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Risk Assessment to Dust Exposure in Room Maintenance: Analytical Study on Room Maintenance at PT. X (Persero) Building in Surabaya Saiku Rokhim
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): JHSP Vol 1 No 1 - 2017
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (595.609 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v1i1.17


As one of the particulate chemicals, dust could occur in most of the production process and can create interference for workers health and safety. As one of the air pollution sources, dust could became a potential hazard which exist in room maintenances. Protection to workers is a must in order to reduce the risk of respiratory tract syndrome that often could be found in this cases. The aim of this study is to conduct a risk assessment to dust exposure in room maintenance, which held by contractors in PT. X (Persero) building in Surabaya. This is an cross sectional study with obsevation approach. The object of this research is the repairing works. The results indicate that the activities which could produce dust, such as: walls sanding using sandpaper, the tiles dismantle, sawmilling, the wood fiber refining, grinding, mixing and stirring cast materials, and room cleaning. Dust produced from a variety of works including sanddust, cement, lime, wood and dust mixed with paint. The results show that three types of works considere as high-risk activity (value > 12-25), 3 types of work consider as midle risk activities (value > 5-12), and one activity considered as a low-risk work (grades 1-5). The dusk factors controlling should be held regularly, in order to minimize the risk leveln againts the workers.
Kontaminasi Bakteri Escherichia coli pada Sampel Daging Saiful Bahri; Saiku Rokhim; Yosi Setia Prasiska
Journal of Health Science and Prevention Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): JHSP Vol 3 No 1 - 2019
Publisher : State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (763.231 KB) | DOI: 10.29080/jhsp.v3i1.195


Pangan yang berasal dari ternak sangat kita butuhkan karena mengandung protein penting dan mudah dicerna, daging merupakan salah satu pangan yang berasal dari ternak dan sangat bermanfaat bagi tubuh karena mengandung gizi yang lengkap sehingga perlu untuk dilakukan pencegahan kontaminasi terutama oleh bakteri Eschericia coli. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kontaminasi bakteri Escherichia coli pada beberapa sampel daging. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian eksperimental untuk mengidentifikasi bakteri Escherichia coli pada beberapa daging segar menggunakan metode pengenceran dan lama waktu inkubasi yang berbeda dari setiap sampel. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh jumlah kontaminasi bakteri Escherichia coli tertinggi pada sampel daging ayam daripada daging sapi dan daging kambing. Hasil tertinggi kontaminasi bakteri Escherichia coli daging ayam yang melebihi BMCM adalah sebesar 1108 : 1 x 109 dengan kode DA 049-DA 058. Kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh bahwa 18 sampel daging ayam sebanyak (50%) sampel terkontaminasi Escherichia coli, 13 sampel daging sapi sebanyak (38%) terkontaminasi Escherichia coli. Sedangkan 1 daging kambing (0%) tidak terkontaminasi bakteri Escherichia coli.
Patogenitas Nematoda Entomopatogen Heterorhabditis spp. Terhadap Larva Spodoptera litura Hawwa' Cahya Maulida; Saiku Rokhim; Erna Zahro’in
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v6i2.809


Spodoptera litura is a pest in vegetable plants that attacks the leaves and stems. Damage arising from the attack of S. litura can decrease the productivity of plants. Synthetic pesticides are often used in controlling the population of S. litura, but synthetic pesticides have a high negative impact. Potential entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis spp. believed to be effective for controlling pest populations. This study aims to find out the pathogenic value of entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis spp. to the larvae of S. litura. Based on the results obtained Heterorhabditis spp. has a positive influence in causing mortality in the larvae of S. litura. Heterorhabditis spp. mortality of up to 42%. Symptoms indicated by larvae of S. litura affected by Heterorhabditis spp. among them the behavior becomes passive, the body becomes flaccid, the cuticle turns red and the tissues inside the body are destroyed. Obtained pathogenicity value Lc 50 Heterorhabditis spp. 7,690 IJ/ml, as for the factors affecting Heterorhabditis spp. such as humidity, temperature, pH, and light intensity.Keywords – Entomopathogenic Nematodes, Pathogenicity, Spodoptera litura