Nina Alia Ariefa
Faculty Of Humanities, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

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Normative Women and Patriarchal Hegemony in Ariyoshi Sawako’s Hanaoka Seishu no Tsuma (1966) Nina Alia Ariefa; Andhika Pratiwi
IZUMI Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/izumi.10.1.143-155


This research examines the depiction of normative women in the Edo period (1603-1868) in the novel entitled Hanaoka Seishu no Tsuma (1966) by Ariyoshi Sawako, a Japanese female writer in the post World War II Showa era. Reflecting on the novel’s normative female characters, it analyzes the silenced voices of women. It will contribute to the discussion on how the normative female figures criticizing the patriarchal hegemony that has not been revealed in the literary canon of the Edo period. This research shows how normative women characters are presented in the text as a feminine strategy to criticize this hegemony. The researchers use feminist criticism theory from Butler’s gender performativity (1990). The study concludes that although normative women characters are commonly represented as men dominating women, those can also be used to criticize the patriarchal hegemony.
Women’s Voices and Patriarchal Hegemony of the Edo Period in Shinju Tenno Amijima (1720) Nina Alia Ariefa
IZUMI Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/izumi.10.2.338-349


The Edo Period (1603-1868), known as the feudal era, lasted for nearly three centuries in Japan. Confucian teachings applied in all sectors of life had a great influence on the expansion of the patriarchal system in Japanese society at this time. Under the strict control of the Tokugawa shogunate government, the implementation of social class stratification was firmly established, including in the hierarchical relationship between men and women. The period of peace that occurred throughout the Edo period had contributed to a conducive situation for the rapid development of Japanese culture. Male artists were very dominant in the development of Japanese culture, and they were centred in big cities during this period. On the other hand, this era had become a dark age for women who did not get the opportunity to speak and create as men did. The female figures of the Edo period were presented in the works of male writers. This study focuses on examining women’s voices in the works of these male writers in the period. After exploring research on this period’s literary works, we found that these studies have various focuses related to the disclosure of women during the period, starting from the representation of women, their relationship with a male and other female characters, to their roles and positions. This research will contribute to discussions on gender, history, and literature, as well as on the way women's voices in this work serve a purpose in supporting the patriarchal hegemony that occurred in the period. We aim to reveal women’s voices in a male writer's play Shinju Tenno Amijima (1720) by Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653-1725) through a feminist critique approach. To explain women's voice and patriarchal hegemony, we apply the concepts of silence from Olsen (2003) and hegemony from Antonio Gramsci. The results of this study indicate that women’s voices raised in this play are the ones who support men's interests and are subject to patriarchal values. This play consistently displays the exclusion of women's voices of opposition and defiance. This work also shows its existence as a locus for the dominant values emphasized for women in the Edo period.
PEMAKNAAN DEKONSTRUKSI KONSEP PEREMPUAN IDEAL DALAM FILM PENGABDI SETAN (2017) Wawat Rahwati; Cut Novita Srikandi; Nina Alia Ariefa Alia Ariefa; Bustanuddin Lubis
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 16 No 2 (2020): Lingua: Jurnal Ilmiah
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v16i2.53


Abstract This article aims to reveal the deconstruction meaning of the ideal women concept in film Pengabdi Setan through the characters of Mother and Grandmother. Jacques Derrida's concept is used in this study to see how text can be interpreted not only in a single meaning but also another meaning, as a main characteristic of deconstruction is to reveal the meanings that are marginalized, ignored, and hidden. We use deconstruction reading methodology to reveal the hidden meanings in the film Pengabdi Setan (2017). By deconstructing a concept of women which presented by mother and grandmother figures, we found several results were obtained such as the concept of ideal women that admitted in our society still shackles women so that if a woman does not conform to the ideal concept prevailing in society, then what will happen is a catastrophe. In Indonesian society which is still strongly conduct to patriarchal values, women are often alienated and negatively stigmatized if they cannot bear children. Reproductive tasks that are carried out by women are shown and regulated according to the wishes of society, for example when she should get pregnant and how many children will be conceived and born. The mother has to take care of her husband, children, and household. Society has constructed women as ideal figures who serve their husbands and work fully in the domestic area, such as taking care of kitchens, wells, and mattresses. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pemaknaan dekonstruksi konsep perempuan ideal dalam film Pengabdi Setan melalui tokoh ibu dan nenek. Konsep Jacques Derrida digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk melihat bagaimana teks mampu dimaknai tidak hanya dalam pemaknaan tunggal karena inti dari dekonstruksi adalah menyingkap makna-makna yang dipinggirkan, diabaikan, dan disembunyikan. Penulis menggunakan metodologi pembacaan dekonstruksi untuk menyingkap makna yang tersembunyi dalam film Pengabdi Setan (2017). Dengan mendekonstruksi konsep perempuan yang dihadirkan melalui tokoh ibu dan nenek, didapat beberapa hasil penelitian, di antaranya konsep perempuan ideal yang berkembang di masyarakat masih membelenggu perempuan sehingga jika perempuan tidak sesuai dengan konsep ideal yang berlaku di masyarakat, yang terjadi adalah malapetaka. Dalam masyarakat Indonesia yang masih sarat dengan nilai patriarki, perempuan sering diasingkan dan distigmakan negatif jika ia tidak dapat melahirkan anak. Tugas reproduksi yang dijalankan perempuan diperlihatkan dan diatur sesuai dengan kehendak masyarakat, misalnya kapan ia harus hamil dan berapa banyak anak yang akan dikandung dan dilahirkan. Ibu harus mengurus suami, anak-anak, dan rumah tangganya. Masyarakat telah mengkonstruksi perempuan sebagai sosok yang ideal, yang mengabdi pada suami dan bekerja sepenuhnya di wilayah domestik, seperti mengurus dapur, sumur, dan kasur.
Makna Puisi Kotoba (言葉) Karya Tanikawa Shuntaro: Analisis Semiotika Riffa Terre Nina Alia Ariefa
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.845 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v3i2.202


Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menemukan makna dalam puisi Kotoba karya Tanikawa Shuntaro. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah semiotika dari Michael Riffaterre, yang meliputi proses pembacaan heuristik, lalu pembacaan hermeneutik berupa pencarian hipogram potensial, yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis matriks, model, dan hipogram aktual yang mengarah pada tujuan akhir penelitian ini yaitu penemuan makna pada puisi ini. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tanda yang ada dalam puisi Kotoba karya Tanikawa Shuntaro memusat pada sebuah makna yaitu ‘ikatan’ yang terepresentasi dari kata kotoba yang bermakna ‘kata’. Kata Kunci – Puisi, Kotoba, Shuntaro Tanikawa, semiotika, RiffaterreAbstract - This research aims to find meaning in Kotoba poetry written by Shuntaro Tanikawa. The theory used in this research is the semiotics of Michael Riffaterre, which includes the aspects of heuristic and hermeneutic reading, the analysis of potential hipogram, which is followed by the analysis of the matrix, the model, and the actual hipogram that lead to the ultimate goal of this research which is the discovery of the meaning of this poetry. The results show that the sign in this poetry focuses on a meaning which is 'bond'. This meaning is represented from kotoba word which means ' word' . Keywords - Poetry, Kotoba, Shuntaro Tanikawa, semiotics, Riffaterre.
Kritik Terhadap Nilai Tradisional Masyarakat Jepang dalam Novel Hanaoka Seishu No Tsuma Nina Alia Ariefa; Yusy Widarahesty
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (464.989 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v5i2.349


Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan perwujudan nilai tradisional masyarakat Jepang dan kritik terhadapnya melalui penggambaran tokoh dalam novel Hanaoka Seishu no Tsuma. Pendekatan semiotika aspek semantika digunakan dalam analisis penelitian ini melalui pengamatan terhadap tokoh perempuan dan laki-laki dalam novel ini. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah perwujudan nilai tradisional masyarakat Jepang melalui penggambaran tokoh dalam novel Hanaoka Seishu no Tsuma yang meliputi nilai tradisional masyarakat Jepang mengenai standar kualifikasi perempuan, yang mencakup fisik/tampilan, sifat dan perilaku, usia, produktifitas perempuan.Abstract  – This study aims to find the embodiment of the traditional value of Japanese society and criticism of it through the depiction of characters in the novel Hanaoka Seishu no Tsuma. Semantics aspect semiotics approach is used in the analysis of this research through observations of female and male characters in this novel. The results show that there are traditional values of Japanese society regarding women's qualification standards, which includes physical / appearance, nature and behavior, age, women's productivity.Keywords - Hanaoka Seishu no Tsuma, Novel, Semantics, Semiotics
Representasi Gender dalam Folklor Jepang Nina Alia Ariefa; Mutiawanthi Mutiawanthi
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.104 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v3i3.213


Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan representasi gender dalam folklor Jepang. Data utama dalam penelitian ini adalah sembilan buah cerita rakyat Jepang yang terdiri dari Issunboshi, Tanishi no Shusse, Kaguya Hime, Tsuru no Ongaeshi, Ningyou no Oyomesan, Hito no Yome ni Natta Neko, Harikazuki Hime, Yomesan ni Natta Ichou no Ki no Sei, dan Yome no Jumyou. Pendekatan gender digunakan dalam analisis penelitian ini melalui pengamatan terhadap relasi gender yang terjadi antara tokoh perempuan dan laki-laki. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat penggambaran representasi yang berbeda antara tokoh perempuan dan tokoh laki-laki terkait masalah gender yang mencakup perbedaan ruang aktivitas, penggambaran karakter, serta peran/tanggung jawab.Kata Kunci: Gender, Representasi, Folklor JepangAbstract - This research aims to discover gender representation in Japanese folklore. The main data are nine Japanese folklores consist of Issun-bōshi, Tanishi no Shusse, Kaguya Hime, Tsuru no Ongaeshi, Ningyou no Oyomesan, Hito no Yome ni Natta Neko, Harikazuki Hime, Yomesan ni Natta Ichou no Ki no Sei, and Yome no Jumyou. Gender approach used to analysis these folklores by observing the gender relation between women and men characters. The results show that there are different representations portrayal related to gender between women and men characters, which depicted from their activities, behaviours, and roles/responsibilities. Keywords: Gender, Representation, Japanese  Folklore
Tema dan Nilai Kehidupan dalam Lakon Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami Nina Alia Ariefa
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.602 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v2i1.114


Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tema dan nilai-nilai kehidupan dalam lakon Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami. Metode deskriptif analisis digunakan untuk menganalisis kutipan dialog yang diperoleh dari korpus berbentuk teks lakon. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga aspek naratif yang dikemukakan oleh Tzvetan Todorov, yang meliputi pembahasan aspek sintaksis, semantik, dan pragmatik. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa konsep kesetiaan dan pengabdian dalam konteks hubungan atasan dan bawahan menjadi tema utama dalam lakon ini. Penggambaran konsep kesetiaan dan pengabdian melalui perilaku dan ujaran para tokoh dalam lakon ini didasarkan pada kesadaran dan rasa terima kasih atas budi baik atau jasa yang pernah mereka terima dari pemberi budi. Nilai kebaikan yang tertinggi dalam konsep moral orang Jepang tergambar pada kemampuannya dalam memenuhi kewajiban-kewajiban yang mereka emban. Konsep ini pulalah yang mengatur hubungan antar individu pada masyarakat Jepang. Nilai-nilai kehidupan yang tergambar dalam lakon ini meliputi pemenuhan tanggung jawab, kesungguhan hati dalam menjalankan kewajiban, dan kehormatan diri. Abstract - The research aims to explore the themes and values of life in the play Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami. Descriptive analysis methods was used to analyze the dialogue quotes obtained from the corpus. The theory used in this research are the three aspects of the narrative presented by Tzvetan Todorov, which includes the aspects of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. The results show that the concept of loyalty and devotion in the context of a superior and subordinate relationship become the main theme in this play. The depiction of the concept of loyalty and devotion through the behavior and speech of the characters in the play are based on awareness and gratitude for a favor or service they have received from the donor. The highest virtue in moral concepts of the Japanese reflected in its ability to fulfill the obligations they entailed. This concept is also regulates relations between individuals in Japanese society. The fulfillment of responsibility, sincerity in performing duty, and honor are reflected as the values of life in the play. 
Perempuan Pada Cerita Rakyat Jepang dan Indonesia: Analisis Komparatif dengan Pendekatan Feminisme Nina Alia Ariefa; Mutiawanthi Mutiawanthi
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (383.42 KB) | DOI: 10.36722/sh.v4i3.273


Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan citraan perempuan yang terdapat pada cerita rakyat Indonesia dan Jepang, dengan analisis komparatif. Cerita Rakyat yang diperbandingkan terdiri dari tiga cerita rakyat asal Indonesia dan Jepang, yaitu Putri Mandalika Nyale, Putri Pandan Berduri, dan Pangeran Pande Gelang dan Putri Cadasari, serta cerita rakyat Kuro Hime to Kokuryuu, Nezumi no Yomeiri, dan Kaguya Hime. Pendekatan feminisme digunakan untuk menganalisis citraan tokoh-tokoh perempuan berdasarkan aspek fisik, psikis, dan aspek sosial pada masing-masing cerita. Hasilnya yaitu terdapat kesamaan pada citra perempuan dari aspek fisik, yaitu berupa sosok gadis muda yang cantik, pada citra perempuan dari aspek psikis yaitu sosok tokoh perempuan yang tunduk patuh, dan pasrah terhadap nasibnya, dan pada citra perempuan yang menjalani peran dan tanggung jawab dalam kedudukannya sesuai aspek sosial masing-masing tokoh.Kata Kunci - Citra perempuan, Feminisme, Cerita rakyat, Indonesia, Jepang. Abstract - This research aims to find images of women in Indonesian and Japanese folklore, through comparative analysis. The main data are six folklores consist of three folklores from Indonesia (Putri Mandalika Nyale, Putri Pandan Berduri, and Pangeran Pande Gelang dan Putri Cadasari) and three folklores from Japan (Kuro Hime to Kokuryuu, Nezumi no Yomeiri and Kaguya Hime). Feminism approach used to analysis these folklores by observing the images of female characters based on the physical, psychological, and sosial aspect of each story. The results show that there are similarities in the image of female characters from the physical aspect which are beautiful young girl figures, psycological aspect which are obedient women and resigned to their fate, and in the image of women who live their roles and responsibilities in their positions according to the social aspect of each character.Keywords - Woman images, Feminism, Folklore, Indonesia, Japan.
Edo Period Masculinity In Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (1746) Nina Alia Ariefa
IZUMI Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/izumi.12.1.22-32


As part of cultural documentation, literary works have the ability to record the conditions of the times and society in a nation, including gender issues as values that are built, emphasized, and disseminated in the community. As a period characterized by feudal society under the leadership of the Tokugawa clan, the Edo period (1603-1868) is known as the golden age of the development of traditional Japanese culture. Through a study of the play Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (1746) which is one of the masterpieces of the Edo period, this study reveals the representation of masculinity that shows a hierarchical social construction between men and women. The method used in this study is a qualitative analysis through a gender approach from Wharton (2005) and Lindsey (2016), as well as a feminist criticism approach from Tyson (2015). The construction of masculinity in this play highlights the depiction of men as knights, which are associated with courage, loyalty, integrity, toughness and self-respect. In addition, the concept of masculinity is depicted as strongly tied to the determination of hierarchical and patriarchal social structures, as well as being a reflection of the gender ideology of the Edo period which puts the superiority of men as the central figure in socio-cultural life. The depiction of male qualities and characters that outperform female characters in this text shows the text’s strategy in strengthening the patriarchal paradigm, and clearly shows the function of this text as a locus for strengthening the implementation of patriarchy in the Edo period.
Paradigma: Jurnal Kajian Budaya Vol. 13, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Under the Tokugawa clan, Japanese women’s position was declined throughout the Edo era (1603–1868). Almost one century afterwards, a female writer called Ariyoshi Sawako (1931–1984) raised the issue of female position in the Edo era through the novel Hanaoka Seishū no Tsuma (HSNT). This article will focus on two things. First is the exploration of the discourse of women in the Edo Era through three texts written during the era. The second part of the article will discuss the intertextuality of novel, with the discourse on women in the Edo era. New historicism method and Foucault’s concepts of discourse and power will be used to expose the patterns that make up the discourse on women. The article concludes that HSNT opens up various social and cultural issues in the Edo era related to women’s experience as a critique of the controlling discourse on women in the Edo period.