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Bahasa Arab: تحليل تغير قيمة النقود في منظور الشريعة الإسلامية / Analysis of the Change in The Value of Money in The Perspective of Islamic Law Moch. Zainuddin
Qawanin: Jurnal of Economic Syaria Law Vol 6 No 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.277 KB) | DOI: 10.30762/qawanin.v6i1.1


The problem of changes in the value of money, and the continuous fluctuation in its purchasing value, is one of the major problems that we face today. People wonder about the Sharia ruling on changes in the value during the term of the term, in the loan or deferred sale and other obligations related to the liability, and is the obligor required to fulfill the same What is his commitment or worth?. This research is a desk and applied study of the impact of changing the purchasing value of money in Islamic jurisprudence and economics, an applied study in contemporary financial transactions issues. The results of the research are that money is an idiomatic issue, and it does not have a specific form or substance required for it, and everything that people use as money or a standard can be cash, and what people call money is applied to the provisions of money such as the prohibition of usury and the obligation of zakat on it. Paper money is a special type of money, to which the provisions of money apply, but it is unique to its own provisions, including the need to take into account the change in its value.   تعد مشكلة تغير قيمة النقود، والتذبذب المستمر في قيمتها الشرائية من المشكلات الكبيرة التي نواجهها اليوم، ويتساءل الناس عن حكم الشريعة في تغير القيمة هذه في فترة الأجل، في القرض أو البيع الآجل وغيرهما من الالتزامات المتعلقة في الذمة، وهل يطلب إلى الملتزم أن يفي بمثل ما التزمه أم بقيمته؟ يعتبر هذا البحث من الدراسة المكتبية والتطبيقية لأثر تغير القيمة الشرائية للنقود في الفقه والاقتصاد  الإسلامي، دراسة تطبيقية في قضايا المعاملات المالية المعاصرة. ونتائج البحث هي أن النقود مسألة اصطلاحية فلا يشترط لها شكل معين أو مادة معينةـ، وكل ما يصطلح الناس عليه نقودا أو معيارا يمكن أن يكون نقدا، وما اصطلح عليه الناس نقودا تطبق عليه أحكام النقود كمنع الربا ووجوب الزكاة فيه.والنقود الورقية نوع خاص من النقود، تنطبق عليها أحكام النقود، إلا أنها تنفرد بأحكام خاصة بها، ومنها وجوب مراعاة التغير في قيمتها.
PERAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi Kasus Pada LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Kediri) Moch. Zainuddin; Addinin Nasikhah
Istithmar: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): Istithmar : Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/istithmar.v4i2.8


The culture of organization is a system of values and belief which is shared by The member of organization. It makes differences among the organization to other organizations. The culture of organization is also a distinguishing identity between one organization and another. In addition, Culture of organization also has an important role in employee performance. From this understanding, researchers are interested in discussing the organizational culture in LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Kediri and how the role of organizational culture in employee performance at LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Kediri. Since 2014 LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Kediri has experienced an increase in company performance, which includes increasing muzakki, and other awards. This certainly cannot be separated from the organizational culture applied to LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Kediri which adheres to a strong organizational culture. The research, entitled the role of organizational culture in improving the performance of the case study employees at LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Kediri uses a qualitative approach with the aim of obtaining a clear and objective picture. This study uses several methods in the data collection process including: observation, interviews, documentation. While the type of research used is field research, which is research that focuses on the results of data collection from predetermined informants. The results of this study indicate that the organizational culture applied to LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Kediri is more concerned with how to achieve the goals of the institution and also to realize the motto of the institution. The organizational culture applied in LAZNAS Nurul Hayat is a strong organizational culture, it will have an impact on the sincerity of employees in doing their duties and developing the institution. By implementing this strong organizational culture, employee performance will increase. This increase can be seen from the increase in the number of muzakki from 2016 to 2019, as well as other awards received by LAZNAS Nurul Hayat. With the increase in muzakki and also several awards, it shows that organizational culture has an important role in improving employee performance at LAZNAS Nurul Hayat Kediri.
Pandangan Santri terhadap Wakaf Tunai sebagai Instrumen Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah Perspektif Sosiologi Ahmad Syakur; Moch. Zainuddin
Istithmar: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Istithmar : Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/istithmar.v6i2.302


Dalam wakaf tunai, ulama’berbeda pandangan atas kebolehannya dan masih banyak multitafsir tentang maksud dari wakaf tunai tersebut, terutama terkait dengan kajian wakaf dalam kitab-kitab klasik. Penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus di dua obyek, Ma’had Aly Hasyim Asy’ari Tebuireng Jombang dan Ma’had Aly Lirboyo kota Kediri. Kedua pesantren mewakili dua sistem dan budaya pesantren yang berbeda. Pesantren Tebuireng cenderung akomodatif dengan sistem pembelajaran modern, sedang pesantren Lirboyo tetap mempertahankan tradisionalitasnya. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Mayoritas mahasantri Ma’had Aly Hasyim Asy’ari Tebuireng mengikuti pandangan ulama’ yang membolehkan wakaf tunai namun sebagian kecil yang tidak membolehkannya berdasar pandangan madzhab Syafii. Sedang Mahasantri Ma’had Aly Lirboyo kota Kediri cenderung tidak membolehkan wakaf tunai dengan berpegangan secara teguh madzhab Syafii. Namun mereka tetap mentoleransi pandangan yang membolehkannya. Pandangan dan perilaku mahasantri terhadap wakaf tunai sejalan dengan teori keterlekatan sosial, baik keterlekatan relasional maupun keterlekatan struktural.