Rahma Husna Yana
Prodi Sosiologi Universitas Teuku Umar

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Journal : community: Pengawas Dinamika Sosial

KONSEPSI MASYARAKAT ACEH TERHADAP PANTI JOMPO irma Juraida; Triyanto Triyanto; Rahma Husna Yana
Jurnal Community Vol 5, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi FISIP Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.341 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jcpds.v5i1.1447


The nursing home as a social institution is a place of assistance for the elderly who are displaced and have socio-economic problems both in their families and communities. Even so, the existence of nursing homes in the community is still often seen as a bit sad and deemed incompatible with the teachings of religion and customs understood by most of the people of Aceh. This study aims to determine and analyze the community's conception of nursing homes as social institutions and use the theory of herbert mead interaction through a series of stages (mind, self and society). The method used in this study is a qualitative approach. The results of the field research show that the community (social) conception of nursing homes is determined more by the knowledge and understanding of informants representing the community in accordance with the values and norms that develop in the community concerned through a series of stages (mind, self and society).
MERAWAT PANCASILA DI NEGERI SYARIAT ISLAM Triyanto Triyanto; Yeni Sri Lestari; Irma Juraida; Rahma Husna Yana
Jurnal Community Vol 5, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi FISIP Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (197.087 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jcpds.v5i1.1116


There has been a lot of attention on the implementation of Islamic Sharia in Aceh, and some have even linked it to human rights violations. The most important thing for Indonesian citizens is that the implementation of Islamic law can be regarded as a denial of the Pancasila as the basis of the state which has played a close role in binding Indonesian unity. If Jakarta has permitted the implementation of Islamic Sharia in Aceh, then how do Acehnese citizens take care of Pancasila? The research data shows that the implementation of Islamic Sharia does not violate Pancasila but precisely the actual implementation of the first principle of Pancasila. To that end, caring for Pancasila requires many community leaders in rural areas such as the older generation who still view the importance of Pancasila as the basis of the state, given the many differences that exist in Indonesian society. In addition to these community leaders, the socialization carried out by the regional government must choose people who are truly capable of transforming their understanding of the harmony of Islamic Sharia with Pancasila and not merely ceremonial socialization that only stops with people or figures and formal officials who have never fight for the existence of Pancasila in Aceh.  
Rasionalitas Pengetahuan dan Kemampuan Penanganan Covid-19 (Studi Pemahaman Mahasiswa di Aceh Barat) Triyanto Triyanto; Rahma Husna Yana; Nurkhalis Nurkhalis; Irma Juraida
Jurnal Community Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi FISIP Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jcpds.v7i1.3824


The existence of COVID-19 has attracted the attention of the public, even at the beginning of its appearance, this disease was frightening. However, when there are calls to work at home, worship at home, and various policies that are considered detrimental to the community, and exacerbated by hoax news, slowly there is rejection and even distrust of the existence of COVID-19. So this research was carried out to see how students' knowledge about covid-19 and their belief in the ability of the state through the government both at the center and the regions. Students were chosen as research objects, apart from the fact that some students did not carry out health protocols on campus, also because students were seen as agents of change so that good knowledge of students would bring good knowledge to the community. The results showed that students had good knowledge and were in tune with the information provided by the government. Regarding some students not wearing masks, it was more because they were not in a crowd. Students believe that the state through the government can handle this covid-19 well, although students also see that there are some unsatisfactory things such as the ban on going home, Chinese foreign workers are instead allowed to come. Even though these foreign workers continue to carry out strict screening, they are ensured that they are in safe conditions for the community. The non-applicability of the lockdown is also considered a weakness in handling, even though the government has explained the economic growth that must be fought for.
Konsepsi Pembentukan Sistem Nilai Pancasila dan Syariat Islam Sebagai Landasan Sikap dan Perilaku Pada Masyarakat Perdesaan Aceh Barat Triyanto Triyanto; Irma Juraida; Rahma Husna Yana
Jurnal Community Vol 5, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi Sosiologi FISIP Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.766 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jcpds.v5i2.1528


The people of Aceh are currently confronted with two value systems that can be said to be their way of life. The two value systems are value systems based on Pancasila and value systems based on Islamic Sharia. Based on this it is important to know how this value system is formed in society so that everyday behavior will follow the Pancasila or Islamic Sharia value system. The results of the study show that the value system between the two can run together and there isn't a very significant difference. Differences occur only because of interpretation or understanding. The process of formation in addition to the acceptance of values by the community itself through an understanding of daily events is also determined by other components of society such as government officials, village leaders, teungku (religious leaders), and ureueng carong (clever clever people). This component has access to convey even sometimes can be imposed on the community. The community also adopts a value system from what the figures convey as well as adopting their learning from everyday behavior.