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Jurnal el-Qanuniy: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/el-qanuniy.v6i2.3008


Dilihat dari lintasan sejarah yang  panjang, walaupun secara kuantitas munculnya organisasi-organisasi perempuan di Indonesia sebagai component civil society yang cukup besar. Akan tetapi masih belum sepenuhnya mampu memperbaiki posisi dan kondisi kaum perempuan. Pada masa Orde Baru perkembangan organisasi perempuan di Indonesia begitu berkembang secara pesat. Akan tetapi, ada kesan bahwa organisasi perempuan pada era ini mengalami hegemoni bekerja hanya untuk kepentingan Negara saja, belum menjadi gerakan social yang memperjuangkan sebuah transformasi social dalam masyarakat.
Application Of The Ma'had Al-Jami'ah Program In Improving The Quality Of Reading The Alquran Agustina Damanik
Tazkir : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman Vol 5, No 2 (2019): 11 Articles, Pages 175-334
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.558 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/tazkir.v5i2.2311


Ma'had Al-Jami'ah is a program that must be followed by students of the State Islamic Institute at Padangsidimpuan. And its become one of the requirements to pass the thesis munaqoshah trial. The existence of Ma'had Al-Jami'ah IAIN Padangsidimpuan is expected to be able to improve the quality of reading the Koran of students. Moreover, IAIN Padangsidimpuan is an Islamic tertiary institution that has considerable to moral responsibility to produce scholars who have competence in the field of reading, memorize and teach the Koran and the formation of morals even better. But even though the Ma'had Al-Jami'ah program has been implemented there are still students who do not yet know about the Qur'an's tahsin properly, as well as some students who have not been able to to have holy attitude and speaks foreign languages (Arabic and English Language) the better one. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of the Ma'had Al-Jami’ah program in improving the quality of reading the Koran well. Knowing the method used by Ma'had Al-jami’ah in improving the quality of reading the Koran. The methods applied by Ma'had Al-Jami’ah are to classificate in some groups according to students' abilities. The grouping starts when students enter the dormitory, Koran reading test held to all students. For students who can read the Koran and know the law of recitation will be separated in another group from students who cannot read the Koran and law of the recitation well. Supporting Rector, Deans, all of IAIN Padangsidimpuan academics community, Student Guardians and Ustadz/Ustadzah is extremely important help this priority program running well
Jual Beli Online Dengan Menggunakan Sistem Cash On Delivery Di Kelurahan Kalangan di Tinjuan Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Afifah Nusrhoh; Agustina Damanik
Jurnal El-Thawalib Vol 3, No 6 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/el-thawalib.v3i6.6653


The problem in this study is how the practice of buying and selling online with the cash on delivery system is seen from the compilation of sharia economic law. This research is field research with a qualitative approach, the primary data source is from couriers and buyers while secondary data comes from documents related to this research, then data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation and data analysis techniques use descriptive qualitative. The results of this study explain that in buying and selling online, khiyar must be formed which has been implemented or carried out by sellers and buyers, namely Khiyar Disgrace and Khiyar Terms. It's the same as buyers who suffer losses because the goods they ordered are damaged, so they may return, and Khiyar. This condition applies if the conditions put forward by the seller have conditions to be allowed to return if they are not in accordance. Review of Compilation of Sharia Economic Laws regarding khiyar rights in buying and selling online in the COD system, the law is permissible, where it has been categorized as a type of buying and selling Bai'i As Salam. And the payment can also be made later when the goods ordered arrive at the destination address. Based on this, the explanation in the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law. Furthermore, it is not included in buying and selling transactions which are prohibited in Islam as explained in the previous chapter.
Yurisprudentia: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Institut agama islam negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.009 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/yurisprudentia.v2i2.668


This research moved from one of the Shiite leaders are fairly well known and influential in religious thought among Shi'ite, namely Ali Syariati. He is one of the thinkers who seek to understand Islam from the sociological point of view, not only from the standpoint of normative. One of the characteristic of the Shi'ite doctrine is the Imamat (leadership) concept, which is a sensitive issue and a long debate in the history of cross pentig in Islam. Shiites come since the early days of Islam was born, which until now one of the schools that still exists and continues.In this study the authors will discuss Ali Syariati’s thought about the concept of the Imamah. This study is a research library (library research) try to decipher Ali thinking about the problem Imamah (leadership) using the method of historical research, which melipputi beberapatahap, namely heuristic, interpretation, and last histrografi. The results showed that according to Ali, Islam is not a religion that hanyamemperhatikan spiritual and moral aspects or just antrata servant relationship with the creator of universe (Hablu min Allah), but more than that, Islam is an ideology of emancipation and liberation. He believes that Islam as a school of sociology of science should function as a revolutionary force to liberate oppressed people, both culturally and politically.Imamah is a progressive and revolutionary leadership that can guide man and to build a society on the foundation of a true and strong, which will lead to the awareness, growth, and independence in making decisions. Imamate is a manifestation of "the minutes of the leadership and guidance of the individual and society" from "what already exists" (das sein) to "what should be" (das sollen) as much as possible is usually done. Imamate is meant here is not a super-human, but a human being that has many advantages over other human or superhuman in tune with the demands of human morals to the life and needs of individuals and society both intellectually and sociologically.
Yurisprudentia: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Vol 4, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut agama islam negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.024 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/yurisprudentia.v4i2.1508


History The Indonesian nation records a character named Mohammad Natsir, uniquely. He is prime minister, political figure, movement figure, Islamic figure, as well as educational figure. According to Endang Saefuddin Ansari, M. Natsir is a Dzu Wujuh, has many faces in a good sense. He is a teacher of the nation, an ummah educator and a mujahid da'wah, he is a cultural or cultural thinker, he is a 'pious with all attributes attached to that title, he is a leading politician, he is a prominent statesman, and last but not least he is a respected international figure.M. Natsir argues that Islam is not merely a religion, but a view of life that includes political, economic, social, and cultural matters. The above view is evidenced by various writings in various languages namely Indonesia, English, Arabic or Dutch either about culture, philosophy, education, religion, state administration and so forth.           With extensive political and religious insights, Natsir led the trial of the Islamic Nature Congress in Damascus in 1957, along with Sheikh Maulana Abul A 'la al-Mawdudi (Lahore) and Hasan al-Nadawi (Lucknow). For his services in leading the organization, then in 1980 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia awarded the "Faisal Award" in honor of its service and devotion to Islam. So widespread is his insight and his views, therefore, in this paper the author limits around M. Natsir's thoughts on political thought, religious thought, and does not forget his biography to answer the question, in this paper simply the author will describe.
Jurnal el-Qanuniy: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/el-qanuniy.v8i2.6125


Partai politik sangat berkaitan dengan pemilihan umum. Dukungan dari partai politik sangat penting dalam sebuah pemilihan umum karena dapat mempengaruhi hasil dari  pemilihan umum. Baik hasil sebelum pemilu dan hasil setelah pemilu dilaksanakan partai politik sangat memiliki peran yang culup penting.  Keoptimalan partai politik untuk memberikan pendidikan politik bagi masyarakat dapat menurunkan tingkat golput dikalangan masyarakat dan meningkatkan partisipasi pemilih ketika pemilihan umum berlangsung. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi  pemilu tahun 2019 diantaranya adalah kinerja dari partai politik dalam menjalankan fungsinya secara  optimal dan teratur. hal itu dapat meningkatkan atau menurunkan partisispasi dari masyarakat, tergantung bagaimana peran dari partai politik dalam mengoptimalkan perannya. 
Jurnal el-Qanuniy: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/el-qanuniy.v7i1.3831


This paper will try to illustrate the concepts offered by Ibn Khaldun on State and government, with the main explanations regarding the concept  of  ashabiyah  (group solidarity) and its role on state formation, rise and collapse.  According to  theIbnu Khaldun, ashabiyyah is the driving force of the country  and  the  foundation for the establishment of a state or dynasty . Ashabiyyah have a major role in the expansion of the country after the establishment of the country's foundation. When ashabiyyah is strong , the states can be expanded otherwise if asabiyyah weak , then the area of the states appears relativelylimited
Jurnal AL-MAQASID: Jurnal Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Keperdataan Vol 5, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/almaqasid.v5i1.1720


Abu A'la al-Maududi is an accomplished speaker and a very productive writer, especially in the field of religion. In this connection it is important to always observe Abu A'la's views related to politics, the state, and Islam. Not much different from other thinkers. Abu A'la is a great thinker of Islam who is very well known in the Islamic world. Pakistan, more than any Islamic country, faces more interesting problems in its struggle to get its Islamic identity. Since the establishment of an Islamic state in 1947, the Pakistani nation has tried to show its importance in its existence. And the first choice fruit presents two types of modern Islamic states namely Maulana Abu A'la Maududi, a founder of a political organization (Jama'ati Islam) proposing a more traditional theocratic state form, while Fazlur Rahman a professor of Islamic studies from Cambridge University who is also the director of the Islamic Study Board who has the support of the government, provides an overview of a more modern Islamic state based on popular sovereignty. Although in the past Pakistan declared itself to be a Republican state, there was no one that had ever been compiled to implement Islam.In the 1970s, Islam reappeared in political settings in Pakistan and encouraged the emergence of ideas for the establishment of an Islamic government system. General Zia ul-Haq, who seized power from Zulfikor Ali Buttho in 1977, tried to find a legal basis legally for his actions to seize the power, by appealing for the treatment of the Islamic government system. Among the major changes he made was the compilation of a set of Islamic laws as outlined in his provisions entitled the application of the Islamic system. Pakistan's failure to carry out its Islamic group in the field of justice was caused by the attitude of a retired judge B.Z. Kalkaus, who in 1976 filed a petition against the application of the political system and Islamic legal system in Pakistan. And in 1977 when Zia ul-Haq established the "Mahkmah Syar'iyah Judicial System" and appealed to the courts so that all legal regulations were adjusted to the rules of Islamic law. From the description above, the writer can conclude that from the various figures that have been stated, they have their special characteristics. Abu A'la al-Maududi is more traditionalist than Fazlur Rahman. Abu a'la is a reliable politician and also a top class academic whose thoughts are interesting to.
Jurnal AL-MAQASID: Jurnal Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Keperdataan Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/almaqasid.v4i1.1420


In the view of Islamic law, everything is created by God by nature. Similarly human beings, between men and women as individuals and sex have their own nature. The Qur'an recognizes anatomical differences between men and women. the nature of women is often used as an excuse to reduce the various roles of women in the family and society, men are often perceived to be more dominant in playing roles, while women have a limited role in the domestic sector. Culture that develops in society also views that women as weak creatures, emotional, smooth and shy while men are strong, rational, rough and brave creatures. Strangely these differences are then believed to be natures, which are still the gifts of God. Whoever tries to change it is considered to violate nature and even oppose God's decree. The role and status of women in Islamic perspectives has always been attributed to the presence of men. Women are described as being whose existence depends heavily on men. As a child, he is under the guardianship of his father and brother, as the wife depends on the husband. Islam establishes women as husbands as husbands, as mothers who nurture and educate children and keep property and foster family ethics in the smallest government.
Persepsi Masyarakat Kota Padangsidimpuan Tentang Program Ma’had Al-Jami’ah Iain Padangsidimpuan Agustina Damanik
Jurnal AL-MAQASID: Jurnal Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Keperdataan Vol 5, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/almaqasid.v5i2.2096


This study a problem ofpower in Islamic politics. The main problem in this paper is how power. Ulama and Umara in the structure of Islamic politics, through content analysis and conceptual approach it is gained an understanding that power comes from God and no one has absolute power. But that power is delegated to humans as representatives og God on earth who are given orders to establish a just government and realize shared prosperity. With this concept of power there is no longer a contradiction between the power of good and the human need for government. Ulama adn Umara in he structure are those who are required by teh Quran as ulu al amr or those who govern and must be obeyed because they consist of people who are elected and fulfill complementary requirements such as trustworthiness, courage, strength, common sense, and knowledge of knowledge, it is hoped that they will be able to become role models for all levels of society. They act as interpreters of rules that are not yet clear in the Quran and at the same time as supervisors af the contitutionality of goverment and administrator rules in order to convince the people that these rules do not violate the Shari’a. while the Umara or the goverment applies sharia laws.