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Sebuah Interpretasi Kontemporer Atas Fenomena Kebahasaan Dalam Al-Qur’an: Interpretasi Kontemporer Atas Fenomena Kebahasaan Dalam Al-Qur’an Nopri Dwi Siswanto; Stevan Malik; Mutia Fauzia
Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Februari 2022

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Pembentukan Lingkungan Bahasa Arab dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Bahasa Arab pada Pesantren Bahasa Arab (MIM LAM) Muhammad Awwaludin; Stevan Malik; Nopri Dwi Siswanto
Definisi: Jurnal Agama dan Sosial Humaniora Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Definisi: Jurnal Agama dan Sosial Humaniora
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1557/djash.v1i1.16716


Lingkungan berbahasa Arab adalah tempat seseorang berinteraksi dengan orang lain melalui penggunaan bahasa Arab sebagai alat komunikasi. Lingkungan merupakan fasilitas pertama bagi seseorang untuk memperoleh bahasa apapun baik bahasa ibu maupun bahasa kedua. Lingkungan berbahasa Arab di pesantren Bahasa Arab merupakan sarana untuk pengembangan keterampilan dasar berbahasa Arab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa strategi pembentukan lingkungan bahasa menjadi faktor utama dalam keberhasilan pembelajaran keterampilan berbicara asing khusunya Bahasa Arab. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah musyrif pondok yang berjumlah 2 orang dan objeknya adalah mahasiswa/i semester 3 sampai dengan 7 yang berjumlah 72 orang.  Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara mendalam serta menelaah dan mengekploarasi beberapa artikel jurnal, buku-buku, dan sumber informasi lainya yang dianggap relevan dengan kajian. Instrumen ini digunakan guna untuk mengumpulkan data-data tentang strategi pembentukan lingkungan berbahasa Arab untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pembentukan lingkungan bahasa harus menjadi tanggung jawab pengelola pesantren dan semua pengurus asrama dengan melibatkan seluruh mahasiswa. Dengan demikian lingkungan bahasa dapat berjalan baik. Pembentukan lingkungan bahasa dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai aktivitas kebahasaan, antara lain: pengembangan kosa kata (mufrodat), pemajangan kosa kata bahasa arab (poster) di fasilitas lingkungan bahasa, praktek bahasa arab dalam komunikasi sehari-hari, praktek pidato dan radio bahasa Arab.
Ilmuna: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam STIT al Urwatul Wutsqo Bulurejo Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54437/ilmuna.v5i2.1245


Moral development plays an important role to be implemented among the University students because they will be the next generation to build this nation. One of the way to develop their moral is asking them to join Islamic organization, such as organization of Student Da'wah Institution in the University. The focus of this research is to investigate the moral development through the organization of Student Da 'wah Institutions in Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung. The approach of this research was qualitatively with descriptive method. The data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation techniques.  The results of this research showed that moral built through the program were about emotional management, mentoring, Muslimah sharing, leadership, mental building for the homeless children, Ramadan week, Da'wah Dai'at, and social media. The programs are divided into daily program, weekly program, and monthly program. Moral development process consists of two processes. Those are General process for all of the students; and specialized process for members of the organization. The evaluation of moral development was done by non-test technique or observation. The effect of this program is the students have good moral value and personality.
The Effect of The Debate Method in Learning Arabic on The Improvement of Student’s Listening and Speaking Skills Ade Nandang S; Nanang Kosim; Nopri Dwi Siswanto
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 26 (2023): The 1st Arabic Language Learning International Conference (ALLICO)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This research is based on students' prolematics in learning Arabic. Most students have not paid much attention to Arabic material. This causes their weak ability to listen and speak. And that leads to delays in achieving the goals of listening and speaking skills themselves. Judging from the monthly average score of students, as many as 37.5% of students got scores above the KKM on listening skills. Then as many as 45% of students scored above the KKM on speaking ability. The remaining 62.5% of students who scored below the KKM on listening skills, and 55% of students who scored below the KKM on speaking ability. Based on the results of the author's observations in the field, language learning methods Arabic used by teachers in teaching has not been effective, especially in improving listening and speaking skills at Al-Basyariyah Islamic Boarding School Bandung. The debate method is a method that uses thoughts and ideas between two opposing camps that reinforce each other's arguments. There are three terms that must be understood correctly, namely the method approach, and the model in teaching. Listening ability is a person's ability to understand words or sentences spoken by someone or heard through audio. Speaking ability is the ability to express the sounds in a sentence. related ideas conveyed and responding to the statements of others.The purpose of this study was to determine the students' listening ability in learning Arabic, and also to determine their speaking ability in learning Arabic, and to determine the effect of using the debate method on students' listening and speaking skills. The method used in this study was the true experimental design method. And the approach used in this research is a quantitative approach. The data collection method in this study was carried out by direct observation, personal interviews, and tests.The results of this study are that the students' listening ability before using the debate method in Arabic learning shows a good level, this is indicated by an average score of 71. The students' listening ability after using the debate method in Arabic learning shows a very good level, with the average value is 87. While the students' speaking ability before using the debate method in Arabic learning shows a good level, this can be seen in the results of the score with a percentage of 47% while the students' speaking ability after using the debate method shows very good results, This can be seen in the results of the value with a percentage of 66%. The use of the debate method has an effect on the listening ability of experimental class students as much as 0.6, there is an increase of 58%. For the experimental class speaking ability of 0.4, there was an increase of 37%. And as a comparison balance for the control class on listening skills of 0.4, there is an increase of 41%. And in students' speaking ability as much as 0.1 there is an increase of 12%. It can be concluded that the use of the debate method to determine the improvement of students' listening and speaking abilities is very effective compared to students who do not use the debate method (control class).