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The Development of Teaching Material Design for Automotive Electrical and Electronics Laboratorium Based on Automotive-SKKNI to Improve the Achievement of Standar Competencies of Polytechnic Students I Komang Rusmariadi; I Putu Darmawa; I Putu Sastra Negara; Ketut Bangse
Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol 20 No 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31940/logic.v20i2.1639


This progress report contains about the achievement of the implementation of the program of research in the development of teaching materials in the form of an integrated jobsheet. The second stage of the development will be done in 2018 with the goal to find: 1) the evaluation result from the expert, lectures, and students, 2)the obstacles during the try out, and 3) the feasibility of the jobsheet draft as a lab teaching material. Research using Dick & Carey development model, in review and test the research involving 2 experts, 7 course lecturerss,and 24 students in mechanical engineering department. Data obtained using questionnaire enclosed and open questionnaire . Data were collected in the form of comments and suggestions as well as the evaluation result toward the integrated jobsheet were analyzed by descriptive qualitative and quantitative improvement. The test results stated: 1) the content expert test is very decent; design / media expert is very decent; individual very decent ; small group is very decent; and field testing of students and lecturer decent and very decent. 2) components that need to be revised from the entire contents of the test results and instructional design experts to field test were:The contents of the summary should be more material-oriented than the summary of jobsheet parts, in addition to trouble shooting ignition problems, it is necessary to add maintenance material that is preventive maintenance, assessment rubrics for evaluation /practical tasks need to be made in more detail from simple to complex practices. Summary and evaluation analysis tools must be clear, the amount of test practice material so that there is a balance of theory and practice, the size of the book should be chosen for an elegant appearance, especially if proposed to ISBN. Based on test data and analysis of the abovementioned, teaching material draft can be declared eligible as the practical of teaching jobsheet. This research only reached the stage of formative evaluation on Jobsheet, it is expected in the future to do more research to determine its effectiveness in an effort to increase the competence of students.
Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol 14 No 1 (2014): March
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (41.594 KB)


Polusi udara disebabkan oleh meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor untuk transportasi, yang meningkatkan pula konsumsi bahan bakar. Sejalan dengan kondisi tersebut, gas buang yang dikeluarkan ke lingkungan meningkat dan salah satu dampak besar adalah pemanasan global yang terjadi karena pelepasan gas berbahaya dari proses pembakaran. Di Indonesia, lebih dari 70% dari udara mencemari disebabkan oleh emisi kendaraan. Kendaraan bermotor akan menghasilkan gas CO, CO2, HC, NOx yang dapat berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan.Penelitian ini akan mengkaji masalah penggunaan bahan bakar dengan berbagai angka oktan. Ada tiga jenis oktan premium yaitu premium (88), Pertamax (92) dan biopertamax (91). Dari hasil penelitian ini akan menemukan konsumsi bahan bakar yang efektif untuk menghasilkan gas buang yang ramah lingkungan. Perbedaan nilai oktan ini akan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap karakteristik emisi gas buang kendaraan ke lingkungan. Besarnya pengaruh variasi karakteristik gas buang mesin ketika menggunakan nilai bahan bakar oktan yang berbeda menunjukkan nilai persentase berbeda, CO (33,6%), CO2 (27,6%), HC (29,1%) dan NOx (25,4%) sedangkan sisanya ditentukan oleh faktor lain.
The Analysis of the Use of Intercooler on a Multi Stage Cold Storage Simulator Toward the Compressor Work I Putu Sastra Negara; Ni Ketut Rusminingsih
Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol. 22 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Unit Publikasi Ilmiah, P3M, Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2093.981 KB) | DOI: 10.31940/logic.v22i2.132-139


Multistage type cold storage is a refrigeration machine required in an industry because it functions to store food products for a long time. Bali, as a world tourist destination, will rely heavily on this cooling system in preparing services for tourists, especially in the food and beverage sector. Multistage type cold storage is designed to reach the evaporator temperature below -30oC thus the used compressor performance must be able to produce maximum refrigeration effect. Two compressors placed in succession or connected in series complete this cold storage system, which is expected to achieve higher operating pressures. The temperature occurring due to the pressure increase on the second compressor will be anticipated by installing an intercooler aiming at preventing excessive heat or over heat during the compression. The extent to which the important role of the intercooler as a stabilizer of operating temperature in this cooling cycle will be shown in its working cycle with a Mollier diagram (P-h diagram). The data obtained during the operation of the multistage type cold storage is then transferred to the P-h diagram of R134A to determine the cycle diagram and the enthalpy which then determines the amount of COP, the maximum temperature achieved by the system, and its energy requirements. The calculation results obtained using the intercooler COP is 1.83, and the maximum temperature achieved is 67oC, and the energy consumption seen from the total entalphy difference due to compression work is 81 kJ/kg. Without using the intercooler, the system’s COP is 1.72 and the maximum temperature achieved is 94.9oC and 86 kJ/kg of energy consumption. The energy required for the operational becomes more eficient and the heat released to the environment is much less, therefore the multistage cold storage with intercooler can be categorized as an eco-friendly technology.