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Pi: Mathematics Education Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/pmej.v5i1.5282


Abstrak Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi dari hasil pengalaman dan pengamatan peneliti selama pelaksanaan PPL di MTS DDI Bilajeng, bahwa peneliti melihat terdapat beberapa siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar matematika. Dalam pelaksanaan PPL ini mahasiswa PPL melakukan proses belajar mengajar selama empat kali pertemuan dan satu kali evaluasi dengan menggunakan instrumen lembar tes tertulis. Permasalahan yang timbul dalam penelitian ini adalah 1). Faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar matematika materi Relasi dan Fungsi di MTS DDI Bilajeng; 2). Jenis kesulitan seperti apa yang dialami oleh siswa dalam belajar matematika pada materi Relasi dan Fungsi di MTS DDI Bilajeng. Adapun kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah 1). Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan siswa kesulitan dalam belajar matematika khususnya pada materi Relasi dan Fungsi yaitu diantaranya adalah faktor dari kepribadian siswa itu sendiri, faktor kurangnya minat belajar siswa terhadap matematika karena menganggap bahwa matematika itu sangat sukar untuk dipahami dan penuh dengan hitung-hitungan. Serta kurangnya pengetahuan prasyarat yang dimiliki oleh siswa; 2). Jenis kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa adalah kesulitan memahami soal, kesulitan penggunaan konsep dan prinsip, serta kesulitan melakukan aspek komputasi. Katakunci: Diagnosis, Kesulitan Belajar, Relasi dan Fungsi Abstract This research was based on the results of the experiences and observations of researchers during the implementation of PPL at MTS DDI Bilajeng, that the researchers saw that there were some students who had difficulty learning mathematics. In implementing PPL, PPL students carry out the teaching and learning process for four meetings and one evaluation using a written test sheet instrument. The problems that arise in this research are 1). What are the factors that cause students to experience difficulties in learning mathematics with regard to the subject matter of Relations and Functions in MTS DDI Bilajeng; 2). What kinds of difficulties do students experience in learning mathematics in the material Relations and Functions in MTS DDI Bilajeng. The conclusions from the results of this study are 1). The factors that cause students difficulties in learning mathematics, especially in relation to the material of relations and functions, include factors from the student's own personality, the factor of the lack of student interest in mathematics because they think that mathematics is very difficult to understand and is full of calculations. As well as the lack of prerequisite knowledge possessed by students; 2). The types of difficulties experienced by students are difficulty understanding questions, difficulties in using concepts and principles, and difficulties in carrying out aspects of computation. Keywords: Diagnosis, Learning Difficulties, Relationships and Functions
THE ROLE OF USED BAGS AS A CONTAINER IN INFLUENCING THE IMPROVEMENT OF WASTE SEGREGATION IN PENATAHAN VILLAGE Dewi Anggreni; I Made Chandra Mandira; Erni Kumalasari; Ni Kadek Lisa Marlina; Ketut Wisnu Triskananda Sidartha
Abdi Dosen : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 3 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : LPPM Univ. Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.21 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/abdidos.v6i3.1190


The problem taken in the Service Program for the Penatahan village community through the 2022 Real Work Lecture is to increase public awareness about the importance of keeping the environment clean. The Service Program for the Penatahan Village community that we carried out starting from January 10 to February 9 2022 with the offline method. The benefits of this Service Program for us are gaining experience in applying the knowledge gained in higher education and collaborating with the community or certain communities. This Service Program aims to help the Penatahan Village community to reduce scattered waste by carrying out waste collection activities to create a clean environment. The waste problem that occurs in Penatahan Village is caused by the government not having built a garbage disposal site so that there is no place to accommodate garbage originating from households which causes a buildup of garbage. If the accumulated waste is not treated properly, it will cause environmental pollution, which will have an impact on health. After discussing, the work program carried out was that we gave garbage sacks to the people of Penatahan Village as a substitute for trash bins and then sorted the collected waste, which would later be processed into crafts as a form of implementation and solution to the waste problems in Penatahan Village.
Pi: Mathematics Education Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (743.758 KB) | DOI: 10.21067/pmej.v5i1.5282


Abstrak Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi dari hasil pengalaman dan pengamatan peneliti selama pelaksanaan PPL di MTS DDI Bilajeng, bahwa peneliti melihat terdapat beberapa siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar matematika. Dalam pelaksanaan PPL ini mahasiswa PPL melakukan proses belajar mengajar selama empat kali pertemuan dan satu kali evaluasi dengan menggunakan instrumen lembar tes tertulis. Permasalahan yang timbul dalam penelitian ini adalah 1). Faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar matematika materi Relasi dan Fungsi di MTS DDI Bilajeng; 2). Jenis kesulitan seperti apa yang dialami oleh siswa dalam belajar matematika pada materi Relasi dan Fungsi di MTS DDI Bilajeng. Adapun kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah 1). Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan siswa kesulitan dalam belajar matematika khususnya pada materi Relasi dan Fungsi yaitu diantaranya adalah faktor dari kepribadian siswa itu sendiri, faktor kurangnya minat belajar siswa terhadap matematika karena menganggap bahwa matematika itu sangat sukar untuk dipahami dan penuh dengan hitung-hitungan. Serta kurangnya pengetahuan prasyarat yang dimiliki oleh siswa; 2). Jenis kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa adalah kesulitan memahami soal, kesulitan penggunaan konsep dan prinsip, serta kesulitan melakukan aspek komputasi. Katakunci: Diagnosis, Kesulitan Belajar, Relasi dan Fungsi Abstract This research was based on the results of the experiences and observations of researchers during the implementation of PPL at MTS DDI Bilajeng, that the researchers saw that there were some students who had difficulty learning mathematics. In implementing PPL, PPL students carry out the teaching and learning process for four meetings and one evaluation using a written test sheet instrument. The problems that arise in this research are 1). What are the factors that cause students to experience difficulties in learning mathematics with regard to the subject matter of Relations and Functions in MTS DDI Bilajeng; 2). What kinds of difficulties do students experience in learning mathematics in the material Relations and Functions in MTS DDI Bilajeng. The conclusions from the results of this study are 1). The factors that cause students difficulties in learning mathematics, especially in relation to the material of relations and functions, include factors from the student's own personality, the factor of the lack of student interest in mathematics because they think that mathematics is very difficult to understand and is full of calculations. As well as the lack of prerequisite knowledge possessed by students; 2). The types of difficulties experienced by students are difficulty understanding questions, difficulties in using concepts and principles, and difficulties in carrying out aspects of computation. Keywords: Diagnosis, Learning Difficulties, Relationships and Functions