Faradilla Faradilla
Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

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Optimalisasi Klasifikasi Kanker Payudara Menggunakan Forward Selection pada Naive Bayes Lastri Widya Astuti; Imelda Saluza; Faradilla Faradilla; M. Fadhiel Alie
Jurnal Informatika Global Vol 11, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jiig.v11i2.1235


Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor which is still the number one killer where the process of spread or metastasis takes a long time. The number of breast cancer sufferers increases every year so that if detected or caught early, prevention can be done early so as to reduce the number of breast cancer sufferers. To reduce the risk of increasing the number of cancer patients, it is necessary to do early detection, several methods can be used to assist the early detection process such as cancer screening, or computational methods. Several machine learning methods that have been chosen to solve cases of breast cancer prediction, especially the classification algorithm, including Naive Bayes have the advantage of being simple but having high accuracy even though they use little data. Weaknesses in Naive Bayes, namely the prediction of the probability result is not running optimally and the lack of selection of relevant features to the classification so that the accuracy is low. This research is intended to build a classification system for detecting breast cancer using the Naive Bayes method, by adding a forward selection method for feature selection from the many features that exist in breast cancer data, because not all features are features that can be used in the classification process. The result of combining the Naive Bayes method and the forward selection method in feature selection can increase the accuracy value of 96.49% detection of breast cancer patients.