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Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 19, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

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AbstractWayang becomes one of evidences of Indonesians history in a cultural transformation. Wayang stories become more various by the Hindu’s stories influences which are Ramayana and Mahabharata. Both of Hindu’s stories influence on creating newwayang stories, but the old stories are not discarded.A thought about grandeur values of human life with its excellence and weakness symbolizes three choices of valueshierarchy of the wayang story. First, matter values concerningabout worldly pleasure. Second, spiritual values, they are truth,goodness, and beauty values. Three, religious values, they areholiness and eternity values. A consideration based on the needs of values hierarchy and way of thinking is that a modernization process does not need to eliminate the roles of spiritual and religious values. Religious values are brought into being sources of reference to settle life problems. Spiritual values are kept being put in a hierarchy which is more glorious than worldly values. An urgent problem in the framework of developing nation identity is the ideal type of Indonesian in the future. The ideal type of Indonesian should has three dimensions: bio individual, social organizational, and theological dimension.Keyword: Wayang, values hierarchy, modernization.
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 23, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.007 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.13194


All nations may have similarities and differences in value systems. The values, which are considered noble by each nation's culture, are generally similar, but the hierarchy of believed values is different. The hierarchy of values is a specific historical product of each nation. Hatta explained that main ideas of Pancasila as the state ideology is formulated in the Preamble of the Constitution (Undang-Undang Dasar 1945). An issue that should be considered is to formulate Pancasila as an ethical norm of Indonesian life. The ethical norm is formed as the basic for building Indonesians dignity in the future. The ethics of Pancasila is an ethical norm as a guidance for the State and people of Indonesia in implementing Pancasila. In implementing Pancasila, the State must provide a guarantee for people of Indonesia in practicing their religious beliefs, obtaining a decent livelihood and their human rights, promoting the establishment of unity in diversity, majoring consultative dialogue and rejecting authoritarianism, and also actualizing the social justice through political and economical justice.
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 19, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (61.334 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.3444


AbstractWayang becomes one of evidences of Indonesians history in a cultural transformation. Wayang stories become more various by the Hindu’s stories influences which are Ramayana and Mahabharata. Both of Hindu’s stories influence on creating newwayang stories, but the old stories are not discarded.A thought about grandeur values of human life with its excellence and weakness symbolizes three choices of valueshierarchy of the wayang story. First, matter values concerningabout worldly pleasure. Second, spiritual values, they are truth,goodness, and beauty values. Three, religious values, they areholiness and eternity values. A consideration based on the needs of values hierarchy and way of thinking is that a modernization process does not need to eliminate the roles of spiritual and religious values. Religious values are brought into being sources of reference to settle life problems. Spiritual values are kept being put in a hierarchy which is more glorious than worldly values. An urgent problem in the framework of developing nation identity is the ideal type of Indonesian in the future. The ideal type of Indonesian should has three dimensions: bio individual, social organizational, and theological dimension.Keyword: Wayang, values hierarchy, modernization.
Fenomenologi Husserl sebagai Dasar Mengembangkan Filsafat dan Dasar Menentukan Ukuran Kebenaran Soeprapto, Sri
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Jurnal Filsafat Seri 30 Oktober 1999
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5197.46 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.31681


The aim of this research is to evaluate Husserl's phenomenology in order to be used as a foundation in developing philosophy. Husserl develops phenomenology as a philosophical method in order to find an evidence truth. Husserl's phenomenology is very important to develop philosophy as a scientific analysis.This research is the literature study on Husserl's phenomenology. The primary source are the books of Husserl. Some element of philosophical analysis that are interpretation, comparative, and hermenutic were used in analysing the data collected.The result of the research shows that phenomenology do not emphasize inductive apporch but used on intuitive insight. Phenomenology based on a phenomenon but on intensionality. The main function of intentionality is to reveral a covered of reality by the way objectivation, identification, and to systematize all of the nature or the essence of the object. The methodogical steps are phenomenological reduction, eidetic reduction, and transendental reduction. The enquiry steps are the enquiry of the particular phenomenon, the universal phenomenon, the nature of phenomenon, the existence, the insight of consciousness, to put off the existence of phenomenon, and to interpret the meaning of those phenomenon. The enquiry steps of phenomenology can be used to decide a criterion of the truth. The truth is not be based on the empirical verification and rationality only, but on comformity with intuitive insight as well.
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 26, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.982 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.12625


Hatuhaha Amarima Lou Nusa refers to an indigenous group that has a specific culture from ancestors to contemporary times. The content of cultural values of Hatuhaha Amarima is important to be applied to the context of the daily lives of Hatuhaha Amarima Lou Nusa's people in particular and Indonesia in general. This paper aims to reveal the dynamics of historical and cultural forms of Hatuhaha Amarima, and to explore the nature of Hatuhaha Amarima, along with the values which contained in it with Cornelis Anthonie van Peursen's philosophy of culture perspective. The essence of Hatuhaha Amarima are contained with society (human), history, territory, customs and culture, and language. As the result, the study explaints the epistemologycal aspect of Hatuhaha Amarima in its realistic nature. Also, the study finds a cultural polarization of Hatuhaha Amarima that is as monodualistic in its nature, so it is presenting the feel of living together in multiculturalism with relative condition; ethnicity, religion, and culture. One of the most important point of culture that was passed on by people of Hatuhaha Amarima is the relation of I – You. This is existing in the context of kinship systems, family systems and brotherhood. Obviously, the cultural values of Hatuhaha Amarima has tighted connection with Bhineka Tunggal Ika's principles, so that it is important to applicate it to the context of the state living integrity and nation in Indonesia. The soul of cultural values of Hatuhaha Amarima represented of the ideal values of Pancasila and universal values.
Landasan Pengembangan Filsafat Pancasila Supadjar, Damardjati; Mudhofir, Ali; Soeprapto, Sri; Bakry, Noor MS.
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Jurnal Filsafat Seri 26 Desember 1996
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1760.145 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.31641


Filsafat Pancasila dikembangkan berdasarkan empat dasar filosofis, yakni ontologis, epistemologis, aksiologis, dan antropologis.
Kedudukan Metafisika dalam Kawasan Keilmuan Soeprapto, Sri
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Jurnal Filsafat Seri 18 Mei 1994
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1383.783 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.31531


Metafisika dinamakan filsafat pertama oleh Aristoteles.
Aktualisasi Nilai-nilai Filsafat Pancasila Notonagoro Soeprapto, Sri
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Jurnal Filsafat Seri 22 Agustus 1995
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6828.561 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.31577


Refleksi filsafati yang telah dikembangkan oleh Notonagoro untuk menggali nilai-nilai abstrak-hakikat sila-sila Pancasila, yang kemudian dijadikan pangkal tolak pelaksanaanya berupa konsep pengalaman yang bersifat subjektif.
Dasar-dasar Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan di Indonesia Soeprapto, Sri; Jirzanah, Jirzanah
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Jurnal Filsafat Seri 21 Mei 1995
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (887.723 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.31566


Masyarakat negara dan kehidupan pada umumnya sangat memerlukan ilmu pengetahuan untuk mempercepat proses ke arah tujuan yang dicita-citakan. Persoalan-persoalan hidup manusia dalam kenyataan sangat kompleks, maka pendekatannya dan pemecahannya juga sangat kompleks.
Epistemologi Kritisisme Royce sebagai Dasar Menentukan Ukuran Kebenaran Soeprapto, Sri
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Jurnal Filsafat Seri 29 Juni 1999
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1955.469 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jf.31673


Royce explains the meaning of idea as a representative of facts or as a idea which correspond with that facts. The facts were understood as external meanings of idea, whereas the essence as internal meaning of idea. The probelm of this research is how the relation between the concept of idea and the facts? and what is the criterion of the truth? The aim of this research are to systematize and to evaluate concept of Criticism which be promoted by Royce as a foundation to definite the criterion of the truth.The material object of this research are the books have been written by Royce and be supported by the books of researchers which have analyzed Royce's books. Dara collected by analyzed by interpretation, coherency intern, and comparative methods. Interpretation and intern coherency method are intended to systematize Criticism concept of Royce. Comparative method is used to evaluate and to compare Royce's concept with other Criticism concept.The result of this research appers that meaning of internal idea an intuitive knowledge about the ultimate, which have the highest truth. The intuitive knowledge is direct knowledge, so that its charactersitic is a potential truth until be examined by the others subject. The facts are external meaning which not the all of them can by systematized by the internal meaning of idea. The external meaning not automatically as a truth. The truth of knowledge about the objects is a process of systematicize the external meaning by the internal meaning of idea. Â