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Periodesasi Perkembangan Studi Hadits (Dari Tradisi Lisan/Tulisan Hingga berbasis Digital) Luthfi Maulana
ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol. 17 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/esensia.v17i1.1282


The history of the study of hadith from time to time experiencing a very significant development, beginning the study of hadith from oral to oral evolved into writing changes by others as a form of concern about the loss of traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, the development of tradition reached its peak when entering the period of the Successors exactly rule caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, where the tradition at this time officially codified in order to cope with the spread of false traditions pioneered by the heretics. Furthermore, after the tradition codified development be very rapid, with the birth of the canonical books of hadith to appear the terms scholarly tradition oriented as selectors hadith (criticism sanad hadith) and there are also books Sharh hadith as explanatory traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, Until the next period the study of hadith switch does not just dwell on criticism sanad but has entered the criticism of honor. In fact, along with the times that has entered the digital age, tradition began in containers therein to present assessment traditions more easily.[Sejarah kajian hadis dari masa ke masa mengalamai perkembangan yang sangat signifikan, mulanya kajian hadis dari lisan ke lisan berkembang menjadi tulisan, perubahan tersebut tak lain sebagai bentuk kekhawatiran akan hilangnya hadis-hadis Nabi SAW, perkembangan hadis mencapai puncaknya ketika memasuki periode tabiin tepatnya pemerintahan khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz, dimana hadis pada masa ini resmi dikodifikasi guna menanggulangi tersebarnya hadis-hadis palsu yang di pelopori oleh para pelaku bid’ah. Lebih lanjut, setelah hadis dikodifikasi perkembanganya menjadi sangat pesat, dengan lahirnya kitab-kitab kanonik hadis hingga muncul term-term keilmuwan hadis yang berorientasi sebagai penyeleksi hadis (kritik sanad hadis) serta muncul pula kitab-kitab syarh hadis sebagai penjelas hadis-hadis Nabi SAW. Hingga periode selanjutnya kajian hadis beralih tidak hanya berkutat pada kritik sanad melainkan sudah memasuki kritik terhadap matan. Bahkan seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang sudah memasuki era digital, hadis mulai di kemas di dalamnya guna mengdirkan pengkajian hadis dengan lebih mudah.]
Prenuptial Agreement in Manuscript Serat Ambiya Pelemgadung, Sragen, Jawa Tengah Luthfi Maulana; Syamsul Arifin; Imam Nawawi; Ahmad Wahyu Sudrajad; Annisa Cahyaningsih
Jurnal Hikmatuna Vol 7 No 1 (2021): HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies, June 2021
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) K. H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.528 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/hikmatuna.v7i1.2957


This study examines the prenuptial agreement in Serat Ambiya Pelemgadung, Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia. The agreement is a special power considering that some of the existing serat texts are used in photographing husband-wife relationships when they are legal. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to compare the characteristics of Serat Ambiya Pelemgadung with others. In addition, what is the framework and meaning of the prenuptial agreement in Serat Ambiya Pelemgadung. This goal is expected to be achieved by selecting philological, hermeneutical and literature studies methods. There are several things that need to be underlined in this study, in the end, that Serat Ambiya Pelemgadung differs from the content of Serat Ambiya' Pelemgadung produced by Hamengku Buwono V's scriptorium. The philosophical framework and meaning of pre-nuptial agreements are inclined to matrilineal cultural values, such as; a) a commitment to love and provide for his wife, b) provide a business field for his wife, to prepare for the children's old age. the husband, c) bear all the debts of the wife before the marriage, and forbid his wife from debts in the future, and d) the husband promises not to use and demand all of his wife's property
Promoting Forest City Management Based On Islamic Approach Mikhriani Mikhriani; Luthfi Maulana; Imam Nawawi
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 3, No 2, 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (831.795 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v3i2.2267


There are many Koranic verses revealed the structure of city space, including forest city itself. These verses confirmed the ancient history records that human being creates the great civilization. One of their prestigious creations is a modern management concept of structuring the forest city. It shows how to build a green space, an unpolluted air and water, and a healthy environment. This paper studied the Islamic approach to forest city management in light a concept of Maqasid al-Syariah of Abu Ishaq Asy-Syatibi. Maqasid al-Syariah are Islamic pillars whose goal that is keeping sustainability, the existence and continuity of human life. It means that Islam has serious concern over good environment and its impact on health and wellbeing. According to Islam, the destructive behaviors cause damage just toward a single part of the environment are as bad as those destruct all of it. Therefore, managing forest city as well as Koranic directions depicted within its verses is a duty of Muslim people and for both secular or Islamic government.