Mirza Nasution
Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Kedudukan Surat Edaran Gubernur Aceh Nomor 450/21770 Tentang Larangan Mengadakan Pengajian Selain Dari I’tiqad Ahlussunnah Waljamaah Yang Bersumber Dari Mazhab Syafi’iyah Terhadap Qanun Nomor 8 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pokok-Pokok Syariat Islam Muhammad Nur Miswari; Faisal Akbar Nasution; Mirza Nasution; Chairul Bariah
Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Juni - September
Publisher : Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/is.v2i2.130


The provisions of Permendagri Number 55 of 2010 concerning Administration of Service Scripts within the Ministry of Home Affairs Article 1 43 states that Circular Letters are official texts containing notifications, explanations, and/or instructions based on how to carry out certain things that are considered important and urgent. Then in the Regulation of the Head of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Official Manuscripts, circulars are classified as products of official manuscripts. So ideally the Circular Letter is only a communication tool in the form of notification to internal circles. The issuance of the Circular Letter of the Governor of Aceh Number 450/21770 concerning the Prohibition of Holding Recitations Other than I'tiqad Ahlussunnah Waljamaah which is sourced from the Syafi'iyah School of Law by the Acting Governor of Aceh has created a new problem, namely the forcible dissolution of the recitation by a group calling itself a warrior. ASWAJA, as well as the Aceh Governor's Circular has reduced the rights of citizens protected by the constitution, the Head of the Aceh Ombudsman gave the opinion that the SE was revoked by the issuance of the SE it would lead to intolerance between religious communities and enter the realm of maladministration. The approach method in this research is using a sociological juridical method using a statute approach, a historical approach, and a case approach. The results of research from the Aceh government in making policies were formed by the Aceh People's Representative Council (DPRA) and the Aceh Governor on the advice and input of the MPU, but in terms of the formation of the SE issued by the Aceh Governor this is a regulation that comes from freies ermessen or discretion it is only an official document. Thus, the SE needs to be supervised by the Ombudsman, DPRA, and also the State Administrative Court as an institution in the public service.
Perlindungan Hak Kebebasan Berpendapat Di Media Sosial Bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia (Analisis Putusan Nomor. 3168/Pid.Sus/2018/PN MDN, Putusan Nomor 806/Pid.Sus/2019/PT MDN, Dan Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 3880/TU/2020/2667 K/PID.SUS/2020) Syafrizal Syafrizal; Budiman Ginting; Mirza Nasution; Jelly Leviza
Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Juni - September
Publisher : Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/is.v3i2.238


The phenomenon of hate speech and hoaxes with the nuances of hate speech is increasingly happening through social media. many civil servants are entangled in legal cases related to hate speech in their reactions on social media. So this research is intended to analyze how the form of legal protection for freedom of expression on social media for civil servants is regulated in international human rights instruments and laws and regulations in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the legal protection of the right to freedom of expression for civil servants on social media is a human right that has been regulated and guaranteed in national legal instruments and is implicitly regulated in international human rights legal instruments. The legal protection regulated in the ITE Law is to continue to guarantee the implementation of the freedom for civil servants to express opinions on social media as long as it is not classified as hate speech, namely insults, defamation, blasphemy, provoking, inciting, fake news that has the impact of violence, social conflict, and discrimination. to provide clear boundaries that an action can be classified as hate speech, there are 6 (six) parameters: 1. Malicious intent, 2. Must be informative, 3. There is a clear/specific target of hatred, 4. Context of hate speech. must be precise, 5. The scope of hate speech, and 6. There is a quick reaction of hatred
Analisis Yuridis Sistem Proporsional Terbuka Dalam Sistem Pemilihan Umum Di Indonesia Menurut Undang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pemilihan Umum Pada Pemilihan Umum Legislatif Tahun 2019 Tody Valery; Mirza Nasution; Mahmud Mulyadi; Syarifah Lisa
Jurnal Pencerah Bangsa Vol 3, No 2 (2024): JPB
Publisher : Jurnal Pencerah Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini mengkaji sistem pemilu proporsional terbuka yang diterapkan di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sistem pemilu proporsional terbuka yang diterapkan pada pemilu legislatif di Indonesia karena munculnya pemikiran untuk mengubah sistem proporsional terbuka menjadi proporsional tertutup. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan sistem pemilu proporsional terbuka lebih tepat dibandingkan dengan sistem proporsional tertutup karena sistem ini sesuai dengan karakteristik kedaulatan rakyat yang dipegang oleh Indonesia dan dapat menghasilkan wakil rakyat yang lebih banyak. akuntabel dan dekat dengan konstituennya. Sistem pemilu proporsional terbuka ini berpotensi melemahkan peran partai sehingga partai politik tidak hanya kehilangan legitimasi dari masyarakat tetapi juga kehilangan perannya sebagai wadah rekrutmen politik, peran dalam meningkatkan pendidikan dan partisipasi politik. Penerapan sistem pemilu proporsional terbuka juga berdampak pada biaya kampanye atau biaya politik yang cenderung mahal sehingga menimbulkan beberapa kasus jual beli suara