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The Inefficiency of Zakat Management in BAZNAS Sragen Indonesia Agus Wahyu Triatmo; Ravik Karsidi; Drajat Tri Kartono; Suwarto Suwarto
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 16, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/AIIJIS.2020.0121.209-227


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems of zakat governance in Indonesia, with the case study of BAZNAS in Sragen Regency. This is a qualitative research with the perspective of institutional theory. Results indicated that: (1) BAZNAS Sragen has a relatively high transaction cost due to several factors, particularly the costs of seeking information and monitoring; (2) BAZNAS Sragen conducts asymmetric information which is characterized by the lack of transparency, accountability, and fairness; (3) BAZNAS Sragen has a potential to perform opportunistic behavior in the form of political contamination in the distribution of ZIS funds. The less efficient of the governance causes the less optimal performance of BAZNAS Sragen, either in the limited amount of zakat fundraising or in its performance in empowering the poor.
IMPLEMENTASI PRINSIP SYARIAH DI BIDANG PERHOTELAN (Studi Kasus Hotel Lor In Syariah Surakarta) Agus Wahyu Triatmo; Muhammad Roqib; Mei Candra Mahardika
Al-Idarah: Jurnal Manajemen dan Administrasi Islam Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/al-idarah.v3i2.13118


Artikel ini merupakan deskripsi tentang perkembangan dan penerapan prinsip syariah di sektor pariwisata syariah khususnya di sektor perhotelan. Kajian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi pada Hotel Lor In Syariah Solo. Hasil kajian ditemukan bahwa, Lor In Syariah Hotel memiliki visi dan tujuan yang menyatukan prinsip bisnis dan syariah. Kesatuan antara keduanya diwujudkan dalam fasilitas dan pelayanannya, selain yang terbaik dan profesional, kesan islami terlihat pada kinerja hotel. Layanan hotel syar'i meliputi; fasilitas fisik, restoran dan minuman, sumber daya manusia, acara dan suasana hotel. Dengan sistem manajemen syariah, Lor In Syariah Hotel telah berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan wisata syariah di kota Solo.
A political ideology of the Indonesian Islamic philanthropy institution: a case study of Suryakarta Beramal foundation Agus Wahyu Triatmo; Ravik Karsidi; Drajat Tri Kartono; Suwarto Suwarto
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 10, No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/ijims.v10i2.353-380


This present research studies the ideologization practices of the Islamic philanthropy institution managed by the civil society in Indonesia: a case study of Suryakarta Beramal Foundation. A qualitative method with a case study approach was employed. Data was collected using in-depth interviews, observations and documentation techniques and then inductively analyzed. The results show that Suryakarta Beramal is a philanthropy institution ideologically affiliated withthe Tarbiyah movement. Most of the collected Islamic philanthropy funds: zakat, (alms-giving), infak (infaq), sadaqah (donation) and wakaf (religious endowment) were provided to finance the educational institution possessed by Suryakarta Beramal, except for poverty alleviation; the educational institution also functions as an ideologization medium. Ideologization was conducted through curriculum engineering, holding various events such as smart recharging, liqa, mabit, rihlah and halaqah and students’ habituation, starting from using uniforms for religious activities either at school or in the dormitory. The result of the ideologization is that the alumni of the school of Suryakarta Beramal became the loyalists of the Tarbiyah ideology and are affiliated with Partai Adil Makmur (PAM) (Just and Affluent Party) as the political wing of the Tarbiyah movement in Indonesia.
Syariah Hotel Solo: Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Karyawan Berbasis Manajemen Syariah Totok Sudaryanto; Ade Yuliar; Agus Wahyu Triatmo
Idarotuna Vol 3, No 3 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/idarotuna.v3i3.16339


Konsep keramahan Islam (Islamic Hospitality) menjadi potensi besar dalam dunia industri. Pada saat yang sama, hal ini memunculkan investasi baru yang berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip syariah di berbagai negara. Belakangan ini banyak sektor-sektor industri yang mengusung konsep syariah seperti wisata halal dan hotel-hotel syariah. Tulisan ini membahas Syariah Hotel di Solo, utamanya mengkaji tentang implementasi manajemen syariah dalam proses rekrutmen dan seleksi karyawan baru. Hal ini penting dilihat sebagai bagian dari konsep keramahan Islam. Dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa Syariah Hotel Solo telah melakukan prinsip-prinsip syariah dalam pengadaan sumber daya manusia melalui proses rekrutmen dan seleksi karyawan. Ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya kriteria khusus dan tes khusus dalam merekrut dan menyeleksi karyawan seperti beragama Islam, melaksanakan sholat, mempunyai kemampuan membaca Al-Quran, rukun Islam, dan pengetahuan-pengetahuan Islam lainnya.
Dirosat : Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Dirosat: Journal of Islamic Studies
Publisher : Institut Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan Sumenep

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v3i1.155


Empowering the poor is the responsibility of all members of society, not just the government. Muslims, as the majority in Indonesia, should play a significant role in poverty alleviation. Zakat, infak and sedekah (ZIS), in the teachings of Islam, is not just worship because, if managed properly, it can be a solution to poverty. To date, the management of ZIS as a mechanism for change in society has not been optimal due to various factors, one of which is a poor management model. Therefore, this article presents a model of empowerment of the poor based on social responsibility with the integration of Islamic values. This article is based on research conducted at Yayasan Solo Peduli Umat. The research data are obtained from the managers of Solo Peduli, beneficiaries and other parties involved. The results of this study indicate that the integration of Islamic values with the concept of social responsibility can maximize the empowerment of the poor. An empowerment model is created to increase the number of entrepreneurs who diligently worship and have noble morality (akhlaqul karimah), increase the independence and welfare of the poor, ensure the continuity of network-based businesses between musthik and muzaki/ donatur, and provide sustainable donations to be used as capital for social transformation
Spiritual Marketing in Increasing Sales Turnover of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia Agus Wahyu Triatmo; Arif Nugroho; Supandi Supandi; Ade Yuliar
Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/grieb.2022.102-06


The increasing diversity of modern humans has implications for changes in consumer behavior. Previously, consumers solely relied on logical considerations when selecting products or services, but now this framework has been shifted to encompass broader considerations. This trend forces a shift in the marketing paradigm; from rational marketing to emotional marketing, even continuing to spiritual marketing. This article seeks to examine the implementation of spiritual marketing to increase the sales turnover of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia, with a case study of “Komunitas Bubur Sedekah” in Setabelan Banjarsari, Surakarta. This case study applied Hermawan Kertajaya's spiritual marketing theory as a theoretical framework. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. In-depth interviews were held with advisors, porridge sellers, almsgivers, and customers. Observations were conducted to capture data from the porridge business activities. Meanwhile, documentation was utilized to collect data from various social media platforms belonging to the community. The findings of the study indicate that “Bubur Sedekah” is a manifestation of spiritual marketing because it is grounded in ethical spiritual principles, such as theistic, humanistic, and contextual values that bring satisfaction to customers, thus resulting in regular donations. Consequently, the sales turnover of “Bubur Sedekah” has considerably increased, and the sustainability of their business is now assured.
Dakwah bil Lisan dan Religiousitas Generasi Milenial Ghalda Amatullah; Agus Wahyu Triatmo
Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/ajdc.v4i1.6396


X-School is an association for Muslim K-popers in Indonesia. They are part of the millennial generation who study Islam with da'wah bil lisan approach. This study aims to determine influence the da'wah bil lisan method has on the religiosity of the participants of the X-School Season 4. This research is a quantitative study and uses ex post facto research design. The subjects of this study were participants in the X-Season 4 program. Data collection techniques used a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using normality test, linearity test and heteroscedasticity test. The hypothesis test used is simple linear regression. The result is known that the coefficient of determination is 40.1%. So it can be concluded that the contribution or contribution or influence given by variable X (da'wah bil lisan approach) on variable Y (religiosity) is 40.1% or in other words the use of the da'wah bil lisan approach can increase the religiosity of study participants X-School Season 4 .
Penguatan wawasan wasathiyah khatib muda di Wonogiri sebagai respons terhadap kondisi pandemi Covid-19 Fathurrohman Husen; Agus Wahyu Triatmo; Akhmad Anwar Dhani
Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 19 No. 1 (2023): Transformasi Juni
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/transformasi.v19i1.6613


[Bahasa]: Khatib berperan penting dalam memberikan informasi dan khazanah keislaman kepada jamaah shalat Jumat. Selayaknya, khatib menyampaikan materi khotbah yang selektif, tidak mengandung unsur SARA, radikalisme, dan fundamentalisme. Oleh karena itu diperlukan metode dan pemilihan maddah khotbah yang lugas dan terarah. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada para khatib muda tentang pentingnya konsep wasathiyah, khususnya dalam merespons pandemi Covid-19. Respons yang terlalu longgar atau terlalu ekstrem terhadap pandemi dapat berakibat kepada ketidaknyamanan masyarakat. Khatib muda menjadi salah satu pihak yang berperan dalam memciptakan kenyamanan di tengah pandemi ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah Participatory Action Research dengan teknik ceramah, diskusi, dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menunjukkan para peserta memperoleh manfaat dan wawasan baru dalam hal menyikapi pandemi Covid-19, sehingga memiliki referensi materi khotbah yang washatiyah. Khotib muda menjadi lebih memahami rukun dan syarat dalam berkhotbah sehingga mampu menyikapi pandemi Covid-19 secara proporsional sesuai pemahaman agama yang wasathiyah. Kata Kunci: wasathiyah, khatib, pandemi Covid-19  [English]:  Khatib is significant in providing information and Islamic knowledge to the Friday prayer pilgrims. Appropriately, khatib delivers selective preaching material and does not contain elements of SARA, radicalism, and foundationalism. Therefore, a straightforward and directed method and selection of preaching maddah is needed. This community service activity aims to provide young khatibs with the importance of the concept of wasathiyah, especially in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. Too lax or extreme a response to the pandemic can result in public discomfort. Young Khatib is one of the parties who play a role in creating comfort in the midst of this pandemic. The method used in this service was Participatory Action Research through lecture, discussion, and evaluation techniques. The results show that the participants felt new benefits and insights in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, so they had a reference for washatiyah preaching material. As a result, the young Khotib became more understanding of the pillars and conditions of preaching. They could also respond to the Covid-19 pandemic proportionally according to a wasathiyah religious understanding. Keywords: wasathiyah, preacher, Covid-19 pandemic
Analisis Dimensi Kualitas Layanan Akademik Berdasarkan Persepsi Mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen Dakwah Agus Wahyu Triatmo; Ade Yuliar
Jurnal Matlamat Minda : Manajemen Dakwah Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Vol. 2 No. 2 Desember 2022
Publisher : STAIN Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56633/jdki.v2i2.432


This study aims to determine student perceptions of the quality of academic services in the Department of Da'wah Management Faculty of Ushuluddin and Da'wah UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta. The determination of the object of this study is based on convenience sampling. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with multiple case study approach. The conclusion of this study shows that in general, students' perceptions of the quality of academic services viewed from aspects of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy are quite good. However, there are still weaknesses including those related to aspects of adequate infrastructure and improvement of the ability of lecturers in teaching. In addition, the response of the department leadership in terms of service to students to be improved.