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JIKO (Jurnal Informatika dan Komputer) Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal Of Informatics and Computer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/jiko.v3i1.1655


Pulau Maitara memiliki berbagai macam potensi wisata yang dapat dilakukan pengembangan sebagai kawasan ekowisata, dan potensi-potensi tersebut diantara panorama alam, wisata sejarah budaya, atraksi wisata, potensi fisik wisata yang relatif masih alami, tingkat aksesibilitas serta taman laut Pulau Maitara. Potensi-potensi tersebut belum didukung sepenuhnya ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana pariwisata yang memadai untuk pengembangan wisata Pulau Maitara itu sendiri, Salah satu sarana yaitu sarana promosi masih menggunakan cara konfensional yaitu menggunakan surat kabar lokal sehingga informasi ekowisata belum berskala global sehingga perlunya pembuatan website ekowisata sebagai media informasi yang dapat menjangkau wisatawan hingga mancanegara, dalam perancangan website ekowisata menggunakan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak waterfall metode ini terdapat 5 tahap pengembangan yaitu Requirement, Implementation, Verification dan Maintanance, penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah website portal yang telah dipublikasikan dan dapat diakses secara online melalui alamat, aplikasi website portal ekowisata pulau maitara terdapat fitur peta (map) yang memanfaatkan API google yang bertujuan sebagai penunjuk arah bagi para wisatawan yang berasal dari luar daerah, selain itu website portal ini juga memiliki fitur konten viewer yang befungsi dalam memantau konten website yang popular serta diminati oleh pengunjung website
Classification of Device Addiction to Students Using SAS-SV with K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm Method Basyir Al Musthoqfirin Majid; Abdul Mubarak; Salkin Lutfi
Journal of Computer Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology Vol 1, No 1 (2022): COELITE: Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.564 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/coelite.v1i1.51616


A gadget is a small electronic device with a particular purpose, often thought of as an innovation of new goods. Not only to help facilitate human activities, but gadgets are also a part of the lifestyle for modern citizens. With this innovative feature, the gadget has attracted users more and more, or in other words, users have become more addicted to the gadget. This study aims to investigate how addictive gadgets are to students at the Department of Informatic Engineering, Khairun University, Ternate, Indonesia using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Algorithm. In KNN, there is a Training dataset where one set of data contains the class's value and a predictor that will be used as one of the requirements for determining a suitable grade per the predictor. In contrast, the Testing dataset contains the new data that will be classified based on the model made and the accuracy of classification in the data collection process. Questionnaires were made using Google forms, then distributed through the internal groups of the Informatics Engineering department of  Khairun University. A total of 78 questionnaires were successfully collected. The results showed that the testing accuracy with k = 3 is 86% and k = 5 is 80%. This show that KNN algorithm can be applied to measure the level of addiction to students.
Sosialisasi Mencegah Informasi HOAX Terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat (SMA Negeri 3 Tidore) Salkin Lutfi; Alfanugrah A. Hi. Usman; Saiful Do. Abdullah
Jurnal Nusantara Berbakti Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Nusantara Berbakti
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/jnb.v1i3.195


The current development of information technology issued by both individuals and business entities through social and electronic media when it has been sent and read by many people can affect the emotions, feelings, thoughts and even the actions of a person or group. It is very unfortunate if the information conveyed is inaccurate information, moreover the information is false information (hoax) with very provocative titles leading readers and recipients to negative opinions. Negative opinions, slander, hate speech that are received and attack parties or make people afraid, threatened and can harm the party being reported so that they can damage reputation and cause material losses (Aan erlansari, 2020). Many people use the internet as a daily necessity in finding information on social media, especially children who are still in their teenage phase. On the other hand, the spread of HOAX on social media has resulted in hate speech and negative elements in people's social life. In this case the government formed the Anti-Hoax Momentgas, but to counter HOAX the government is not strong enough to work alone, so in this service the author wants to make socialization to prevent HOAX information on people's social life, (SMAN 3 Tidore Kepulauan).