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Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 5 (2018): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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The typical written batik from Malang has enormous potential for development. As a product included in the regional cultural wealth, affordable both nationally and internationally, it is a unique product desired by many domestic and global consumers. The writer has identified the needs of Wiggrade and Wisnu Batik SMEs in Malang for strengthening in the management and development of their business. At the same time, current developments of batik business are in need of rejuvenation and innovation in the production equipment. The problems encountered in the production area are the ineffective and inefficient production process, the low quantity and quality of products, and unsophisticated management, such as lack of capability in preparing bookkeeping records appropriate with the needs of the SMEs. The solution offered to the SMEs is the necessary technological transformation which includes: production aspects capable of efficiently increasing production, increased quantity and quality through the procurement of production tools, trainings to increase the quality and quantity of products, management governance through the preparation of bookkeeping systems appropriate with the needs of the batik SMEs (as the main support of the development of batik business), and training and mentoring in the application of the bookkeeping systems. The results achieved in this activity include the availability of adequate production tools, increase in the quality and quantity of products, availability of bookkeeping systems, and increased understanding in the importance of bookkeeping systems for activity partners.
Penilaian Resiko Kesehatan Lingkungan-EHRA (Fasilitas dan Perilaku Warga Perumahan Karanglo Indah) Terhadap Sampah Rumah Tangga Sunik Sunik; Deddy Kristianto; Lila Khamelda
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 2 (2018): EDISI SEPTEMBER 2018
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v3i2.1015


Perumahan Karanglo Indah, Kelurahan Balearjosari, Kecamatan Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur adalah salah satu perumahan menengah dengan beberapa masalah terkait dengan layanan sampah yaitu: 1) frekuensi pengambilan oleh petugas dari rumah ke rumah belum terpenuhi,  2) timbunan sampah yang tidak rutin diambil pada TPS  menimbulkan bau tidak sedap dan mengganggu, terlebih efek samping pada musim penghujan berupa bau, air sampah , lalat dan belatung semakin meningkat, 3) terjadi gunungan sampah karena timbunan sampah tidak diangkut menuju TPA pusat, 4) setiap rumah tangga sering membuang sendiri sampah ke TPS, 5) belum adanya kesadaran pemilahan sampah rumah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan pemetaan hasil analisis penilaian resiko (EHRA) dalam bentuk persentase terkait fasilitas (layanan pembuangan-pengumpulan sampah) dan perilaku sanitasi (pemilahan sampah) terhadap sampah warga perumahan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah sosialisasi, survei dan wawancara kepada warga RW IV (RT 01 - RT 07) dan RW X (RT 04 dan RT 06).Terdapat + 26 blok, blok A – blok FF, populasi  sekitar 364 KK dan ditetapkan 96 KK sebagai sampel. Analisis data kuisioner menggunakan program bantu Excel dan SPSS. Analisis awal adalah reliabilitas dan validitas kuisioner. Analisis lanjutan berupa persentase hasil análisis EHRA berdasar rekapitulasi kuisioner. Hasil analisis penilaian resiko (EHRA) terkait fasilitas yaitu cara utama pembuangan sampah adalah 51,04% warga membuang sendiri ke TPS, frukuensi pengangkutan sampah 39,58% dilakukan sekali dalam seminggu, pengangkutan sampah 50% menyatakan bahwa kadang sampah diangkut kadang tidak meski 95,83% warga membayar iuran sampah (1 x dalam sebulan). Untuk perilaku sanitasi tentang sampah berupa pemisahan sampah sebelum dibuang (organik,sampah basah, dapur logam, gelas, plastik), 64,58% menyatakan memilah sampah sebelum dibuang dengan pertimbangan supaya bersih (72,92%). Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu fasilitas dan perilaku sanitasi warga tentang sampah masih beresiko terhadap kesehatan, warga masih kurang sadar dan peduli tentang sanitasi sampah dan pemilahannya.Kata kunci: fasilitas (layanan pembuangan-pengumpulan sampah); perilaku sanitasi (pemilahan sampah); EHRA  ABSTRACTKaranglo Indah Residential, Balearjosari Village, Blimbing Subdistrict, Malang, East Java is one of the middle residential with several problems related to waste services, namely: 1) the frequency of officers taking home-to-home has not been fulfilled, 2) landfills that irregular taken at laystall causes unpleasant odors and disturbances, especially the side effects in the rainy season in the form of odors, garbage water, flies and maggots are increasing, 3) there is a mountain of garbage because the landfill is not transported to the central landfill, 4) each household often throws garbage into laystall by own, 5) there is no awareness of sorting home waste. The research purpose was to obtain a map as analysis results of the risk assessment (EHRA) in the form of percentages related to facilities (garbage collection-collection services) and sanitation behavior (waste sorting) towards residential waste. The research method that used was socialization, surveys and interviews to residents of RW IV (RT 01 - RT 07) and RW X (RT 04 and RT 06). There were + 26 blocks, block A - block FF, a population of around 364 households and 96 households as a sample. Questionnaire data analysis using Excel and SPSS as assistance programs. The initial analysis is the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Further analysis in the form of percentage of EHRA analysis results based on questionnaire recapitulation. Results of the risk assessment analysis (EHRA) related to facilities as the main method of waste disposal was 51.04% of residents throw the disposal by their own to the laystall station, the frequency of transporting waste was 39.58% done once a week, for garbage transport 50% stated that sometimes garbage was transported, sometimes it was not, even 95.83% of residents pay garbage fees (each month). For sanitation behavior about waste in the form of waste separation before being disposal (organic, wet waste, kitchen metal, glass, plastic), 64.58% stated that they sorting the waste before being disposed in consideration of being clean (72.92%). The research conclusion for sanitation facilities and behavior of residents about waste were still at risk against to health, people were still less aware and lack of care about waste sanitation and sorting.
Analisis Perbandingan Karakteristik, Biaya dan Waktu Material Dinding Komposit dan Non Komposit Lila Khamelda; Benedictus Sonny Yoedono; Anna Catharina S.P.S
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 2 (2018): EDISI SEPTEMBER 2018
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v3i2.1017


Perkembangan kebutuhan akan hunian telah mendorong inovasi material dinding  yang bersaing dari berbagai segi. Dinding merupakan struktur rumah yang dapat bersifat struktural, non struktural atau sebagai partisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pilihan material dinding pada rumah tipe 38 yaitu material non komposit (bata) dan komposit (beton/bata ringan (AAC), batako, M-Panel). Bata, AAC dan batako merupakan material yang telah umum digunakan, sedangkan M-Panel belum terlalu umum digunakan. M-panel merupakan material komposit yang berbentuk panel  atau plat (papan tipis) yang dapat digunakan sebagai dinding, tangga, atap dan lantai. Analisa Harga Satuan Pekerjaan terhadap konstruksi dinding dalam penelitian ini menggunakan AHSP Dirjen PU 2016. Ditemukan bahwa biaya terendah untuk aplikasi material dinding diperoleh dari batu bata dan sebaliknya yang tertinggi diperoleh dari M-Panel. Juga ditemukan bahwa durasi terpendek diperoleh dari M-Panel dan durasi terpanjang diperoleh dari batako. Karakteristik material yang didapatkan dari responden tidak sepenuhnya memenuhi proposisi peneliti, diperkirakan hal tersebut disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan terkait salah satu material yaitu M-Panel. ABSTRACTThe development of residential needs has encouraged the innovation of wall materials that competitive in various aspects. Walls are home structures that can be structural, non-structural or as partitions. This study aims to provide a choice of wall materials in houses type 38, which are covering non-composite (brick) and composite materials (concrete/light brick (AAC), concrete brick (batako), M-Panel). Brick, AAC and concrete brick are commonly used, while M-Panel is not too commonly used. M-panel is a composite material in the form of panels or plates (thin boards) that can be used as walls, stairs, roofs and floors. Work Unit Price Analysis of wall construction in this study uses AHSP Director General of Public Works 2016. It is found that the lowest cost for wall material application is obtained by brick and the contrary the highest is obtained by M-Panel. It is also found that the shortest duration is obtained by M-Panel and the longest is obtained by concrete brick. Material characteristics obtained from respondents did not fully fulfill the researchers' propositions, it was estimated that things were caused by a lack of knowledge regarding one of the materials, namely the M-Panel.