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The Process of Institutionalizing Regional Regulation Number 07 the Year 2017 of Samarinda City Fostering Street Children and Homeless Beggars: Proses Pelembagaan Perda Nomor 07 Tahun 2017 Kota Samarinda Pembinaan Pengemis Anak Jalanan dan Gelandangan Lailatul Fitriyah; Sukapti Sukapti; Sarifudin Sarifudin
Progress In Social Development Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): January 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/psd.v2i1.24


ABSTRACT: This research is to describe the efforts of the Social Service and Satpol PP of Samarinda City in institutionalizing Perda Number 07 of 2017, describing the constraints in enforcing Regional Regulation Number 07 of 2017, describing the institutionalization process, namely the stages of being known, known, obeyed and respected and to describe at what stage society is Jalan Pramuka in the institutionalization of Perda Number 07 of 2017. The results obtained from this study indicate that the efforts made by the Social Service are direct socialization, namely socialization in schools, sub-districts and official meetings, then indirect socialization through appraisal signs, brochures and pamphlets. The process of institutionalizing Perda Number 07 of 2017 has not been internalized by the Jalan Pramuka community, the community only goes through the first stage, namely the known stage. Some people do not know the Perda because there is no direct socialization in Sempaja Selatan Village. Obstacles in enforcement by the Social Service administrators are limited funds for comprehensive outreach, Satpol PP which is not sufficient to cover the whole of Samarinda City, and reluctance to take action against people who still give, because it is considered that giving is a human right. ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan upaya dari Dinas Sosial dan Satpol PP Kota Samarinda dalam pelembagaan Perda Nomor 07 Tahun 2017, mendeskripsikan kendala dalam penegakan Perda Nomor 07 Tahun 2017, mendeskripsikan proses pelembagaan yaitu tahap dikenal, diketahui, ditaati dan dihargai dan untuk mendeskripsikan pada tahap mana masyarakat Jalan Pramuka dalam pelembagaan Perda Nomor 07 Tahun 2017. Hasil yang di peroleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Upaya yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Sosial adalah dengan sosialisasi secara langsung yaitu sosialisasi di sekolah, kelurahan dan rapat dinas, kemudian sosialisasi secara tidak langsung melalui plang himbauan, brosur dan pamplet. Proses pelembagaan Perda Nomor 07 Tahun 2017 belum terinternalisasi oleh masyarakat Jalan Pramuka, masyarakat hanya melalui satu tahap pertama yaitu tahap dikenal. Sebagian masyarakat tidak mengetahui Perda tersebut karena tidak adanya sosialisasi secara langsung di Kelurahan Sempaja Selatan. Kendala dalam penegakan oleh pihak penyelenggara Dinas Sosial terbatasnya dana untuk sosialisasi secara menyeluruh, Satpol PP yang tidak cukup dalam mengcover seluruh Kota Samarinda, serta rasa segan dalam menindak masyarakat yang masih memberi, karena dinilai memberi adalah hak asasi manusia.
Soso-Q : Jurnal Manajemen Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/sosoq.v7i2.999


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of SOCO (Service orientation customer orientation) on increasing sales performance at Sophie Paris in Ambon City. Test and analyze the effect of adaptability on increasing sales performance at Sophie Paris in Ambon City. Test and analyze the effect of communication quality on improving sales performance at Sophie Paris in Ambon City. The sample is a portion or representative of the population surveyed totaling 50 respondents or at best more than 100 respondents. For this reason, the sample in this study was 100 people and the purposive sampling method was used as a sampling technique with special consideration so that it was suitable to be sampled. Considerations taken in determining the sample are: (1). Consumer users of Sophie Paris products. (2). Men & women aged 17 years and over. (3). Based in the Ambon city area.The results obtained are SOCO influencing the adaptability of Sophie Martin products in Ambon City. SOCO affects the quality of communication on Sophie Martin products in Ambon City. SOCO influences service performance on Sophie Martin products in Ambon City. Adaptability influences service performance on Sophie Martin Products in Ambon City. The quality of communication influences the service performance of Sophie Martin Products in Ambon City. Keyword: SOCO => Adaptability  => Kualitas Komunikasi => Kinerja Penjualan