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POTENSI TINGGALAN ARKEOLOGI DAN PARIWISATA DI KEPULAUAN SANGIHE, PROVINSI SULAWESI UTARA (THE POTENCY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS AND TOURISM IN ISLAND SANGIHE, NORTH SULAWESI PROVINCE) Dwi Kurnia Sandy; Natasha Devanand Dhanwani; Alem Putra Arma; Sandy Maulana Yusuf; Fuad Anshori; Sultan Kurnia Alam Bagagasyah; Muhammad Destrianto; Sheila Ayu Rachmadiena; Mahardika Budiansyah; Muslim Dimas Khoir; Fairus Aziz; Nurdin Nasir Gusfa; Arsyananda Rabbani
Naditira Widya Vol 13 No 1 (2019): NADITIRA WIDYA
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1620.666 KB) | DOI: 10.24832/nw.v13i1.325


Sebagai daerah terdepan negara Indonesia, Sangihe menyajikan sumber daya arkeologi yang belum banyak diketahui masyarakat. Hal ini wajar karena para peneliti yang fokus pada kebudayaan jarang memperhatikan tinggalantinggalan arkeologis yang ditemukan di kawasan perbatasan. Tulisan ini memaparkan potensi tinggalan arkeologis di Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe yang berada di kawasan utara Pulau Sulawesi yang berbatasan dengan kawasan selatan negara Filipina. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan arkeologis dengan mengkaji tinggalan-tinggalan bendawi seperti kapal karam, rumah kuno, makam, dan keramik kuno, serta didukung pendekatan etnohistoris yang menekankan pada data etnografi dan arsip sejarah. Penelitian ini bersifat eksploratif dan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyelaman di perairan Sangihe. Hasil penelitian adalah identifikasi dan deskripsi tinggalan arkeologis di kawasan kepulauan Sangihe yang menunjukkan kawasan tersebut adalah pintu gerbang utara dalam konteks penyebaran kebudayaan ke kepulauan Nusantara, serta pemanfaatan potensi tinggalan arkeologis untuk pariwisata. Selanjutnya, diharapkan bahwa hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai referensi untuk penelitian-penelitian. As the frontier region of Indonesia, Sangihe presents archaeological resources that have not yet known by the public. Such circumstance is understandable since researchers who focus on culture rarely pay attention on archaeological remains discovered in the border regions. This paper describes the potential of archaeological remains in Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe on the northern region of Island Sulawesi that borders with the southern region of the Philippines. This research was conducted using an archaeological approach by examining material remains such as shipwrecks, ancient houses, tombs, and ancient ceramics, and supported by an ethnistorical approach emphasising on the study of ethnography and historical archives. This is an explorative research and data collection is carried out by diving in Sangihe waters. The results of this investigation are identifications and descriptions of archaeological remains in the Sangihe archipelago that suggest the region as the northern gate in the context of culture distribution into Nusantara, as well as the use of potential archaeological remains for tourism. Further, this present study is expected to be a reference for future projections.
Latar Belakang Pemilihan Tahuna Sebagai Pusat Ekonomi dan Politik Masa Hindia Belanda Dwi Kurnia Sandy; Nur Izzatul Ulum
Tumotowa Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/tmt.v3i1.42


Tahuna is the capital city of The Sangihe Islands Regency within the Tahuna Bay region. This region has been inhabited by various communities as the economic and political center. Since the end of the 19th century, Tahuna has carried out this role. This was inseparable from the placement of representatives of the Dutch Indies Government on Sangihe Besar Island in 1882. The existence of the Dutch Indies Government was inseparable from the high demand for copra on the world market. Therefore, the Dutch East Indies government is looking for regions capable of boosting the need for copra exports. One such area is Sangihe Besar Island. Tahuna's role in the copra trade was as the center for the distribution of copra to Manado. To find out the reason for choosing the year, this paper uses spatial analysis and analysis of the physical environment. Both data from the analysis results are then combined with the fiber to be interpreted to get the factors considered in the choice of location. The results showed that there were three factors behind the election of Tahuna, namely economic factors related to copra trade, geographical factors related to the location of ports and political factors related to the formation of a government hierarchy and the location of settlement locations.