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Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol 13 No 3 (2013): November
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Bali

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar praktek dalam bentuk jobsheet berbasis laboratory training dalam praktek pengujian bahan dan metrology untuk meningkatkan pencapaian kompetensi pada mahasiswa jurusan teknik mesin. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Dick dan carey karena lebih besar memberikan perhatian kepada kemampuan awal pembelajar, berorientasi pada tujuan dan pemecahan masalah belajar, menampilkan analisis pembelajaran yang rinci serta sistim evaluasi yang variatif, lebih detail memiliki karakteristik yang terdiri dari lembaran-lembaran pembelajaran yang disusun menjadi satu kesatuan yang utuh mencakup: information sheets, instruction sheets, operation sheets, self check sheet, dan perangkat evaluation sheets. Standar kompetensi yang dituntut dalam praktek pengujian bahan dan metrologi, yaitu Mengerti dan memiliki pemahaman pengetahuan yang lebih komprehensip dan menunjukkan keterampilan melakukan pengujian termasuk di dalamnya, mengumpulkan data, melaporkan hasil percobaan secara sistematis, menganalisis dan menuangkan dalam bentuk tugas laporan serta mampu menerapkan secara baik dan benar dalam memecahkan masalah dibidang teknik mesin. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner, menunjukkan Karakteristik mahasiswa semester 6 jurusan teknik mesin, yaitu: . 1) umur rata-20-22 tahun; 2) Pemahaman terhadap materi praktek pengujian bahan dan metrologi : 26,76% baik, 69,01% sedang, 04,23% kurang; 3) Pengalaman melakukan eksplorasi: 69,01% sering ,30,98% jarang, 0% tidak pernah. Sedangkan terhadap pembelajaran praktek pengujian bahan dan metrologi saat ini, yaitu: 1) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran : 64,8 % menyenangkan, 35,2% kurang menyenangkan, 0% membosankan; 2) Cara penyajian: 56,3% menarik, 43,7% kurang menarik, 0% tidak menarik; 3) Relevansi materi: 21,13% sangat relevan, 78,87% relevan, 0% tidak relevan. Model pembelajaran yang paling sering digunakan dalam praktek pengujian bahan dan metrologi yaitu pembelajaran pelatihan laboratorium(Laboratory Training). Draf Bahan Ajar praktek berbentuk jobsheet terpadu dalam praktek pengujian bahan dan metrologi berbasis laboratory training, sebagai berikut a.Materinya dikembangkan berdasarkan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, dan indikator pencapain kompetensi. b. Ruang lingkup materi meliputi uji tarik, kekerasan, puntir, struktur mikro dan pengukuran. C.Urutan materi menggunakan pendekatan prosedural. d. Metode pencapaian pembelajaran menggunakan Laboratory Training e.Sumber materi diambil dari tulisan atau buku-buku; Metallurgy Fundamental (Daniel A Brant, 1985), Practical Mettalurgy and Material of Industry (John E Nelly, 1984) , Dasar Metalurgi untuk Rekayasawan (Bradbury E.J.1990), Metalurgi Fisik Modern (Smallman R.E. 1985). Juga sebagai bacaan buku-buku berkaitan dengan bahan teknik.Dalam kaitan temuan ini diharapkan Draft bahan ajar ini dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut melalui proses penelitian sehingga menjadi buku ajar yang tervalidasi
Simulation Design Of Animal Waste Treatment Installation System Using Water Level Control System I Nyoman Gunung; I Nengah Ludra Antara; I Nyoman Sutarna; Kadek Agus Mahabojana D. P.; Made Dika Nugraha
Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Unit Publikasi Ilmiah, P3M, Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31940/logic.v23i1.8-15


The simulation design of this animal waste treatment plant is a design that applies the sewage treatment plant system which is made to cope with environmental pollution, especially rivers due to indiscriminate disposal of animal waste. Making this animal waste treatment plant provides information to readers or the public about how to design an animal waste treatment plant system and the performance of the sewage treatment system so that people know how to deal with environmental pollution caused by the livestock themselves. The manufacture of this installation system uses data collection methods from direct farmers and theories obtained from books, journals, and articles related to sewage treatment plant theory, plumbing, electricity, and others. Finally, the data was collected by testing the animal dung waste treatment system where the test data was taken from the pH content of the water used for processing the animal dung waste treatment system. The test results on the sewage treatment plant system concluded that in order to obtain optimal results or water pH content, namely the pH content of 6, it is necessary to deposit animal manure between two to three days, while the maximum processing of this system is the pH content of 6.5. and processing of animal manure, which is on the fourth day to get the maximum pH content.
Cutting Speed Analysis of Organic Waste Chopping Machine Fly Wheel Model Level Control I Putu Darmawa; I Nengah Ludra Antara; I Nyoman Sutarna; Ida Bagus Puspa Indra; I Nyoman Gunung
Logic : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi Vol. 23 No. 2 (2023): July
Publisher : Unit Publikasi Ilmiah, P3M, Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31940/logic.v23i2.121-130


This machine is used to chop leaves, twigs and branches into very small pieces, to avoid the bad smell due to the decay of organic waste and can be used as compost. The amount of cutting speed on the organic waste chopping machine with a chopping time of 2.5 kg of ketapang leaves is the average time obtained without fly wheels 2.0 minutes and with fly wheels 1.7 minutes, a time difference of 0.3 minutes. The chopping time of 2.5 kg of ketapang branches with an average time obtained without a fly wheel of 2.2 minutes and with a fly wheel of 2.0 minutes, a time difference of 0.2 minutes. The chopping time of teak branches is 2.5 kg with an average time obtained without a fly wheel of 2.6 minutes and with a fly wheel of 2.0 minutes, so the time difference is 0.6 minutes. So the cutting speed using a fly wheel is better. The results of the productivity obtained on the organic waste chopping machine, for the results of leaf chopping productivity without a fly wheel of 48% and those using a fly wheel of 58%, and the results of leaf chopping with a fly wheel are 10% more productive, for the productivity of chopping twigs without a fly wheel of 44% and those using a fly wheel of 49%, so the results of chopping twigs with a fly wheel are 5% more productive, and the results of chopping branches without a fly wheel of 37% and those using a fly wheel of 49%, so the results of chopping branches with a fly wheel are 12% more productive.