Maria Veronica
STMIK PalComTech Palembang

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Prototipe Antarmuka Dan Basis Data Website Layanan Administrasi Ujian Sekolah Febria Sri Handayani; Maria Veronica
Jurnal Informatika Global Vol 12, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jiig.v12i2.1946


The implementation of school exams before the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out with a fairly high intensity of interaction and physical gatherings. After the pandemic hit Indonesia, there were a lot of rules and health protocols that limited the physical gathering activity. This also has an impact on school examination administration services in each educational unit, both in the city and in remote villages. The contribution of this research is to provide a solution to this problem in the form of an integrated administration service website in the network for the implementation of school exams, especially in junior high school education units (SMP). As a first step in this research, a prototype was produced in the form of 10 interface designs and a relational database design for a school exam administration service website named SILADUS. The interface design of this website uses the Human Centered Design (HCD) approach and the Laravel framework, while the database design is based on three levels of database architecture using MySQL as the database management application (DBMS). SILADUS Engineering itself uses the prototype method (prototype), which in its stages supports the design, evaluation, and re-design process repeatedly. The results of this initial design can be continued until the prototyping stage is completed and implemented in the education unit. Keywords : Interface, Database, SILADUS, Covid-19
Perancangan Antarmuka Aplikasi Konversi Bilangan dan Warna Berbasis Android Yesi Sriyeni; Maria Veronica
Jurnal Informatika Global Vol 10, No 2

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469 KB) | DOI: 10.36982/jiig.v10i2.855


ABSTRACTLearning activities do not always have to be done in the form of face-to-face lecture meetings. Learning can be done anywhere as long as it is supported by appropriate tools such as multimedia. The use of appropriate and interesting learning multimedia is felt necessary to increase student interest and learning achievement. Just like the material conversion of numbers and colors that have been considered as material that is quite difficult to be absorbed directly by students. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to design a media that can help lecturers convey material conversion of numbers and colors lighter and the material will be more easily understood by students. The multimedia interface design of learning numbers and color conversions is designed to be developed on the Android platform with a user centered design (UCD) approach. Interface testing is still carried out by researchers and only a few user samples. This is done in order to get feedback from a sample of users regarding the interface design that has been made so that it is right on target. There are several pages consisting of a splash page, a menu page, an introductory page, a study material page, a number calculator page, a color calculator page, a practice page, and a quiz page. Specifically for the quiz page, all quiz questions are planned to be timed. It aims to measure the success of absorption of numbers and color conversion material in the teaching and learning process carried out by students and lecturers. Keywords : android, multimedia, interface, calculatorABSTRAKKegiatan pembelajaran tidaklah harus selalu dilakukan dalam bentuk pertemuan kuliah langsung bertatap muka. Belajar bisa dilakukan dimana pun asalkan didukung dengan tools yang tepat seperti multimedia. Penggunaan multimedia pembelajaran yang tepat dan menarik dirasa perlu untuk meningkatkan minat dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Sama halnya seperti materi konversi bilangan dan warna yang selama ini dianggap sebagai materi yang cukup susah untuk diserap langsung oleh mahasiswa. Oleh karena itu dirasa perlu merancang sebuah media yang dapat membantu dosen menyampaikan materi konversi bilangan dan warna dengan lebih ringan dan materi pun akan lebih mudah dipahami oleh mahasiswa. Desain antarmuka multimedia pembelajaran konversi bilangan dan warna ini dirancang untuk dikembangkan pada platform android dengan pendekatan user centered design (UCD). Pengujian antarmuka masih dilakukan oleh peneliti dan beberapa sampel pengguna saja. Hal ini dilakukan guna mendapatkan umpan balik dari sampel pengguna mengenai desain antarmuka yang sudah dibuat sehingga tepat sasaran. Terdapat beberapa halaman yang terdiri dari halaman awal (splash page), halaman menu, halaman pendahuluan, halaman materi belajar, halaman kalkulator bilangan, halaman kalkulator warna, halaman latihan, dan halaman kuis. Khusus untuk halaman kuis, pengerjaan semua soal kuis direncanakan untuk diberi batas waktu. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengukur keberhasilan penyerapan materi konversi bilangan dan warna dalam proses belajar mengajar yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen.Kata kunci : android, multimedia, antarmuka, kalkulator