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IJouGS: Indonesian Journal of Gender Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/ijougs.v2i2.3147


In Javanese Islamic discourse in general, Javanese scholars look more at the broad horizon of Sufistic teachings and practices as an important variable in the Islamization of Java. The author feels that the micro area that discusses daily spirituality, especially women's spirituality, is an area of study that is worthy of research. In the practice of spirituality, of course, it cannot be separated from magical power, it is believed to have supernatural powers. The power is obtained in practice or penijazahan. Then there are various theories about mysticism, kebatinan to sects, in fact women are also actively involved in cosmology or social facts in Java. Therefore, the author poses a research question, namely, why the position of women in the narrative of daily spirituality is considered secondary and how is the practice of kasekten in Pondok Pesulukan Tharekat Agung. This paper specifically discusses the practice of spirituality or female students at the Thoriqot Agung Islamic boarding school in Tulungagung district. Practice or education is generally known as the path that can lead a person to gain enlightenment (sakti). This study uses an ethnographic-based qualitative approach. The findings of this study explain that sociological aspects and patriarchal religious interpretations condition women's spirituality to always be at a secondary level. Women who engage in spiritual practice cannot get the same degree as men, such as becoming Murshid, even though they are already spiritually established. Thus, women are only counted as students in the Tarekat and are not as charismatic as men who hold the title of Kyai Tarekat.Keyword: Kesakten; Spiritual; Women; Secondary
Walisongo: Strategi Dakwah Islam di Nusantara Nurul Syalafiyah; Budi Harianto
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2020): J-Kis: Jurnal Komunikasi Islam Desember 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam IAI Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53429/j-kis.v1i2.184


Islam mulai berkembang di Nusantara sekitar abad 13 M. Adapun tokoh yang sangat berjasa dalam proses Islamisasi di Nusantara terutama di tanah Jawa adalah “ Walisongo”. Sumbangsih serta peran Walisongo dalam proses Islamisasi di tanah Jawa sangat besar. Tokoh Walisongo yang begitu dekat dikalangan masyarakat muslim kultural Jawa sangat mereka hormati. Ajaran-ajaran dan dakwah yang unik serta sosoknya yang menjadi teladan serta ramah terhadap masyarakat Jawa sehingga dengan mudah Islam menyebar ke seluruh wilayah Nusantara. Penyebaran agama Islam di Pulau Jawa yang dilakukan walisongo terbagi dari berbagai wilayah diantaranya yakni Surabaya-Gresik-Lamongan JawaTimur, Demak-Kudus-Muria di Jawa Tengah, dan Cirebon di Jawa Barat. Keberhasilan Islamisasi Jawa merupakan hasil perjuangan dan kerja keras Walisongo. Walisongo melakukan proses Islamisasi berjalan dengan damai, baik politik maupun kultural, meskipun terdapat konflik itupun sangat kecil sehingga tidak mengesankan sebagai perang maupun kekerasan ataupun pemaksaan budaya. Penerepan metode dakwah yang dilakukan oleh Walisongo yakni metode dakwah yang lentur atau baik sehingga dapat diterima baik oleh masyarakat jawa. Sehingga walisongo tidak dianggap sebagai ancaman di Pulau Jawa.
HUMANISTIKA : Jurnal Keislaman Vol 9 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan Genggong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Da’wah is also the duty of a Muslim. In preaching, of course, a Muslim needs a medium to convey what will be conveyed. In this millennial era, preaching can be done anywhere, especially on social media, arts, traditions, even the Wayang Kulit tradition. However, in some areas, wayang kulit has begun to decline in development and its existence has dwindled, but in some areas there are still puppet shows, for example in the city of Madiun. Da’wah strategy conveyed by the Dalang figure from a conversation from a wayang play being played. In a wayang play, there are philosophies that can describe Islamic terms. This was also conveyed by the Dalang using language that the public could easily understand. Wayang kulit was chosen as the most effective medium of propaganda because wayang is also part of Javanese culture, which is still favored by various groups of Javanese society. And also the stories or plays in Wayang also contain Islamic teachings.
Bilik Toleransi Sebagai Simbol Gerakan Sosial Keagamaan Masyarakat Desa Segaran Wates Kediri Faga Pandunata Putera; Budi Harianto
Madani: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol 2, No 1 (2024): February
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10651395


Segaran Village is one of the villages in Wates District, Kediri Regency. The community of Segaran Village is a heterogeneous society, especially in terms of religion, namely Christianity and Islam. With Islam being a minority in Segaran Village, it does not make them feel marginalized or conversely, Christians feel powerful. The existence of a tolerance booth is an example of the high level of tolerance in Segaran Village. The main purpose of establishing this tolerance booth is a place for communication. Therefore, this research aims to find out how the tolerance booth a is a symbol of the social religious movement of the people of Segaran Village and how the social interactions of the people in Segaran Village. This type of reseacrh is qualitative research wit a case study approach. The data collection techniques used in research were interviews and observation. This research uses Georg Simmel’s theory of social interaction which focues on the concept of interaction based on type and form. The results of the research show that the tolerance booth as a symbol of the social reilgious movement of the peopleof Segaran Village, has become its own symbol of heterogeneous society, especially in terms of religion and the people of Segaran Village who highly value tolerance.
Dominasi Patriarki Dalam Tradisi Mendhak Sanggringan di Desa Tlemang Lamongan Fika Nur Aghni Afifah; Budi Harianto
Madani: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol 2, No 1 (2024): February
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10658294


This research examines the patriarchal dominance found in the Medhak Sanggring tradition in Tlemang Lamongan Village. Mendhak Sanggring is a tradition carried out to commemorate the death and graduation day of the village founder, Ki Buyut Terik. In its implementation, there are four traditional stages, namely sitting in the spring, cleaning the cungkup (grave), puppet performances and cooking goat meat, as well as cooking sanggring vegetables and visiting the grave. In practice, all stages are mostly carried out by men. Women are only assigned to strategic tasks such as cooking. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with direct data collection techniques in the field, namely observation and interviews. The results of this research are that the people of Tlemang Village are not aware of the patriarchal culture contained in the Mendhak Sanggring tradition because the tradition has existed since before they were born. So the domination of men is always considered normal because the rules that have been applied since the past have been like that. Then, forms of male domination can be seen at every stage of the tradition, starting from forming a committee, sitting at the spring, cleaning the grave, to cooking sanggring vegetables.