Hanif Azhar
STAI Hasan Jufri Bawean

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CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): JUNI 2015
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hasan Jufri Bawean

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37348/cendekia.v1i1.3


The tenure of attorney general of Indonesia Republic that is not strictly regulated in the prosecutor law has created legal uncertainty. By descriptive analysis, this issue will be studied in fiqh siyasah (islamic political law). In the Indonesian state administration, the attorney general's tenure that is based on the constitutional convention, which was later confirmed by the Constitutional Court decision, is 5 years old. This assertion is intended to eliminate the legal uncertainty over the conditions governing the tenure. The regulations are in line with the general principles and rules of islamic law which are principle mashlah mursalah and tasharruf al-imam 'ala al-ra'iyyah manuthun bi al-maslahah.
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): DESEMBER 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hasan Jufri Bawean

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37348/cendekia.v4i2.61


This research is motivated by the prescription in the Indonesia Criminal Code (KUHP) which is became one of the causes of a prosecutor cannot prosecute and execute a sentence against a criminal offender. A concept that was initially unknown in Islamic criminal law (fiqh jinayah). The purpose of this study is to compare the concepts of prescription in the Indonesia Criminal Code and Islamic jurisprudence. This study uses a library research method with a comparative approach. The conclusion of this study is that the Indonesia Criminal Code the prescription applies to all criminal acts at the level of prosecution and the execution of penalties. On another side the prescription in Islamic criminal law can only be applied to takzir crime at the same level, namely prosecution and executing sentences.
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hasan Jufri Bawean

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research is based on the editorial of article 31 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) regarding the possibility of a suspension of detention for a suspect or defendant on bail. The phrase "guaranteed people" suggests the meaning of "self-guarantee" which can be understood that if it turns out that the suspect or defendant escapes, the guarantor will replace the suspect or defendant in the legal process. Articles 35 and 36 of PP No. 27 of 1983 concerning the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) makes it clear to this editorial that what is meant by "person guarantees" is ultimately money guarantees as well, but those that come from guarantors, not from suspects or defendants as well as suspension of detention with money guarantees. From here the author wants to study further this provision from the perspective of Islamic law by tracing the literature of Islamic law relating to the guarantee of suspension of detention. The questions that are then asked are: First, what is the mechanism for guaranteeing the suspension of detention with personal guarantees according to the Criminal Procedure Code? Second, what is the perspective of Islamic law on people's guarantees in suspension of detention? Third, what are the similarities and differences between these two legal concepts? This study uses a normative legal research method (juridical normative) with a comparative approach where this approach is carried out to compare two legal issues that have similarities in two different legal systems: positive law and Islamic law. from this study it was concluded that the concept of guarantees of persons in suspension of detention has equivalents in Islamic law. Both are based on the provisions of material law, namely civil in terms of positive law and muamalah in terms of Islamic law. The two aspects of these two legal systems basically have the same goal, namely to enforce material law where law enforcement officers must ensure the implementation of procedural law procedures properly as a form of upholding justice and legal certainty.
Pemberatan Pidana terdahap Residivis dalam Pandangan Hukum Pidana Islam Hanif Azhar
Al-Jinayah: Jurnal Hukum Pidana Islam Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Prodi Hukum Pidana Islam Fakultas Syari’ah dan Hukum Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4711.092 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/aj.2019.5.2.381-405


In criminal law theory the term repetition of a criminal act (recidive) is known. In the Criminal Code of Indonesia, recidive is a reason to increase the punishment for criminal offenders, in addition to the criminal act, the position as a civil servant and the crime of using a state flag. The concept of criminal prosecution is inseparable from the purpose of punishment itself, in general. However, the regulation in the Criminal Code of Indonesia is considered to be too complicated to make improvements. Unfortunately the Criminal Code Bill is still in the process of maturation and certainly has not been promulgated. The concept of punishment is also known in Islamic criminal law as ‘aud. This paper aims to compare the recidive concept and the ‘aud. From this study, it was concluded that first, from the aspect of equality in principle, both of them have more or less the same principles, namely: (1) the perpetrators of criminal acts must be punished based on a court decision that has permanent legal force, (2) if the criminal offender repeats the criminal act then the sentence against it can be aggravated. Second, from the aspect of the difference, for criminal offenders who have become "accustomed" to committing crimes, there is no longer a feeling of guilt when committing crimes, according to Islamic Criminal Law, perpetrators must be eliminated from people's lives with two punishment options: death sentence or imprisonment lifetime. While in positive criminal law, the provisions that apply are not always the case. However, because the principle of punishment for the ‘aud basically uses the principle of Jarimah Ta’zir, then Ulil Amri can regulate differently, according to the principle of the goal of punishment itself. Abstrak: Pengulangan tindak pidana atau recidive dalam KUHP merupakan alasan untuk memperberat hukuman bagi pelaku tindak pidana. Namun dalam pengaturannya di dalam KUHP dianggap terlalu rumit hingga perlu diadakan penyempurnaan, sedangkan R-KUHP masih terus dalam proses pematangan. Konsep pemberatan hukuman ini juga dikenal dalam hukum pidana islam dengan istilah ‘aud. Tulisan ini bertujuan membandingkan antara konsep recidive dan ‘aud tersebut. Kesimpulan dari tulisan ini adalah bahwa pertama, dari aspek persamaan, keduanya memiliki prinsip yang hamper sama, yaitu: (1) pelaku tindak pidana harus dihukum berdasarkan putusan pengadilan, (2) apabila pelaku tindak pidana mengulangi perbuatannya maka hukumannya dapat diperberat. Kedua, dari aspek perbedaannya, untuk pelaku tindak pidana yang “telah menjadi terbiasa” berbuat pidana, menurut Hukum Pidana Islam, pelaku harus dieliminasi dari kehidupan masyarakat dengan dua opsi hukuman: hukuman mati atau penjara seumur hidup. Sedangkan dalam hukum pidana positif, ketentuan yang diberlakukan tidak selalu demikian. Namun demikian, karena prinsip pemidanaan atas ‘aud menggunakan prinsip jarimah ta’zir, maka ulil amri dapat mengatur berbeda sesuai dengan prinsip dari tujuan pemidanaan itu sendiri.
Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Bermasalah di KSPPS Bina Syariah Ummah Cabang Bawean Hanif Azhar; Sarifatul Aini; Intan Widuri
CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): DESEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hasan Jufri Bawean

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37348/cendekia.v8i2.235


Abstract: This research was conducted to answer several questions: What are the causes of problematic financing at KSPPS Bina Syariah Ummah Bawean Branch?, what steps have been taken to deal with this problem?, and what steps have been prepared to minimize the potential for problematic financing to arise in the future ?. This research uses a type of normative-empirical legal research with a conceptual approach, a statutory approach, and a case study approach to legal events. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data sources were obtained from interviews with the KSPPS Bina Syari'ah Ummah Bawean Branch. Secondary data sources were obtained from literature studies and document studies. Data collection techniques were carried out by document studies and interviews. The results of this study concluded that the factors causing problematic financing at KSPPS Bina Syariah Ummah Bawean Branch consisted of 2 aspects: internal and external. Internal aspects (cooperatives) in the form of not implementing the precautionary principle properly. While external factors (partners) are dishonesty and indiscipline, non-permanent income, business failures and disasters that befall their businesses. There are two settlement procedures used: rescheduling and collateral execution (selling collateral). While preventive measures are carried out by actually implementing the Management Operational Standards in a preventive (prevention) and curative (resolving efforts) way.Keywords: problem financing, KSPPS, Bina Syariah Ummah, Bawean Branch Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan guna menjawab beberapa pertanyaan: Apa penyebab pembiayaan bermasalah di KSPPS Bina Syariah Ummah Cabang Bawean ?, langkah apa saja yang telah dilakukan guna menangani masalah ini ?, dan langkah apa saja yang dipersiapkan untuk meminimalisir potensi timbulnya pembiayaan bermasalah di masa mendatang ?. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif-empiris dengan pendekatan konseptual, pendekatan perundang-undangan, dan pendekatan studi kasus pada peristiwa hukum. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data primer didapat dari wawancara kepada pihak KSPPS Bina Syari’ah Ummah Cabang Bawean. Sumber data sekunder diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan dan studi dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa faktor penyebab terjadinya pembiayaan bermasalah di KSPPS Bina Syariah Ummah Cabang Bawean terdiri dari 2 aspek: internal dan eksternal. Aspek internal (koperasi) berupa tidak dijalankannya prinsip kehati-hatian dengan benar. Sementara faktor eksternal (mitra) berupa ketidakjujuran dan ketidakdisiplinan, penghasilan bukan dari pekerjaan tetap, kegagalan usaha dan musibah yang menimpa usahanya. Prosedur penyelesaian yang digunakan ada dua: rescheduling (penjadwalan kembali) dan eksekusi jaminan (menjual jaminan). Sementara langkah pencegahan dilakukan dengan benar-benar melaksanakan Standar Operasional Manajemen dengan cara preventif (pencegahan) dan kuratif (upaya penyelesaian).Kata kunci: pembiayaan bermasalah, KSPPS, Bina Syariah Ummah, Cabang Bawean