a character education program attracts the author to conduct research and this article discusses the results of a literature review conducted by the author. There are a number of articles on the review of principals' leadership and character education especially in the world context that can be found. The purpose of this review is to find out the principal's leadership in realizing character education in a world context. Based on the results of the literature reviews from various countries in the world, the authors find the scope of the article being reviewed is still very limited and it is very difficult to get literature that combines the two variables. The results of the literature review about the principal's leadership show that the principal's leadership in carrying out his role as a leader has an impact on teacher performance and student personality. Literature review of character education shows that the principal has a big role in realizing students' personalities. Thus, the authors are interested in following up related to the principal's leadership in realizing character education.
Politeness Strategies among EFL Learners: A Literature Review Damar Isti Pratiwi; Novita Eka Tristiana; Ainun Fikria
UICELL No 6 (2022): UICELL Conference Proceedings 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Many studies have been conducted on politeness strategies employed by EFL learners in social communication or classroom contexts. As a result, it is fascinating to analyze the extent to which scholars have explored this issue. By examining 20 published articles in reputable journals in a decade (2011 – 2021), this literature review study aimed to investigate the politeness strategies employed among EFL learners and the pedagogical implications of politeness strategies in EFL classrooms. The findings showed that there were five politeness strategies used in social communication, including positive politeness, bald on-record, negative politeness, off-record, and do not do FTA. Nonetheless, the latest strategy was not employed in the classroom context. Each strategy chosen by EFL learners was due to the power, social distance, age, and cultural background. These findings shed light on the pedagogical implication of politeness strategies, which should be implied in the teaching learning process and in designing the course and preparing the materials. Keywords: Politeness, Politeness Strategies, EFL Learners, Pragmatics, Literature Review
Talang Indah As the Potential Tourism Place: The Natural Talang Air Pringsewu and Historic Tourism in Pringsewu Regency Novita Eka Tristiana; Izhar
Indonesian Journal of Community Services Cel Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Community Services Cel
Publisher : Research and Social Study Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.206 KB) | DOI: 10.33292/ijcsc.v1i2.14


Talang Indah as the tourism icon in Pringsewu Regency has great potential which full of historical. This needs great attention from the government, society and also the tourism activator. Talang Indah is located in a strategic place that is in the middle of Pringsewu district exactly in Fajaresuk. Formerly, Talang Indah is the favorite location place for Pringsewu society, but since pandemic era, this place is not well operated. This training uses a project-based learning approach with three stages of activity. At the first step the trainers presented the steps how to design the poster, banner, booklet by using Canva. After that, the participants directly practicing to design the poster by using Canva. The last step, the best design was published in Instagram and Facebook belong to Talang Indah Pringsewu The digital marketing chosen is creating the promotion media by using CANVA application. This APP was chosen because this is easy and effective. There are 11 participants in on day training. The result is the promotion staff are able to create the digital marketing media by using CANVA.
Critical Discourse Analysis Online News “Omnibus Law” Job Creation Case (Teun A. Van Dijk Model) Lisdwiana kurniati; Umi Kholidah; Novita Eka Tristiana
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 6 (2023): Transforming Paradigm, Diversity, and Challenges in English Language Learning, Linguis
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research describes three aspects, namely, macro structure, superstructure, and micro structure of online news in Kompas, Detik, Sindo News, Republika, and Tribun omnibus job creation law. The purpose of this study was to describe the macro structure, superstructure, and microstructure of the online news discourse text of the omnibus law case. The methodological approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative, while the theoretical approach of TeunA. Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis. Based on data analysis, the following results were obtained. First, critical discourse analysis of macro structure in online news, describes in general about the theme of "omnibus law" on each news topic, and in it there are important points that refer to the theme. Second, the superstructure of critical discourse interprets the theme or topic put forward by the media and the news scheme or sequence that is displayed in the news text. Third, the micro structure of critical discourse in the omnibus law online news represents the involvement of several elements of discourse, namely semantics, syntax, stylistic and rhetoric. So that the online news from the three discourse structures of Van Dijk's model, namely regarding the "Omibus job creation Law ", the theme is discussed for the situation and the survey on the rejection of the job creation law, but when the entire discourse is critically analyzed it relates to the situation, the institutions and social structures that make it up are used. to influence and emphasize certain things in one group.